Midweek Update
July 26, 2023
Midweek Update
The Whole City Podcast: In this edition, Pastor Alex speaks with Bishop Ken Carter about the current challenges facing United Methodist Churches and exciting opportunities to pivot toward fresh new expressions of ministry.
In front of a packed courtroom this month, a judge in Albemarle county overturned the indictment of a Black man who the court now believes was falsely accused of raping a white woman. John Henry James’s criminal record is now clear. But James wasn’t present in court to celebrate: he was lynched by an angry white mob 125 years earlier.

Dear Charlottesville First UMC,

Thank you so much for your gift to Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry. Your donation goes a long way toward providing free groceries to under resourced individuals in Charlottesville and all surrounding counties. You have allowed us to continue helping thousands of people every week.

As Spring turns to Summer, we here at Loaves & Fishes have been busier than ever before. In May, Loaves & Fishes served 8,189 people in 2,267 households. This was a 50% increase over the same time last year. The pantry received around 198,000 pounds of food in May; it included fresh produce, meat, eggs, milk, and an assortment of nonperishable foods. Your donation has been vitally important in our efforts to continue providing between 7-10 days’ worth of food for all pantry visitors.

Beyond an increase in pantry visitors, renovations here at Loaves & Fishes are in full swing. In less than a month, the reception area has been gutted and the framework for our new kitchen, offices, and entranceway is coming together. Your support, whether new or continued, allows us to make these much-needed upgrades: having an onsite kitchen will afford us the opportunity to educate visitors on healthy eating habits, showing them how to prepare fruits, vegetables, and meals with food they may not be used to.

Your donation will provide curated recipes for pantry visitors based on available foods. It will go towards purchasing cutting boards, utensils, pots, pans, and other common kitchen items so pantry visitors will be able to prepare food in their homes. Helping our visitors access healthy dietary options is something we strive for beyond just providing food. Foods that are traditionally considered unhealthy are generally cheaper than more nutrient rich foods. Your support allows us to change this narrative, providing and educating pantry visitors on healthier options.


On behalf of the Loaves & Fishes staff, board, volunteers, and visitors, thank you so much for your support. You have allowed us to navigate uncertain times, improving our community one grocery cart at a time.

Jane Colony Mills
Executive Director

Virginia Conference Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson will be joining us as preacher for Sunday, August 13. Please plan on being here to meet and greet Bishop Sue!

“Moving Beyond August 12 . . . TOGETHER”

Saturday, August 12, 2:00 pm 
Carver Rec. Center, 233 4th St NW, Charlottesville

What’s our August 12 story? How do we look back at the events of that date in 2017 and how can the people and resources of Charlottesville’s faith communities contribute to the next chapter in racial justice work?

The Charlottesville Clergy Collective invites you to explore these questions at a forum and discussion, Saturday, August 12 at 2 PM at the Carver Recreation Center. Using the resources of a new book written by members of the Collective, Standing Up to Hate: The Charlottesville Clergy Collective and the Lessons from August 12, 2017, CCC members will share reflections on the book’s theme and facilitate discussion. 
You can purchase the paperback at $20 per copy, and the Kindle version at $10 per copy

In order to facilitate our planning, PLEASE RSVP for this free to the public event by August 3! 
Heat, drought, and lightning are the “perfect storm” to ignite wildfires, which scorch the ground and pollute the air for hundreds of miles. Additionally, the loss of the trees negatively impacts God’s systems that capture carbon for the health of the earth. Support organizations that replant trees after wildfires.   
Enjoying the food and fellowship at Portico Cafe’ after worship?  Then please consider making a contribution!  Baked goods, cheese & crackers, mini sandwiches, fruit, snacks, are all welcome.  A sign up sheet is available by the coffee area.  Portico Cafe’ success depends on the generosity of church members to help or contribute food. Email Lisa Hanrahan if you forget to sign up.


“People And Congregations Engaged in Ministry.”

CFUMC will be hosting PACEM this coming season from March 2nd – March 15th  2024.

Please stay tuned for more information
and volunteer sign ups.

For almost 40 years, the First United Methodist Preschool (FUMP) has offered full and partial tuition scholarships to families in need.

Our church family has been the primary supporter of these scholarships through individual and Sunday school class donations as well as fundraising. 

Charlottesville can be an expensive place to live for young families and we are seeing an uptick in scholarship requests. Here is how you can help FUMP provide high quality preschool for children in our community: 

*Sponsor a full or partial tuition scholarship for the year either through an individual or group donation:

$250/month will pay for a 2 year old. 

$350/month will pay for a 3 year old.

$410/month will pay for a 4 year old.

$460/month will pay for a kindergartener.

*Make a general donation to the FUMP Scholarship Fund (no donation is too small!)

*Donate to the One Thing Ministry for the month of July which provides supplies for the preschool.

*Pray for our wonderful preschoolers and FUMP staff.

Have questions about First United Methodist Preschool? Visit our website.


Have questions about scholarships? Reach out to Paige Lindblom or Marilyn Comfort.

NOW ENROLLING! 2's, 3's, Pre-K and KINDERGARTEN! Call 434-296-6682

Our ONE THING MINISTRY for the month of July will be gifting supplies to FUMP (First United Methodist Preschool)
Our sweet preschool will begin the 2023-24 school year soon and we want to give them a strong start with fresh supplies! Here is a list! Thanks in advance for your continued generosity!

