Midweek Update
May 31, 2023
Midweek Update
Pastor Alex invites us to this Sunday's All-Age Worship and a gathering with Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson about LGBTQ+will inclusion in the Virginia Conference.
Special Announcement: Bishop Haupert-Johnson be preaching at Charlottesville First UMC on August 13!
This Pentecost Sunday the congregation paused to take a family photo on the birthday of the Church.
Join us at 10 am on Sunday, June 4 for an intergenerational worship experience followed by a POTLUCK LUNCH together.  Children, teens, and adults will be part of our worship as we consider why we do what we do and how it honors God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Gathering with Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson
You can join Pastor Alex and several other members of Charlottesville First at the gathering of Virginia Reconciling United Methodists, a group dedicated to the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons, with Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson on Sunday June 4 from 4:00-7:00pm at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church.  Child care will be provided.
RSVPs are not required but you can indicate your planned attendance to help our hosts plan.  Feel free to invite any church members who are supporters of this work; we have plenty of space.

To help our hosts prepare click here  and here is the Parking Map. For more information contact Pastor Alex or Cindy Remington.
Read this month's A NEW FOCUS
Read last week's Associated Press article printed in the Daily Progress: 

Some worshippers switching congregations amid United Methodist split over LGBTQ issues

Grief is a journey through the loss of anything or anyone that is loved.  It is a journey that calls for companions for sharing and for remembering and for mourning. If you want to explore grief, whether or not you are on that journey, join us in  The Quiet Center, an after-church gathering of, and for, anyone who wants to know more about grief’s journey. The sessions are “stand alone,” to join anytime and as often as you wish, to explore the many faces of grief and to share with each other our time, our experiences, our presence and our prayers.  
The Quiet Center, Sundays at 11:15 am in the Chapel. If you have any questions, contact Rev. John at 703-887-7305 or at
Our ONE THING MINISTRY for the month of June
will benefit our Vacation Bible School!
Look for a bulletin board in the Welcome Center just off of the parking lot that will have stars that will tell you what is needed and the date it is needed. Take as many stars as you desire (there are many needs!) Thanks in advance! Questions about VBS or donated item?
Learning & Fellowship

The Legacy of Birmingham 1963 for 2023

Zoom Workshop June 8, 7pm


The Race and Reconciliation Project at Belmont UMC is offering an on-line workshop "The Legacy of Birmingham 1963 for 2023" on Thurs. June 8, 7:00-8:30pm. This workshop will be facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Jim Melson, founder and executive director of the Cornelius Corps. This year marks the 60th anniversary of several major events in the Civil Rights Movement including the Birmingham Campaign of 1963. During this historic campaign, thousands of people witnessed to their faith by protesting structures of racial injustice through nonviolent direct action.


Register by June 5.  You can download a flyer here.

Have you grappled with the questions, “Are there evidence-based solutions to homelessness? What are we doing locally to end homelessness, and what challenges do we face in implementing these efforts?”


If so, we welcome you to join us on Wednesday, June 21 from 7:00-8:30pm to learn more about Housing First & Homelessness in Charlottesville with the following folks:

  • Anna Mendez, Executive Director of The Haven,

  • Misty Graves, Director of Charlottesville’s Department of Human Services,

  • Anthony Haro, Executive Director of Blue Ridge Area Coalition for the Homeless (BRACH), and

  • Heather Kellams, Women’s Case Manager at People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry (PACEM)

Presenters will share what we know about homelessness locally and expand on Housing First: what it is, the successes we've seen, and the challenges we face implementing the approach in our community.

RSVP today!

Doors open at 7:00pm.

Presentation begins at 7:15pm with a Q&A to follow.

Questions? Respond to this email or reach out to Ocean@thehaven.orgRSVP using this link.

Church Softball League
The Charlottesville Church Softball League is back in full swing this spring with no covid restrictions.
Season runs thru July. Games are played on Friday evenings at Darden Towe Park. The slow pitch league is open to men and women 14 years old or older. Anyone interested in playing on the FUMC team can contact Bill Owens for more information.


Picnic in the Park



Thanks to all who joined us for our Pen Park Fellowship Night last Sunday. We joined forces with the children and tween ministry for a terrific evening of fellowship. If you could not make it out, we hope to see you at our next event.


Inviting those of all ages to join us on Sunday evening, June 25, from 4:00-5:30 pm at Pen Park.  (Rain location: Charlottesville First UMC, Fellowship Hall)


Adults, children, and youth will meet in the upper parking lot grassy area next to the playground for games and fellowship. 


Picnic Options: Pack your own dinner or email to let us know how many slices of pizza you want. Please bring your own drinks, a blanket or chair. 


Looking forward to seeing you all on these evenings together. Invite your friends and be on the lookout to make some new ones! 


