Midweek Update
August 23, 2023
Curious about membership at Charlottesville First UMC? Pastor Alex is offering a 3-week new members class beginning Sunday, Sept. 10 at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
For more information or to sign up, email office@cvillefirstumc.org. |
Connectional Ministry Intern position
We are looking to hire an intern to assist the Children’s and Youth Director.This is an paid hourly position.For more information, you can check out this url.Connectional Ministry Intern |
Join Pastor Alex and other U.S. partner churches at a Friends of Lithuania Gathering in Royal Oak Michigan in October 2023.
This gathering will focus on connecting and recommitting ourselves to this ministry along with naming our own faith stories as a way to have deeper conversations with our partner churches here in the United States and Lithuania. Pastor Alex will be leading a Bible Study on Saturday.
Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14, 2023
Sunday, October 15, 2023: Rev. Remigijus will preach at both 9am & 11am services
Royal Oak First United Methodist Church
320 W. 7th Street
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Register here for the Friends of Lithuania Gathering
2023 October 28 – November 11
CFUMC will host up to 35 men overnight in the Fellowship Hall. During the PACEM Winter Hosting Program churches and other community organizations host guests who need shelter during the cold weather months from late October through March. |
Each organization provides shelter for 2 full weeks. During our hosting we will provide space for sleeping cots, serve an evening meal and a grab-n-go breakfast in the morning. Guests start arriving at 5.30p and will depart by 7.00a. Bathroom and shower facilities will be available to the guests. CFUMC was a founding member of PACEM in 2003 along with First Presbyterian Church and several other downtown faith communities. We have been an active participant in PACEM every year since.
If you have questions about CFUMC’s Hosting this year please contact Jon Scheumann at 434 422 1749 or mail to: Outreach@CvilleFirstUMC.org |
Have you been wanting to clean out that kitchen cabinet??? Now is your time to do so. To help with the push to go as “Greene” as we can here at CFUMC, Bread & Blessing will no longer hand out bottles of water. They have been providing coolers of lemonade, ice tea and water and it has been a huge hit with our friends. We have started to encourage them to bring their own tumbler, which several have started to so, but we’d love to have some extra on hand. Of course, we always provide cups for them. |
Our ONE THING Ministry designation for September is Snacks and Art Supplies for The Ivy School.
The Ivy Creek School is a day school providing special education and related services for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities in grades K – 12 from Albemarle, Charlottesville, and other surrounding counties. Items can be left in the red bins in the Welcome Center off of the parking lot.
Needed Art Supplies:
acrylic paints
watercolor sets
colored pencils
construction paper
sketch paper
Needed Snacks:
big bags or individual bags of chips/pretzels/popcorn, etc
fruit snacks
juice boxes |
The Quiet Center- Sundays at 11:15 in the Chapel
The Quiet Center is an after-church gathering of, and for, anyone who wants to know more about grief’s journey. The sessions are “stand alone,” to join anytime and as often as you wish, to explore the many faces of grief and to share with each other our time, our experiences, our presence and our prayers. If you have any questions, contact Rev. John at 703-887-7305 or at johnconway@vaumc.org.
Anyone willing to lend an extra hand to help in our sweet Preschool (FUMP) this school year?
The staff is looking for assistance in our Kindergarten room specifically on Mondays from 9-12:30. We want to ensure we are following our Safe Sanctuary commitment and that means we will require two adults in each classroom. Look at this as a great opportunity to work with some amazing teachers and of course some sweet children!
You do not need to make a long term commitment, as we are willing to put a wonderful team together to cover the need. For questions, more information, or to express your interest, please contact Kristen at fump@cvillefirstumc.org.
Tweens Pool Party Sunday, August 27th
Tweens & Friends "Back to School" Pool Party
this Sunday, August 27th from 2:30pm-4pm at
Kathy and Jim Berlin's House
Beverages provided, please bring your favorite snack to share! |
not be meeting Sunday, August 27 or Sunday, Sept 3 at 4:00 pm.
