SKY Newsletter 38
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

Pubulications and Presentations



 11月16・17日に開催された、国際開発学会・人間の安全保障学会の2019共催大会における、企画セッション「途上国の産業人材に求められる技能の実証研究―Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) プロジェクトの成果報告―」の発表資料がSKY Projectホームページにおいて公開されております。

At the 2019 joint meeting of the International Development Society and the Human Security Society held on November 16 and 17, SKY Project held a session entitled “Empirical study of skills required for industrial human resources in developing countries: Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) Project results report”. The presentation materials are open on the SKY project website.
Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World


Forward-backward linkage in developing countries

 Yujiro Yamazaki


 In developing countries, to achieve successful economic growth and job creation, it is crucial to expand industrial scale. A. Hirschman (1958) focused on this issue by examining industry linkages, and proposed that there is a mutual relationship between forward and backward linkages in expanding industry. Forward linkage refers to the fact that the product of a newly emerging industry is supplied as a material to another industry. It contributes to allowing the emergence of other new industries. Backward linkage refers to the fact that the product of the newly emerging industry induces demand for materials and enables the emergence of supply industries.

 Morris & Fessehaie (2014) discus how African countries can realize value-added commodity-based industrialization from the viewpoint of forward-backward linkage. In Africa, where primary products are abundant, in order to produce value-added products, it is necessary to consider backward linkage, such as expanding the supply side of resources, and forward linkage, such as the need for new products to part of the global value chain. In addition, the article points out the importance of policies and strategies that take into account both linkages and skills development so that people can manage new jobs. They also indicated that a lack of skills has hindered local people from improving corporate competitiveness, establishing innovation, adopting world-class manufacturing, and implementing supply chains.
 Analysis of forward and backward linkage can suggest what may be efficient investment for industrial development. Tesafa (2014) performed forward-backward coefficient analysis with other industrial sectors in manufacturing in Ethiopia. For forward linkages, food, textile and non-metal industries related to the services sector, while the leather industry related to the export sector. In terms of backward linkage, there were various relationships among industries, such as the food industry which relates with the service sector, the leather industry with the agricultural sector, and the metal industry with the import sector. This analysis contributes to suggesting an efficient capital input strategy that includes other sectors to expand each manufacturing industry.
 By considering forward-backward linkages in this way, it is possible to structurally grasp the expansion of the industry and its spread to other sectors. By clarifying each industry's correlation with other sectors, it contributes to planning the investment of capital for the efficient expansion of industry that will contribute to economic growth and job creation.

 途上国において、産業規模をどのように拡大していくかは、経済成長、雇用創出の側面から重要な課題となっています。A. ハーシュマン (1958) はこの課題に産業間の連関に着目し、産業規模拡大には、前方連関・後方連関の相互効果があると提唱しました。前方連関とは、新しく登場した産業の生産物が、他の産業に原料として供給され、他の新産業の登場が可能になる効果、後方連関は新しく登場した産業が、他の産業の原料需要を誘発し、原料供給産業の登場が可能となる効果を指しています。

 Morris & Fessehaie (2014)は、付加価値のある商品ベースの産業化を、アフリカ諸国がいかに実現できるかについて、産業連関の側面から議論しています。第一次産品の豊富なアフリカにおいて、付加価値の付いた商品の生産のためには、資源の供給サイドの拡充といった後方連関、商品がグローバル・バリュー・チェーンにより、新たな商品の需要となるような前方連関について、考慮する必要があると指摘しました。その産業化のためには、双方の連関を考慮した、政策や戦略が重要であると述べています。また、現地の人々のスキルの欠如は、企業の競争力の向上、イノベーションの確立、世界クラスの製造の採用、およびサプライチェーン拡充の妨げとなることから、産業連関の実現における技能形成の重要性を指摘しています。
 前方・後方連関による分析は産業発展の効率的な投資を示唆することから、アフリカ諸国でも分析に用いられています。Tesafa (2014) は、エチオピアの製造業の他の産業セクターとの前方・後方連関の相関分析をしています。前方連関については、食品、縫製、非金属産業はサービスセクターへの相関がみられ、一方で革製品産業では輸出への相関がありました。後方連関については、食品産業はサービスセクター、革製品産業では農業セクター、金属産業は輸入への相関というように、産業ごとにばらつきがみられました。各製造業の他セクターとの連関を明らかにすることで、労働市場で必要とされている部門・技能を予測する事に寄与します。



Hirschman, A.O., 1958. The Strategy of Economic Development. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.
Morris, M. and Fessehaie, J. (2014) "The industrialisation challenge for Africa: Towards a commodities based industrialisation path."  Journal of African Trade 1 pp. 25–36.

 Tesafa, F.  (2014)  "Forward and backward linkage analysis of manufacturing industries in Amhara region, Ethiopia."  National Monthly Refereed Journal of Research In Science & Technology. 3. pp. 14-26.



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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