New - Prints on Canvas

We'll Transform Your Photographs Into Beautiful Works of Art

Imagine your finest images printed on authentic artist's canvas. Our canvas prints will give your pictures a unique, impressive look.

A Framed Canvas Print - Ready to Exhibit on Your Wall

Our canvas prints may be ordered in several ways:
    • As plain, flat printed canvas. This low-cost option allows you to frame or strectch the canvas yourself; an ideal choice for artists who want to paint over the canvas.
    • Stretched over 1/2" wood bars. Use the wrapped canvas as an individual  hanging art piece or place it in your own picture frame.
    • Framed our designer frames...are ready to hang.
      • Choose from 12 different wood frames.
      • You'll be able to flip through the frames and see how they look around your photograph using Options check boxes in our ROES program.
        • Pros can turn off prices on our home page and use our ROES system to display and sell these attractive framed canvases to their clients.
    Place An Online Order For Your Canvas Print In Less Than 10 Minutes
    It's easy with our free ROES (Remote Order Entry System) software.

    Start by downloading Dale Laboratories' ROES.

    Click on Canvas Prints To Begin Your Order
    1. Import images from your hard drive into the program.
    2. Drag-and-drop your images into our pre-sized templates. Then, crop images with simple ROES tools.
    3. Select optional framing with just the click of your mouse.
    4. Add each canvas print to your cart. Follow our simple step-by-step instructions to complete your order.
    Prints on canvas are perfect for amateurs seeking a different look for their enlargements and for creative artists. Canvases can also be an ideal offering for professional photographers who want a ready-to-display photo product they can sell at a premium price to select clients.
    Dale Labs Logo
    As a 40 year old photo lab we serve both professional and amateur photographers with easy online ordering. Pros and computer-savvy amateurs: Click here to order a full range of pro services using our free ROES software. Beginners & Photo Enthusiasts: Please click here to order beautiful prints via a simple online program.

    Shooting film? We're one of the few labs that still offers quality processing (35mm, 120, C-41, E-6, B&W.) Click for free film mailers.

    Our promise to you: Pro quality, fair prices and photo services that will bring the joy back to your photography.

    Dale Laboratories
    2960 Simms St.
    Hollywood, FL 33020
    Serving America's
    Photographers Since 1973

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