Yarrow Soothes
Having gathered some very special EO specimens for the occasion, today we would like to offer the most precious Yarrow from Bavaria. It is cultivated in the benign central European climate to yield this most gentle oil with all the qualities that authors from Hildegard from Bingen onwards to Pierre Franchomme have been raving about.
Hildegard von Bingen praises the herb as the go to remedy for external and internal injuries. Translating loosely she writes: Yarrow is warm and dry and a person whose eyes are dark from shedding tears should use it mixed in with the best wine.
Modern French Style Aromatherapy considers Yarrow EO to be the most efficient remedy for nerve pain and neuralgia.
If we would have to choose only one healing plant Yarrow would be right on top of the list together with Lavender and Everlast. There is almost no condition a lay person could not at least ameliorate with Yarrow: A powerful anti-inflammatory agent Achillea millefolium is very effective for nerve pain and neuralgia, muscle injuries, liver and digestive weakness, tendonitis and arthritis, for injuries, wounds bites over hemorrhoids to respiratory blockages and emotional upset and anxiety.
To continue the festivities we offer a 25% discount on our Yarrow from Bavaria SKU250