April 9th, 2017
Good Afternoon!

Another great time burn week. As discussed, with the weekly and monthly charts where they are, the market could not move significantly in any direction.

The monthly charts is still exhasuted, but the weekly is starting to creep up to 40. and the daily chart still is now up around 57 and ready to move. I expect to see the daily have a move over the next week or two and that will help charge the weekly more. We are not ready for a big trend yet, but are getting closer. One thing I did see this week is that the IWM weekly is charged th highest I've ever seen. That chart is about to go big one direction or another. We are going to remove our current Call Spread firs thing Monday

All of our trades fired last week and we are in good shape and I've found 2 new candidates for our high risk/return/small account trades for this week in RUN and OCLR and we will discuss them in this week's vieo.

Have a great week!

p.s. I am always looking for feedback on this newsletter and how we can make it better, so please feel free to send it to me at support@tenyeartrading.com.
This Week's Video

In today's video, we discuss the markets and the big move coming on the IWM. We go over our exit on out IWM spread and enter a new trade on RUN and OCLR..

Click below to see the 2016 Year in Review!

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Current Positions
April 2017

Spread Trades

FNSR Defense: We will buy the june $21/19 put spread for $.20 as defense for our Sept '17 $23 put.

GOOGL: We will sell the Sept '17 $735/725 put spread for $1.20.

March 2017

Naked Puts

FNSR: We sold the Sept '17 $23 put for $1.50. FNSR ended the week at $25. We now need have defense on.

SUN: We sold the Sept '17 $22.50 for $1.80. SUN ended the week at $29.40. We now have defense on.

Oil: We sold the Sept '17 $6 put for $.55 with 2 contracts. OIL ended the week at $5.80. It is starting to head back up.

AOBC Rollout: We rolled our Mar $22 put to the June $22 put for a credit of $.50. AOBC ended the week at $21.

Spread Trades

SSO: We sold the Sept '17 $75/70 for $.90 with 2 contracts. SSO finished the week at $84.37.

SUN Defense: We bought the June '17 $20/17.5 put spread as defense for our Sept' 17 $22.5 put.

IWM Rollout: We rolled our IWM Mar '17 $136/146 put spread to the April $136/146 strikes for a credit of $.76. IWM finished the week at $135.52. We are going to exit this firs thing Monday and will make a small profit overall.

February 2017

Naked Puts

WAC: We sold the Sept '17 $3 put for $.60 with 2 contracts. WAC finished the week at $1.20. We were saved by our defense making our breakeven on these around $1.40. We will stay in it and wait for WAC to come back up as it is close.

MYGN: We orginally sold the Feb '17 $18 put for $1.30. MYGN ended the week at $18.70. We rolled this out to Aug '17 and pick up another $1.00 of credit making our cost basis in the $15's.. We now have defense on.

VSTO: We sold the AUG '17 $22.5 for a credit of $1.75. VSTO finished the week at $19.

INSY: We sold the Aug '17 $6 put for $.75. INSY ended the week at $10.36. We now have defense on.

MEET: We sold the Aug '17 $4 put for $.45 with 2 contracts. MEET Ended the week at $5.64 and we have nice profit going. We now have defense on.

MEET Defense: We bought the May '17 $3 put for $.10 as defense fo our AUg '17 $4 put.

Spread Trades

NVDA: We sold 2 Sept '17 $75/70 put spreads for $.80 each. NVDA ended the week at $100. We can buy these back for $.55.

WAC Defense: We bought 3 June '17 $2/1 put spreads as defense for our Sept '17 $3 puts. We will hold these for now.

DLTR: We sold the Sept $65/60 put spreads for $.85 with 2 contracts. DLTR ended the week at $77.61.

MYGN Defense: We bought the May '17 $14/13 put spread for $.15 as defense for our MYGN rollout.

INSY Defense: We bought the May '17 $5/4 put spread for $.10 as defense fo our Aug '17 INSY $6 put.

January 2017

Covered Calls

WAC: We sold the June $5 covered call for $1.00. WAC ended the week at $1.20 and we sold our defense for extra profit as well as are letting this trade go to full profit.

Naked Puts

WAC: We sold the June $4 put for $.85 with 2 contracts. WAC ended the week at $1.10 and we took full profit on our defense. Our breakeven is just below $2.

SUN: We sold the J
une '17 $25 put for $2.60. SUN ended the week at $29.40. We can buy this back for $.46 right now.

