Dear Chow Qigong Family and Friends, 

We are very fortunate to have you with us on our journey and path to healing. Our philosophy is serious learning and healing with abundance of laughter, fun and joy! Our vision is to have Qigong in every home in the world!  Anyone can learn to heal self, others and the planet.  As summer draws to a close, autumn arrives in nature's best burst of color with foliage turning into reds and golds making the world around us more beautiful and miraculous.  As our energy draws inward during the autumn, it is a time for rest and rejuvenation, a time of self-reflection and a time to better appreciate the world around us as well as yourself.

Remember in Chow Qigong - the greatest miracle of life is you!
So take a walk with us and you will discover new vitality with Chow Qigong every day. Like autumn, we've experienced much color and healing during summer, with the memory in our treasure box of those we've met and touched every day. The healing of o ver 47 people in 9 days in Bangkok & Tokyo (of which you will read later in this section) and many from all over the world has come to join us to learn Chow Qigong in our San Francisco and Columbia classes. Much tears, laughter and hugs accompany the new hope that Chow Qigong provides to those who come seeking to heal. Our Chow Qigong family grows with every passing day, with the strength of this summer and the beauty of this autumn.

We hope that you join us in our journey and be part of our healing mission, to embrace positive attitudes and action promoting a better level of wellbeing that only Chow Qigong can and has been proven to accomplish.
 Our arms are always welcoming with hugs and laughter, much love to all.

~ Dr. Effie Chow

In Today's Issue
+ Opening Letter by Dr. Chow
Quest for Healing in Bangkok & Tokyo
+ Classes Go Off With a Bang! Chow Qigong in Columbia & San Francisco!
+ Exciting Developments on 15th World Congress on Qigong & TCM & China Spring Project
+ "How Chow Qigong Put Me on the Path to Wellbeing" by Wendy
+ Special Chow Qigong Veterans Program
+ Clinical Success with Chow Qigong
+ Laminine: It's Qigong in a Capsule!
+ 50% off Energy Enhancement System Now!
Quick Links
+   Website 
+  Twitter
+  Healthy Living Blog 

Contact Us:
Office / 415-285-9400
Fax / 415-647-5745
Email /

Chow Qigong Quote of the Day
"We need people & things to respond to positively, people who give us joy and pleasure. If you do not have a family you need to find friends in whom you can trust and confide, people you respect. Everyone, whether conciously aware of it or not, needs someone with whom they can talk openly"

- Dr. Chow in "Miracle Healing From China: Qigong"

Books, 2-set DVD on Qigong & meditation CD available for purchase from Tiger Claw (800) 824-2433

More Info on How to Order 

Special Notice: Clinical Successes

We have been successful in improving eyesight including complicated cases such as macular degeneration and retinitis pygmentosa.

If anyone is afflicted with eye problems and wish us to help them, particularly that of retinitis pymentosa, please get in touch with us now.
Our email is

At present, we want to accelerate our successful practice by taking on challenges and conditions which include:

  • Hearing problems
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Frozen shoulders
  • Any physical or emotional pain of any kind, but especially of the hip and knees
  • Arthritis
  • Discomfort from cancer or its therapies.

If anyone wish to be part of a research project using Chow Medical Qigong in any of these conditions, please contact us now.

Special Chow Qigong Program for Veterans 

We offer a program for veterans and families with Chow Medical Qigong.

+ We specialize in & have results in a short time with conditions such as the sufferings of pain and PTSD by veterans.

+ Will serve veterans free if necessary & have already been doing so for many. Free scholarships for our classes are also available

+ Veterans will learn to heal themselves &others at the same time creating a viable career for themselves in healing.

We are developing a serious cadre of veteran healers to heal the wounds of the world beginning with themselves to offset the horrors of war!

This is a serious invitation to anyone (veteran or not) interested in being part of the program or in helping.

Please contact us immediately

It's Qigong in a Capsule!

It's been 40 years since we have recommended a specific product. Because of the results we’ve seen with EWAHA clients, we not only recommend Laminine, we call it Qigong in a Capsule!