Mark your Calendar:  Future dates are June 25, July 30, and August 20th.
Youth ages 6th-12 grades and their parents may contact Dave Breslin,
Youth Ministry Coordinator,
to be added to the youth email list.
Volunteers needed! We are seeking several caring adults who would like to help out with our growing teen community. Please contact Dave for more information.  
June 4...All-Age Service (children and youth help run the service;
                  NO YOUTH GROUP TODAY)...10-11              
                  ASP Training at Aldersgate UMC...12:30-3:00
June 11...Youth Group, 10-11 June 12...Youth serve in soup kitchen, 10:00-1:00
June 18...ASP Send-off during the service, 10-11
June 25-July 1...ASP Service Project              NO YOUTH GROUP ON JUNE 25TH
  VBS Logo  
for children & volunteers
Vacation Bible School at Charlottesville First UMC
Monday-Friday, July 31st-August 4th, 9:00am- 12:00pm
Register today to save your spot.  Please feel free to invite your friends! 
Ages 3 yrs old-Rising 6th graders Limited Spaces Available. 😊 Hope to see you there!
Are you available to help out this summer with Vacation Bible School?  We need you!! We are looking for volunteers as we get ready for VBS.
The number of kids we can host here, at Charlottesville First UMC, is all dependent on how many volunteers we have! Please let us know your availability
Next God in All Things: June 28

NOW ENROLLING! 2's, 3's, Pre-K and KINDERGARTEN! Call 434-296-6682

The Faith Seekers Class (Room 208 on Sundays at 8:45am) is studying “End Times : Practical Heavenly Mindedness.” 
As described in the introduction, scriptures from the Old and New Testament help us to “view time as a gift and not as a resource to be managed." 
All are welcome to join.
Handbell Rehearsal - Sundays 6-7:30pm
Choir Rehearsal - Tuesdays 6-7pm
Prayer Time
Tuesdays at 12:30pm on Zoom
All are welcome to join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 882 7977 8844
Passcode: 968327
Who’s ready for another hike?

Please join us this Saturday, June 3rd at 2:30 pm. We will meet at the upper parking lot at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area. If that lot is full, there is a lower lot next to Camp Holiday Trails. Meet at 2:30.

You can map it as Ragged Mountain Natural Area or it’s also listed under parks and rec charlottesville. Contact Dave Wheatley at to let him know if you plan to attend or if you have any questions.
Gentle Yoga
TODAY at 2:30 in the Gathering Space.
Reservations are required to attend these classes - $10 per class. Please reach out to Lara Upton to reserve your space.
Yoga will be on a break for the months of June, July, and August. 
Giving Back
Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
 Our regularly scheduled 2nd Fridays:
  • June 9th
  • July 14th
If you feel called to help build Habitat for Humanity homes, and have a great experience, please sign up.
Meals packaged at our Rise Against Hunger Experience have shipped. At this moment, healthy meals are on their way to a community in urgent need of nutrition.  
Meals we packaged are headed to  Madagascar! 
Madagascar, an island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa, is home to over 28 million people. The nation faces high rates of poverty, food insecurity and chronic malnutrition. Especially in the southern part of the country, low access to education, water scarcity and frequent natural disasters cause severe food insecurity.
The Global Hunger Index, which assesses food insecurity based on indicators that measure undernourishment and undernutrition, categorizes Madagascar as having an  “alarming” level of hunger.
Our impact To address some of the food security challenges that children, families, and communities in Madagascar face, Rise Against Hunger partners with organizations that support educational programs by providing meals to children at schools and early childhood development centers. This is a key part of Rise Against Hunger’s Nourishing Lives pathway. In some cases, the food children receive at school will be the majority of the food they eat in a day. The meals you packaged will help ensure that children have access to the consistent nourishment they need to live healthy lives and successfully pursue  their education. Read more about the impact your meals are making by checking out this story on the Rise Against Hunger blog!

Clothes Closet

DONATIONS to Hinton Ave UMC clothes closet:
Hours of operation:  Tuesdays from 10am-1pm    We are looking for children to adult sizes, spring/summer clothing.  Please make sure the clothing is gently used, clean, stain-free, and in good repair. Also accept some household items (e.g., sheets, towels, small appliances, dishes, pans). Email for info.

Are you interested in
serving communion? Email Evelyn Kessler 
or call

Would you be interested in helping with communion preparation?


Help is needed to prepare communion on the first Sunday of every month and special holidays. This would involve working with another experienced team member to set-up and then clean up after communion. The set - up process is currently done on Sunday morning before the service and would take about 30 – 45 minutes. Clean-up after the service takes about 20 minutes. Each team member does this once every three to four months depending on how many people are on the team. Questions and info? Email Evelyn Kessler or call

Contact Teri Guertler

if you need a prayer quilt for someone going through a difficult time, or if you would like to help in the creation of the prayer quilts. No experience necessary.

Assistance for Ukraine
UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery, Advance #982450, is collecting funds for humanitarian assistance.
You can donate directly online or designate "Ukraine relief" on your checks made out to CFUMC
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