Order Now and Save 15%
on Holiday Greeting Cards
Place Your Order On iPrints.com
We print on Kodak professional photographic paper for unsurpassed color. Great for both amateurs & pros.

You can
choose from hundreds of beautiful designs with prices starting as low as 60¢ each including envelopes.

If you place your card order by Sunday night December 9th, we'll take 15% off the regular low prices shown on our site.
Please be sure to include the Coupon Code EarlyBird2018 at check-out to earn your discount. Click here to see our cards and place your order.

New! Order cards from your smart phone with our iPrints Mobile App
Please open this message on your mobile device and click to download our app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Our app is free in both stores. Just one thing: You must place your orders over WiFi. Why? Because your phone's photo files are too large to be efficiently transmitted using your data plan.

You can download our app and set up your orders without WiFi. Just be sure that when you transmit the order you're connected to WiFi.

Note: No coupon code is required for cell phone orders. It's easy to order your cards directly from your phone. You'll automatically receive your 15% discount on any orders you place by midnight this coming Sunday.

You'll receive your cards & envelopes ahead of the holidays, saving you time & money.

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2960 Simms Street, Hollywood, Florida, 33020-1579

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