SKY Newsletter 40
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

Activity Report: Ghana (Kondo Natsuki)




1月17日から29日にかけて、ガーナに行って参りました。今回のミッションは、3月に開催を予定しているカンファレンスに向けた、関係者との調整です。今回の出張で、ガーナの産業人材育成の監督調整機関である技術・職業教育訓練評議会 (COTVET)との共同開催とすることが決定いたしました。


From the 17th to 29th of January, I visited Ghana.
The mission is coordination among stakeholders for a conference which is planned to be held this coming March. The conference will be co-hosted by COTVET, which is the leading institution to oversee every aspect of skills development in Ghana. Participants will be invited from various sectors including government, development partners, industry, and educational institutions, and we would like to facilitate a discussion among stakeholders about the best way forward.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World



Resolving Youth Unemployment: Young Women and Digital Economy


 Adefolake Adeniyi



 According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), youth employment is still a global challenge as well as a priority policy concern across the world. High numbers of employed young people living in poverty, high rates of youth unemployment, and rates of youth ‘Not in Education, Employment, or Training’ (NEET) make youth employment a global concern (Robinson et al., 2018). Also, there exist disparities in young women’s and young men’s participation rates in the labour force; and it is persistent. Persistent inequalities are evident in their earnings, amount of time spent, productivity and their types of jobs (Robinson et al., 2018). Interestingly, recently, studies have shown that it is not only the right thing to reduce gender inequality, but that it also makes economic sense to do so. It could be both socially and economically transformative.
 Technological revolution can propel people beyond barriers – social, physical, and economic – that are between them and a decent job, although it can also make them unemployed. It has the potential to open up opportunities that were once beyond their imaginations or that even never existed in their dreams. 
 In the Age of Change, digital technology is rapidly transforming the world of work as well as organisations skills profiles. The need for skilling and reskilling continue to be on the increase, and lifelong learning is now more critical than ever. Nevertheless, skills mismatch continues to lock youth, especially young women, out of digital employment opportunities. Globally, the percentage of men that use the internet is 12% more than that of women. Likewise, rates of internet users are lower for women compared to men in almost every region of the world. (Robinson et al., 2018). Traditional employment programs for youth mostly focus on the supply-side, at the expense of the demand-side, thereby, not bridging the skills gap.
 Digital work refers to every work that utilises digital technology, or that is achieved by digital technology (Robinson et al., 2018). For youth to participate actively as well as contribute to the digital economy, they need to acquire/develop appropriate digital skills. The required skillsets depend on the level of expertise that might be required by specific digital works. More so, digital skills exist on a continuum. They exist from fundamental skills to intermediate skills and then, advance skills. These skills, as described by Robinson et al. (2018), are ‘a combination of behaviours, expertise, know-how, work habits, character traits, dispositions and critical understandings’. It is, therefore, important, for employment programs designed for youth to design strategies that will consider both the demand-side and supply-side of digital work simultaneously (World Bank, 2019). There is also a need to integrate, at all levels of education, gender-inclusive digital skills courses as well as provide equivalent training for women and out-of-school girls (Robinson et al., 2018).

 国際労働機関(ILO)は若者の雇用は依然として世界的な課題であり、政策上の優先的課題であることを指摘しています。貧困、若者の高い失業率、およびNEET(Not in Education, Employment, or Training)状態の若者が世界的な課題となっております(Robinson et al., 2018)。また、若い女性と男性の労働参画には格差があり、依然として改善されない状況です。ジェンダー不平等は、彼らの収入、時間、生産性、そして彼らの業種において明白に表れています(Robinson et al., 2018)。ジェンダー平等を改善させていくことは、社会的に正統であることだけでなく、経済的にも優位があることが示されており、ジェンダー平等は社会的および経済的に変革する可能性を秘めています。
 変化の時代において、デジタルテクノロジーは仕事とスキルを急速に変化させています。スキルとリスキルの必要性が増すにつれて、生涯学習はこれまで以上に重要になっています。一方で、スキルのミスマッチは依然と課題となり、若者、特に若い女性をデジタル雇用の機会から締め出し続けています。インターネットを使用する男性の割合は、女性の割合よりも12%多く、インターネットユーザーの割合は、世界のほぼすべての地域で男性と比較して女性の方が低くなっています(Robinson et al., 2018)。また、従来の若者向けの雇用プログラムは、供給側に主に焦点を当てており、需要側からスキルのギャップを埋めることが十分に実施されていません。
 デジタルワークとは、デジタル技術を利用する、またはデジタル技術によって達成されるすべての仕事を指します(Robinson et al., 2018)。若者が積極的にデジタル経済に貢献するには、適切なデジタルスキルを習得/開発することが必要となります。必要なスキルセットは、特定のデジタルワークに必要な専門知識のレベルに依存しており、デジタルスキルは基本的なスキルから上級スキルに至るまで継続的に習得し続ける必要があります。Robinsonら(2018)は「行動、専門知識、ノウハウ、仕事習慣、性格特性、気質、批判的理解の組み合わせ」がデジタルスキルにおいて必要であると述べています。このように継続的に様々な要素を組み合わせる必要のあるデジタルスキルを普及させるためには、若者向け雇用プログラムでにおいて、デジタルワークの需要側と供給側の両方を同時に考慮する戦略を設計することが重要であると指摘されています(World Bank, 2019)。また、すべての教育レベルにおいて、女性に対しても同等のデジタルスキル習得のためのトレーニングを提供することはジェンダー平等に向けて必要不可欠となります(Robinson et al., 2018)。



Robinson, Danielle Simone; Datta, Namita; Massey, Emily; Kgasago, Tshegofatso; Jakoet, Mishkah; Glick, Peter J.; Carew, Diana Gehlhaus; Edochie, Ifeanyi; McLaughlin, Delores; Small, Andrew (2018)  Digital Jobs for Youth: Young Women in the Digital Economy (English). Solutions for Youth Employment. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.
ILO (n.d). Youth employment. International Labour Organization. Retrieved from:
World Bank (2019) World Development Report. 2019. The changing nature of work. World Bank Group. Retrieved from:




SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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