To continue our 40th Anniversary Celebration we are offering the 9th installment of our series "Oils of Stunning Authenticity" from the Western Hemisphere. This week will present an opportunity to acquire an extremely beautiful and rare essential oil.

The Green Color

When Pènoël and Franchomme first introduced this oil to Aromatherapy it came primarily from a producer using a copper still. The oil of Inula graveolens seems to contain components that form chemical complexes with copper which turn the oil  green. The 2022 harvest yielded a beautiful extract of a dense dark green hue.


As the green oil was almost famous at its time a beautiful lore arose which connected the emerald color of the oil to its healing relation with the heart chakra. And indeed, the oil is a heart regulator and cardiac tonic which eases palpitations and arrhytmia.

Inula graveolens is a hearty shrub harvested and distilled mostly in Corsica. It is an unpretentious shrub which does not loudly advertise its amazing qualities

Therapeutic Properties of Inula graveolens, wild

Certified Organic by ECOcert and AB France


Therapeutic indications include: Laryngitis, spasmodic cough, hypertension, tachycardia, cardiac fatigue, biliary dyskinesia, kidney insufficiency, cystitis, vaginitis, dermatitis.


Inula is probably the strongest mucolytic agent in aromatherapy. It opens the air passages instantaneosly upon inhalation. It is one of the top oils for Chronic Bronchitis, COPD and Sinusitis. A suggested blend for COPD consists of equal parts of Inula, Eucalyptus radiata, Tea Tree, Lavandin and a small amount of German Chamomile.


One suggestion for a powerful complimentary treatment to address Cystic fibrosis blends Inula with Eucalyptus dives, Star Anise, Ravintsara, Thyme thuyanol and Tanacetun annuum.


The beauty of the oil transports itself into the respiratory tract and initiates a sensation of respiratory well being. It makes inhalation pure joy.

25% OFF  

Inula graveolens, green oil

Certified organic by Ecocert and AB.

Very limited Quantity


Discount will be available

May 4th through May 8th, 2023

Original Swiss Aromatics
PO Box 6842, San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-9120

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
PO Box 6723,  San Rafael, CA 94903  
(415) 479-9120

Follow us on Instagram: @originalswissaromatics

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