Try Laminine to:

+ Moderate stress response
+ Maintain good cortisol levels 
Regulate serotonin levels
+ Support good mood
+ Increase physical and mental strength
+ Improve emotional balance
+ Promote more restful sleep
+ Enjoy quicker recovery after exercise
+ Increase muscle tone & strength
+ Increase alertness
+ Improve stamina and energy
+ Aid in brain function and activity
+ Improve Focus
+ Reduce signs of aging
+ Increase libido/sexual desire
+ Stimulate natural DHEA production
+ Improve overall sense of well-being

More Info on Laminine

Buy Retail

Join Wholesale

Now 50% OFF at EWAHA. Limited time only.

Enhance your energy using Dr. Sandra Rose's EES system which generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

" It promotes a very deep state of ultimate relaxation, if we allow it, from which any type of healing can occur.  Of all the technologies that I have recently researched, this one is the post powerful detoxifiers I have encountered." 
- Dr. Marcial-Vega, MD

Available at the EWAHA San Francisco office only at 50% off. $35/hour instead of %75/hour. 
Make an appointment now!

More info 

Quest for Healing in Bangkok & Tokyo
In less than 9 Days, Dr. Effie Chow healed over 47 people in Bangkok, Thailand & Tokyo, Japan, touching the lives of many

(Client - "Amy" - Confined to wheel chair after car accident over 20 years ago, severe head trauma. Uses walker, walks completely bent over 90 degrees for past few years. After Intensive breathing, qi pressure & brushing, she was able to stand up straight & tall) 

Invited by the Thai Ambassador to Bangkok in early August, Dr. Chow embarked on an trip to heal as many as she could. So in 9 days, she met and treated over 47 people with a variety of ailments ranging from muscle pain, memory loss, persistent headaches, paralysis in a wheelchair, severe brain and knee damage and many more. Dr. Chow also worked with those dying in the hospital, succeeding in saving lives with Chow Qigong when the prognosis was dim.

One of those life changing cases was a 95 year old man,  Mr. A.S.P. His condition at arrival was:

  • 2 months in Rama Hospital's Intensive Care Unit of w/COPD & critical condition
  • On full-time ventilator w/ tracheotomy
  • High blood pressure
  • Lying listless, non mobile, & noncommunicative,
  • Kidney failure; Kidney dialysis recommended. 

The doctors said Mr. A.S.P was expected to die at any time. In five visits with Chow Qigong, diaphragm breathing and Qi-pressure on points, his condition improved significantly with all vital signs normalized. The Dr. said that he could be off the ventilator for 12 hours at a time!  His son said, "He look a lot better than before, more smiling, more talking, the eyes keep opening longer and more attention to the people around him. His face nice and pink (before it was dark).” He also began to talk of going home as well as move on his own and drink liquids.

Later on the doctors said he didn't even have to go through kidney dialysis. It was such a turnaround for Mr. A.S.P, one of the many examples why we were delighted to work with the Thai and the Japanese during our short stay and show them that through miracles of Chow Qigong hope is never lost.


Classes Go Off With a Bang! Chow Qigong in Columbia, Missouri & San Francisco, California "Lots of fun in serious learning!"
Much-prayed-for torrents of rain followed meditation by our Columbia students and Dr. Effie Chow. People coming from all over to learn Chow Qigong in San Francisco, California and Columbia, Missouri. And we're still enrolling!

The first two weekends of the Chow Qigong Intensive Level 1 Program has begun with quite a "bang" in Columbia, Missouri and San Francisco, California. This a four-weekend course you can take to learn how to heal with Chow Qigong. Fridays are FREE! To enroll in a weekend or to sign up for a Free Friday, please email us at  Click For More Info

In Columbia, Missouri:

  • Students meditated for relief of drought in the area & surrounding states that devestated their farms. Two days later long-awaited torrents of rain came down in Missouri & its surrounding states all the way up to Canada! Was it coincidence? Or miracle? It's up to you to decide. But what happened is that two days after we meditated it rained!
  • Immediate healings in the program which include frozen shoulders, total bodily and emotional pains, joint pains of hip, knee, back, wrists, eye problems, hearing problems, ringing in the ears, etc.
  • The students liked learning Chow Qigong so much they made a fun impromptu "Chow Qigong Rap!"  View the video 

