COVID 19 Safety Update:
As we move toward holding more worship services and events in person, we are also moving into the cold and flu season. We want to be mindful of our health and well-being as individuals and as a community. This means that we will be keeping close track of the Community Risk Level as it is indicated on the COVID Act Now website for Washington County.
And we will follow these basic guidelines:
Community Risk Level:
LOW Masks are not required;
those who prefer to wear them are encouraged to do so.
MEDIUM Masks are required;
singers and speakers up front can
remove masks when they sing/speak.
HIGH Masks are required for everyone;
we may choose to refrain from in-person worship
and meet via Zoom only.
If the Community Risk Level changes prior to Sunday
in-person worship, we will send out a Special Faith News
Email Bulletin. Please look for that bulletin in your email
inbox on Saturday evening or Sunday morning before you
leave the house, to learn the Community Risk Level and proceed accordingly. As always, if you have a cough, a fever,
or any cold or flu-like symptoms, we ask you to stay home
and join us online.