Spread Trades

NVDA: We sold the June $80/75 put spread for $.90. NVDA ended the week at $100. We can buy this back already for $.37.

December 2016

Naked Puts

WAC: We sold the June $4 put for $.50 with 2 contracts. WAC ended the week at $1.20. We profited from our defense and have a break even around $3.

TASR (now AAXN): We sold the June '17 $20 put for $1.20. TASR recently changed its name to AXON and changed its symbol AAXN. The stocked ended the week at $23.27. We can buy this back for $.50 and will look to do so in the coming weeks.

INSY: We sold the May '17 $6 put for $.75 with 2 contracts. INSY ended the week at $10.36. We can buy this back for $.15
November 2016

Spread Trades
AMZN: We sold the Apr '17 $675/770 put spread for a credit of $1.25. AMZN finished the week at $893. We can can buy this back for $.02 and will let it go to expiration.
June 2016
Naked Puts

WAC Rollout: We rolled our Jun '16 $7 put to the Dec '16 $7 put for a credit of $.60. This puts our breakeven down around $5. We let ourselves get put the shares since we are close to breakeven and either let it run up from here or sell calls.

WAC Rollout: We rolled our 2 June '16 $10 puts to the Dec $10 put for a credit $.15 each putting our breakeven just below $8. We let ourselves get put the shares since we are close to breakeven and either let it run up from here or sell calls.

FIT: We rolled our FIT May $17 put to the Jan $17 put for a credit of $2.05. Our breakeven is now under $14 and FIT ended the week at $6 after getting hammered on earnings. We rolled this to the May '17 strike for $.20.

April 2016

Naked Puts

PLUG: We sold the Sept '16 $2 put for $.32 with contracts. PLUG ended the week at $2.03. We let ourselves get put the shares and are now highly profitable. We will let it run up some more and sell the shares.

GPRO: We originally sold the April '16 $25 put for $2.20. We made another $1 from our defense putting our breakeven at $21.80. We rolled this out to the Jan '17 $25 strike for a credit of $.80. GPRO ended the week at $9.00.

February 2016

Naked Puts

VDSI Rollout: We rolled our VDSI Mar '16 $20 put to the Sept '16 $20 put for $1.15. This now put breakeven on our shares in the $15's. VDSI finished the week at $13 keeping us near breakeven. We got put the shares and can sell calls or sell the shares. We have a closing order in place.

November 2014

Naked Puts

EMES: We sold the March '15 $65 for $5.00. Emes finished the week at $14. If you remember, we rolled this out picking up another $3.15 to the June '15 strike. We have $8 in credit from our trades and picked up another $4 in selling out of defense. We rolled it again out to January 2016 picking up another $2.35, so breakeven is now around $50 on these specific shares. We rolled this our to Jan '17 and pick up another $.70 making breakeven overall on these specific shares $49.

In January '17. We allowed ourselves to get put the stock. Our cost basis on EMES all time is around $25, so we will sell calls and let it come up over time.

September 2014

Naked Puts

CRR: We sold the CRR March $60 put for $4.20. CRR finished the week at $11. Overall on our trades on CRR over the years have a nice profit. We received full profit on our defense and our breakeven is in the $50 range on this trade. We completed our rollout of this to the June cycle and picked up another $.85. As I have lamented in previous newsletters, this is the one trade of 2014 I wished I had waited on. I put it on too early in the drop in oil. We have more than made up for it with our previous trades on CRR over the years which has our cost basis below $30, but a lot of lessons learned in this trade.

We rolled our CRR trade out to Jan 2016 picking up another $1.75 making our breakeven below $50 (around $48) on these shares. We are rolled the Jan '16 to the Jan '17 $60 strike and picked up $.85. We allowed ourselves to get put the stock. Our cost basis all time on CRR is around $20, so we will sell calls as it comes back up.

Closed Positions and Trade History

To view the latest closed positions and historical closed positions from June 2013 to present, please click the link below and visit our trade history page.

Click Here to View the Ten Year Trading Formula Trade History

Trades of the Week for 4-9-17
Ten Year Trading Formula
Stock Trades

VDSI: We have a GTC order in to sell our shares at $19.

Covered Call Trades

Put Trades

RUN: We will sell the Nov $5 put for $.75

OCLR: We will sell the Oct $7 put for $.70

Spread Trades

IWM: We will buy back our April '17 $136/146 put spread for $1.33.

*All orders are setup as Good til Cancel (GTC)
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