Featured Article
Diabetic Metabolic Syndrome & Probiotics

Prof. Georges H. Boutros
Dr. Salah Ezzedine, MD

Diabetes is an incurable chronic disease which, if neglected, can induce severe visceral complications, sometimes fatal.

Community Awareness
Launching of the National Diabetes Campaign at MOPH

On November 7th, 2017, the First National Diabetes Campaign entitled " بأيدك بتسيطر على السكري " was launched by the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in collaboration with DiaLeb, Chronic Care Center, LSEDL and pharmaceutical companies including Novonordisk , Novartis and Sanofi.

Diabetes in the Classroom
MUBS-UWN NGOs Gathering

On October 24, 2017, a gathering was organized by MUBS who established a University Wellness Network (UWN) to promote knowledge, education, and awareness. During the meeting, DiaLeb signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MUBS, along with other Lebanese NGOs, for further collaboration.

Local & International Events
Multi-Stakeholder SDG Forum at AUB

On October 10, 2017, DiaLeb participated in the Multi-Stakeholder SDG Forum at the Mammary Auditorium at AUB which included discussions around the different roles of the public sector.

Sports Activities
Rally Paper Zahle 2017

DiaLeb participated for the fourth time at the Rally Paper Zahle organized by “Mouvement des Jeunes de l’Orient” on October 8, 2017 at Tel Chiha Hospital in Zahle.

Local & International Events
Collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health

DiaLeb visited H.E. Mr. Ghassan Hasbani to confirm the details about DiaLeb’s participation in this year’s national diabetes campaign in collaboration with the MOPH. His Excellency was glad to receive an Honorary Membership from DiaLeb.

Local & International Events
“Lebanon Reform, Security & Stability” LARP Conference 2017

On September 1, 2017 the Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership (LARP) held a conference entitled “Lebanon Reform, Security & Stability” at Phoenicia Hotel. Dr. Jackie Maalouf, member of the LARP, was a guest speaker at the conference and talked about the topic in details.
Check out our Latest Health Tips
احتفظ ببعض الحلوى أو السكاكر عند الخروج من المنزل لتناولها عند حدوث انخفاض مفاجئ في مستوى السكر
Did you know? Poor sleep can disrupt your hormones, leading to increased appetite, higher blood sugar, and a thicker waistline.
مرض السكري لا يعدي ولا ينتقل من شخص الى اخر عن طريق اللمس ولا الجلوس قرب المصاب ولا المشاركة في الطعام ولا استخدام المرحاض.
There are three main types of exercise: aerobic, strength training, and flexibility work. Aim to have a good balance of all three.

Vegans do not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other products which are derived from animals.
استبدل الخبز الأبيض بالأسمر وتناول الحبوب الكاملة (الشوفان، القمح الكامل، الأرز الأسمر، الشعير) والفواكة الطازجة بدلاً من العصائر.

Sicilian-Style Pasta

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