Elmer’s glue bottles and glue sticks
Tempera Paint Sticks
DO A DOT Markers
Mr. Sketch Smelly Markers
Smocks for kids for Art
Moon Sand
Plastic Pretend Food
10 Reams White Cardstock Paper
10 Reams Cardstock Paper (any color)
10 Reams White Copy Paper
10 Reams Copy Paper (any color)
Dry Erase Markers
Sticker Books
Crayola Markers (Large)
Wooden Pretend Food
Large paper cutter
Rich Art Glitter Paint (Washable)
Water Beads
Paper Towels
Coffee Filters (for projects)
Colored Rice
Dry Oatmeal
Different type of dry beans
Split Peas
Different Shapes of Pasta
Green Sand
The Quiet Center- Sundays at 11:15 in the Chapel
The Quiet Center is an after-church gathering of, and for, anyone who wants to know more about grief’s journey. The sessions are “stand alone,” to join anytime and as often as you wish, to explore the many faces of grief and to share with each other our time, our experiences, our presence and our prayers. If you have any questions, contact Rev. John at 703-887-7305 or at
Learning & Fellowship
Inviting all adults and all children to join THIS SUNDAY, JULY 30 from 4-5:30 pm at Pen Park.  
Rain location: Charlottesville First UMC, Fellowship Hall. Adults and children will meet in the upper parking lot grassy area next to the playground for games and fellowship  
Picnic Options: Pack your own dinner or email to let us know how many slices of pizza you want. Please bring your own drinks, a blanket or chair.
Ever wondered how Pastor Alex comes up with the poems that make their way into weekly worship? Wonder if there might be say about the work of contemporary poets like Kimberley Johnson, Franz Wright, Christian Wiman, and Mary Karr?

Pastor Alex invites you out to a short-term group experience, safe enough to bring along your curious friends and your doubts about poetry. No experience necessary, just a willingness to explore around a table. Finding God in Poetry is this year’s Taco Thursday theme at Brazos in Ix Park (953 Second St SE, Charlottesville). Thursdays at 6:30 PM for 3 weeks beginning July 27. For more info email
On August 6th (Our All Age Worship Day) our church will gather
in the Fellowship Hall for a congregational potluck
right after our 10am worship service.
Fried chicken, vegan pasta salad, and gluten free meatloaf will be provided.  You are invited to bring a side, a salad or a dessert if possible. ALL ages are welcome! 
Our New Youth Group
Join us on Sunday nights for Youth Group here at the church upstairs in the youth room from 4-5:30 pm. Bring your friends for fun, games, and a time to learn and talk more about God’s presence in our lives. 
On July 30th we will meet at Pen Park for Picnic in the Park instead of the church. Contact: Lara Upton,
God in All Things TONIGHT Wednesday, July 26
Please join us for our next “God in All Things” Wednesday, July 26th at 6:00pm at the church. A free dinner is provided at 6:00pm and then we will gather for music and fellowship after we finish eating from 6:30pm-7:30pm.   "God in All Things" is a multigenerational time together where we can reflect on God's presence through music, prayer, and a short activity to go along with the message. Everyone is welcome! Please feel free to invite your friends. If you have questions, contact Lara Upton.
  VBS Logo  
Monday-Friday, July 31st-August 4th, 9:00am- 12:00pm
For additional questions or information contact 
Help Decorate and Set Up for VBS
Volunteers welcome to assist Lara and Maria make SPACE in our space!
Friday, July 28th & Saturday, July 29th from 2:30-4:30 pm
Women at the Well will meet on July 27 at 9:30am to continue with our UVA Stocking Gnome creations and to catch up!
On that same day Last Thursday Lunch (for women of all ages!) will meet at The Dairy Market at 11:30am!
Prayer Time
Tuesdays at 12:30pm on Zoom
All are welcome to join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 882 7977 8844
Passcode: 968327
Choir Rehearsal
Tuesdays 6-7pm
Giving Back

Clothes Closet

DONATIONS to Hinton Ave UMC clothes closet:
Hours of operation:  Tuesdays from 10am-1pm    We are looking for children to adult sizes, spring/summer clothing.  Please make sure the clothing is gently used, clean, stain-free, and in good repair. Also accept some household items (e.g., sheets, towels, small appliances, dishes, pans). Email for info.

Are you interested in
serving communion? Email Evelyn Kessler 
or call

Would you be interested in helping with communion preparation?


Help is needed to prepare communion on the first Sunday of every month and special holidays. This would involve working with another experienced team member to set-up and then clean up after communion. The set - up process is currently done on Sunday morning before the service and would take about 30 – 45 minutes. Clean-up after the service takes about 20 minutes. Each team member does this once every three to four months depending on how many people are on the team. Questions and info? Email Evelyn Kessler or call

Contact Teri Guertler

if you need a prayer quilt for someone going through a difficult time, or if you would like to help in the creation of the prayer quilts. No experience necessary.

Assistance for Ukraine
UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery, Advance #982450, is collecting funds for humanitarian assistance.
You can donate directly online or designate "Ukraine relief" on your checks made out to CFUMC
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