20% Discount on
Melissa from Bavaria and Bulgaria
Melissa growing in pastoral lands of Bavaria
Essential Oil Cultivation Sites around the World

Melissa: Balance and Calm

10 kg of Melissa officinalis leaves are distilled to produce just one 5 ml bottle of our precious #80 Melissa essential oil. It is the finest pure Melissa oil we have ever known.


It is no surprise that much of the Melissa oil available is a result of conventional adulteration. In 1961 Steffen Arctander warns, "The herb may be distilled with Lemon oil, Spanish so-called Verbena oil, Lemongrass oil, Citronella oil and various mixtures thereof. This process leads to commercial quantities of Melissa oil." He posits that the extremely small yield obtained by the steam distillation explains why he has not seen, throughout his 25 years of research, a genuine and authentic specimen.


The Sites: North of Munich 

With the advent of aromatherapy came heightened interest in the healing properties of Melissa. Individuals willing to pay the price for the unadulterated oil allow distillers to make a living and justify the absurdly low yield. The Bavarian Melissa oil we share with you is cultivated and distilled in the agricultural lands north of Munich by our friend Bernhard.


Bernhard's farm is  Demeter certified adhering to biodynamic agriculture management practices that are intended to restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Crop diversification, the avoidance of chemical soil treatments and off-farm inputs, decentralized production and distribution, and the consideration of celestial and terrestrial influences on biological organisms are strictly enforced, much more than required in other organic farming certifications. 



However, lately we were pleased to find another reliable and trustworthy source in Bulgaria for Melissa oil which allows us to offer this oil at a distinctly lower cost. Lacking the Demeter certification, we still find this genuine and authentic oil comparable to the Bavarian product with the same therapeutic qualities. 

Therapeutic Properties

The healing properties of Melissa have been well known since the Middle Ages. Early wisdom includes a recommendation by Saint Hildegard of Bingen: "Melissa is warm and a person who eats it likes to laugh because its warmth touches the spleen and therefore the heart is pleased." While the historic wisdom may seem unnecessary to someone steeped in modern rationalism, Melissa has been the subject of much western research to explain various pharmacological properties within its oil and water soluble components. Noteworthy results demonstrate the ability of Melissa to counteract herpes virus episodes as it is one of the most powerful antivirals in aromatherapy.


There is evidence to suggest that Melissa officinalis enhances cholinergic transmission, based on the fact that it binds to both nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors within the central nervous system (Perry et al., 1996; Wake et al., 2000). Much of its calming and strengthening effect to the nervous system could be mediated that way. The most reliable action of true Melissa is its calming effects (Kennedy et al., 2003).


French Style Aromatherapy credits Melissa, among others, with the ability to alleviate disturbances in cardiac rhythm, palpitations or even angina attacks. The oil is profoundly calming as it brightens the mood, strengthens the heart and nervous system and helps with weakness or lack of energy.
In short it is an effective antihypertensive and sedative as well as a powerful hypnotic.
A drop or two in a glass of warm water, perhaps sweetened with a little bit of honey, will promote deeper and more restorative sleep. Melissa oil is one of the strongest antiviral agents in aromatherapy and is a proven remedy for herpes. Melissa also addresses anger, hysteria, fears, anxiety and insomnia.
This is the classic Demeter certified Melissa from Bavaria 
This is our beautiful alternative Melissa from Bulgaria in genuine and authentic quality.

Special Discount on Melissa Essential Oil

These precious oils are available in limited quantities only. We are pleased to offer a special discount of 20% on these rare specimens of authentic Melissa essential oil from Bavaria and Bulgaria.
Discount available October 7th through October 31st, 2022.
Thank you for reading our Authenticity Bulletin #70

Original Swiss Aromatics
PO Box 6842, San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-9120

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
PO Box 6723, San Rafael, CA 94903

Follow us on Instagram: @originalswissaromatics


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