Save the Date:
Starting on Sunday, Sept 10th we will get together monthly with other Youth in our area. First stop Aldersgate UMC from 6-7:30. Worship, Dinner, and Fellowship!!
Hope you can make it. Invite your friends!! (6th-12th grade)
Women at the Well
will meet this Thursday 8/31 at 9:30am for gnome making
for the UVA Stocking Project.
ALL women are invited to meet at The Dairy Market at 11:30am
for The Last Thursday Lunch! No agenda, just good fellowship! All are invited! |
Sunday, Sept. 10 at 6 PM, CFUMC will be hosting a special screening and discussion of “Raised/Razed,” a documentary feature film about the lasting effects of the urban renewal program that erased much of the Vinegar Hill neighborhood in Charlottesville. The filmmakers, Lorenzo Dickerson and Jordy Yager, will join us for the evening and we will have an opportunity to talk about the historic relationship of the First UMC congregation to nearby African-American communities.
Stay tuned for more details.
Have you wondered what all the construction on Ridge Street Extended is all about? Have you heard about Habitat for Humanity but weren’t quite sure what they did?
How about take a tour (less than an hour) that will start at the Habitat Office in Southwood, at 387 Hickory Street, across from the Boys and Girls Club on September 14th? There will be two tours that day. One at 10am and one at 2pm.
After we all arrive at the Habitat Office, we will get a general orientation and then ride together in the Habitat van through the Park and end up at the new Southwood Model Home in Village One. We walk around together in the neighborhood, chat in the Model Home, then return in the van to the office.
Remember….Two tours are available…..September 14 at 10am or 2pm. |
The Lord’s Table?
The Lord’s Supper?
The Eucharist?
Which Is It? What is it? |
For Methodists, sharing in the bread and the cup brings us into the presence of God and is vital for our Christian life and
ministry. Join us as we explore why this is true. Along the way we will look at questions like:
What makes our Methodist communion “Methodist”? Why do Methodists use juice instead of wine? Is this really the body and blood of Christ? Can just anyone receive the bread and the cup? Can just anyone distribute communion? How often can we receive? What should it be called? |
Who should come: Communion servers, anyone interested in becoming a communion server, and anyone interested in learning more about our Methodist celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
When: Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 7pm-8:30pm.
Where: Room 308 here at the Church.
Prayer Time
Tuesdays at 12:30pm on Zoom
Meeting ID: 882 7977 8844
Passcode: 968327
Choir Rehearsal
Tuesdays 6-7pm |
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Enjoying the food and fellowship at Portico Cafe’ after worship? Then please consider making a contribution! Baked goods, cheese & crackers, mini sandwiches, fruit, snacks, are all welcome. A sign up sheet is available by the coffee area. Portico Cafe’ success depends on the generosity of church members to help or contribute food. Email Lisa Hanrahan ligrhanrah@aol.com if you forget to sign up. |
Clothes Closet
DONATIONS to Hinton Ave UMC clothes closet:
Hours of operation: Tuesdays from 10am-1pm We are looking for children to adult sizes, spring/summer clothing. Please make sure the clothing is gently used, clean, stain-free, and in good repair. Also accept some household items (e.g., sheets, towels, small appliances, dishes, pans). Email for info.
Are you interested in
serving communion? Email Evelyn Kessler
or call
Would you be interested in helping with communion preparation?
Help is needed to prepare communion on the first Sunday of every month and special holidays. This would involve working with another experienced team member to set-up and then clean up after communion. The set - up process is currently done on Sunday morning before the service and would take about 30 – 45 minutes. Clean-up after the service takes about 20 minutes. Each team member does this once every three to four months depending on how many people are on the team. Questions and info? Email Evelyn Kessler or call
434-971-7329. |
Contact Teri Guertler
if you need a prayer quilt for someone going through a difficult time, or if you would like to help in the creation of the prayer quilts. No experience necessary.
Assistance for Ukraine
UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery, Advance #982450, is collecting funds for humanitarian assistance.
You can donate directly online or designate "Ukraine relief" on your checks made out to CFUMC |
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