Karo Karounde Flowers
This Vitex tree is over 300 years old.

Vitex Agnus Castus: Woman’s Best Friend

Vitex is a member of the Lamiaceae family. It can grow to an impressive tree with beautiful purple flowers. Its vernacular names Chaste Tree and Monk’s Pepper already hint at its main area of interaction with the human organism: The endocrine system.

The Site: Northern Mediterranean

Vitex grows abundantly in the areas of the northern Mediterranean, Crete and the far reaches of Turkey.


The fact that it grows outside of the historic sphere of French colonial influence may explain why there is practically nothing written about this wholly useful oil in the French aromatherapy literature.

Orto Botanico

Therapeutic Properties

For hundreds of years the herb Vitex agnus castus has been used mostly in the form of a tincture for hormone related conditions like menstrual difficulties and menopause. Distillation of the essential oil began relatively recently as it has found its way into aromatherapy only in the early 2000s. The oil is successfully used for the treatment of menopause and andropause, PMS, menstrual discomfort and other symptoms associated with hormonal (especially progesterone) imbalance. Twenty years ago Barbara Lucks conducted study groups, each with about 25 women, to evaluate the properties of the oil. Among the qualities expressed by the group were relief of mood swings, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and more. While the oil acts as if it were mimicking progesterone there are no components in the oil to explain this activity. The available research concludes that the oil acts by regulating the hypothalamus and consequently the thyroid and endocrine system.
The best application varies from person to person. For some, inhalation might be enough, while for others, topical application of small amounts of oil will provide desired benefits. Ingesting 1 to 5 drops daily may be the best approach for others. As such, the oil should be explored with an open mind to find one’s most successful application. The gentle actions of this oil may take several weeks to get to the core of the imbalance.
The studies, “The Vitex Anthology: Explorations in Menopausal Balance” and the “Practical Guide to Vitex,” both authored by Barbara Lucks, can be found in the Proceedings of Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy 4th and 5th Scientific Wholistic Aromatherapy Conferences.
#242 Vitex


Our Vitex oil is certified organic by ECOCERT distilled from wild plants on the mediterranean hillsides of Bosnia. The image above is from a Vitex tree in full bloom in the academic botanical garden of the Republic of Venice, located in what is known today as Padua. The tree is over 300 years old.

Special Discount on Vitex

We are pleased to offer a special discount of 15% for our Vitex Essential Oil.
Discount available May 13th through May 17th, 2021.
Thank you for reading our Authenticity Bulletin #18

Original Swiss Aromatics
PO Box 6842, San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-9120

Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy
PO Box 6723, San Rafael, CA 94903

Follow us on Instagram: @originalswissaromatics


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