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Community of ChristChurch
Faith News 4.11
Hybrid Worship
Sunday, April 14th, 2024, 
at 9:00am
@ Aloha United Methodist Church

2270 SW 198th Ave, Aloha, OR 97003

with guest preacher,
Pastor Keren Rodriguez
Below is the text link for the week:
April 2024 Worship Schedule:
For the month of April,

our pattern for weekly worship will look like this:


1st Sunday (April 7th) 9am

Online Worship (Zoom only)


2nd Sunday (April 14th) 9am

Hybrid Worship* (In-Person & YouTube Live Stream)

*Guest Preacher: Pastor Keren Rodriguez


3rd Sunday (April 21st) 9am

Online Worship (Zoom only)


4th Sunday (April 28th) 9am

Hybrid Worship (In-Person & YouTube Live Stream)

Followed by our fourth Community Discernment Gathering 

News & Announcements:

Metropolitan Community Church Portland is hosting: Drag Church!
A church service like none you’ve seen before! Join Faithful & Fabulous Minister Bené Diction, drag singer Flamy Grant, and folk duo Story & Tune for a truly religious experience!

Ready yourself to walk the Runway of the Spirit! Drag, sequins, & your sartorial panache encouraged.

MCC Portland & St. Paul Lutheran Church are thrilled to be hosting this queer GLITTURGY of joy!

MCC Portland @

St. Paul Lutheran 
3880 SE Brooklyn St,

Portland, OR 97202
Thursday, April 18 @ 7PM

Have you been wondering what happened to
the Rainbow Faith Alliance (RFA)? 
We have been pausing and preparing
to take RFA on the road!
And now it is happening... first stop:
St. Mark Lutheran Church in Salem!
Thursday, April 25th from 7 to 8:30pm

Thank you to those of you who have been able to attend

one or more of our gatherings so far. During our 3rd Gathering

in March, Pastor Melissa, asked us to answer these two questions in one-to-one conversations and in a large group share back:

What are the pressures and struggles

facing our Washington County neighbors?


Where are we noticing seeds of life

in and around our communities?

In the days and weeks leading up to our 4th gathering, we invite you all to continue asking these questions of each other, perhaps over a meal or a cup of coffee or tea.


Click here...



... to see some of the seeds of life that people were noticing

when they shared back with the whole group. 

What seeds of life would you add to this list?


We look forward to seeing you all at the next gathering

on Sunday, April 28th, after worship.


Your Church Council Executive Team:

Suze Engbretson, President

Inga Henderson, Secretary

Rev. David Eppelsheimer, Pastor

Fellowship & Service Opportunities:
Looking for other ways to give back to our local community?
Please consider giving to one of these community partners...
Home Plate Youth services has created an Amazon Wishlist to help provide much needed items to houseless youth in Washington County.
Click HERE to access
Home Plate's Amazon Wishlist
Aloha UMC Trading Post
With the opening of the Safe Rest Pod Village located on Aloha UMC's land, the AUMC Trading Post is busier than ever.
Volunteers at the Trading Post have let us know that there is a growing need for gently used adult clothing and tennis shoes, new socks, and individually wrapped snack foods.
You can bring these donated items to the church office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to Noon.
You may recall that we voted last year to give $10,000 to Care Partners to support their work of providing LGBTQ+ specific grief and bereavement support. Read below to see some of programs made possible with your generosity... 
We are still in the process of finding a new administrative staff person. In the meantime, please direct any church-related communications to Pastor David at

COVID 19 Safety Update:

As we move toward holding more worship services and events in person, we are also moving into the cold and flu season. We want to be mindful of our health and well-being as individuals and as a community. This means that we will be keeping close track of the Community Risk Level as it is indicated on the COVID Act Now website for Washington County.

And we will follow these basic guidelines:

Community Risk Level:

LOW Masks are not required;

those who prefer to wear them are encouraged to do so.

MEDIUM Masks are required;

singers and speakers up front can

remove masks when they sing/speak.

HIGH Masks are required for everyone;

we may choose to refrain from in-person worship

and meet via Zoom only.

If the Community Risk Level changes prior to Sunday

in-person worship, we will send out a Special Faith News

Email Bulletin. Please look for that bulletin in your email

inbox on Saturday evening or Sunday morning before you

leave the house, to learn the Community Risk Level and proceed accordingly. As always, if you have a cough, a fever,

or any cold or flu-like symptoms, we ask you to stay home

and join us online.

Community of ChristChurch

This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.

Online Worship Logistics: 

The online doors to our Zoom worship will open at 8:30 am. From 8:30 am to 9:00 am, the worship space will be open for folks to gather and get settled in. Our worship service will begin at 9:00 am.  Communion is part of our worship.  Full details on how to join our online worship are found here.
Mailing address:
Community of ChristChurch

3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229

(503) 617-9526
Staff: Pastor David Eppelsheimer
We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We are a faith community that is committed to the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; that work for racial equity and are committed to antiracism. Find out more here.
Follow, share and tag our Facebook page
Our Facebook page is updated on a regular basis. Please feel free to share our posts with friends, or have a shoutout for something you heard in worship. tag @Community of ChristChurch in your posts!
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