For the last year, Aloha United Methodist Church has been working to build transitional pod housing on their faith-stewarded property - and this summer that dream will become a reality. However, simply building transitional housing will not ensure that these new neighbors will feel welcome and safe. That's why we're hosting a series of trainings on how to have courageous conversations with our neighbors around the housing crisis - conversations that address people's concerns, counter the NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard) narratives that divide us, and build active support for humane & proven solutions to this crisis.
To have those conversations, we will be utilizing the strategy of Deep Canvassing - a methodology for voter/issue persuasion developed by People's Action and New Conservations Initiative and born out of the Marriage Equality campaigns in 2012. It won 4 statewide ballot measures, and to this day is one of the only tactics scientifically proven to change minds in a
lasting way.
At this event, we will…
(1) learn about deep canvassing and how to do it,
(2) actually do deep canvassing and engage with neighbors around Aloha UMC,
(3) debrief the experience together.
We hope you will join us in this meaningful work on April 29th!