In San Francisco, California

  • Great turnout of people including many out of towners from areas such as Curacao, Carribean, Los Angeles who came to learn Chow Qigong
  • Much success with pain rising from an amputated leg, stiff shoulders, muscle pain, emotional relationship strains and much more! 
  • Through Chow Qigong a student with years of scoliosis was able to stand straight and walk with balance. He didn't even have to wear the extra sole in his right shoe to supplement a height difference on each side of his body. He also had severe right knee pain and hearing loss. After Chow Qigong he had no further knee pain and could hear even a soft whisper.  Upon returning home, his wife commented that his hearing improved and he was more graceful and balanced
Exciting Developments on 15th World Congress on Qigong & Traditional Chinese Medicine & China Spring Project
Mark your calendars! There are exciting events ready and in planning for 2013!

For the 15th World Congress on Qigong/TCM - 

There will a WEST in San Francisco:

  • When: May 17 to 20, 2013
  • Cosponsored with the Asian Heritage Street Celebration (this past year we drew 90,000 people!)  in San Francisco.

Then an EAST in Chengdu, China:

  • When: June 21 to 25, 2013
  • In affiliation with the 22nd International Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yang Shen, and the Chengdu University on TCM.
  • Will be lectures presented in the university as well
  • Was arranged through Master Zhang Yueming when he attended our 14th World Congress in Toronto!

We are also pleased to announce through Master Wang Yan and other top Chinese doctors in China EWAHA is also involved in a huge project called "China Spring" where we will be developing a model place or "city" that will be a show-case for the best all inclusive Chinese culture from historical to modern day in the arts, performing /music/dance arts, science, business, medicine, and all! Expect there to be a lot of Chow Qigong!


"How Chow Qigong Put Me on the Path to Well-Being" 
Dear all,
My name is Wendy and I work with Dr. Chow in the EWAHA office.
As encouraged by Dr. Chow and those in my Chow Qigong family, I am motivated to tell you about my story of Chow Qigong and how my work with Dr. Chow became more connected in terms of my own wellbeing.

My story is that when I first started working with Dr. Chow, my posture was stooped, my diet was not good (It contained a lot more starch, carbs and meat than I expected. White rice isn't good contrary to what your mother says!) and I didn't have as much self-confidence as I do now working with Dr. Chow. Through Chow Qigong and Dr. Chow's guidance, now I sit up straighter, I see the world in a more positive light and my diet has improved as well - with lots of greens. I've stopped drinking coffee on a regular basis to offset my energy and now there's a new skip to my step. This is through simply meditating (and exercising) every day and following Chow Qigong's rule of having a "positive mental state."

In addition, in a more serious way, Dr. Chow has helped me with a certain condition I have: dysmenorrhea which is extreme menstrual pain. I've had this condition since I first started my cycle and in the past had to go the Emergency Room twice because cramping got so bad, I would throw up and have extreme dehydration and tremors. That was where I was diagnosed and told that my only other option was birth control to regulate and control my cycle. Due to personal reasons - the desire to seek another solution, I decided to delay having to take it and explore new avenues. My journey took me here for some inexplicable reason-  to Dr. Chow and East West Academy of Healing Arts.

I've had this awful, awful pain two times when working in office...throwing up and all the usual symptoms when Dr. Chow worked on me. In less than twenty minutes the pain which normally would last for hours on end and leave me weak and unable to go out for at least 2-3 days - dissapated in twenty minutes with Chow Qigong Qi-pressure and diaphramic breathing. The nausea that follows still persists as part of my symptoms but Dr. Chow says it's because my body is out of balance and I'm exercising and meditating Chow Qigong-style to help rid of my condition. But I feel that I have hope in a future that I won't get such terrible pain again and be normalized. 

That's the story I wanted to share about my experience with Chow Qigong. I hope it helps you to realize that the work we do here is constantly changing the lives of others. I hope it shows you that there's always hope and other paths you can tackle a problem. Never be bound to just one solution. Be open to explore every single one of them. And I guarentee you won't be sorry that you did. 

Lots of love, Wendy from EWAHA