SKY Newsletter 44
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

What's New 新着情報

Activity Report (by Yamada Shoko)





 エチオピアでは、科学高等教育省や工業省とも緊密な関係を築き、シンポジウムを共催したり、SKYプロジェクトの提言がEducation Roadmapの政策文書に引用されたりしている。また、2020年度からは、JICA草の根技術協力事業として、エチオピア国カイゼン研究所や連邦TVET機構と連携して産業人材の技能評価及び訓練プログラムを提供するなど、同国の社会経済開発への貢献を深めようとしている。また、ガーナでは、技能評価の結果に基づく政策提言ワークショップを3月に開催する予定だった。





 Today, caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 across the world, the movement of people and economic activities are greatly restricted. In any industry, it is urgently needed to establish mechanisms in which the business can be progressed virtually without face-to-face interactions. If this situation continues, it may also be a serious challenge to the conventional mode of international cooperation, in which the experts travel internationally to developing countries to provide technical support directly.

 SKY Project has conducted skills assessments of industrial workers in developing countries since 2015, as a means of mitigating the mismatch between the training and employment of the skilled workforce. In Africa, where we mostly work, many national governments invest a large part of their budget to human resources development, aiming to drive economic growth with that sector. However, despite the devoted resources, the workforces trained at the governmental education institutions are often criticized for not having the skills required in industry or for not obtaining employment in the sectors for which they are trained. Because of the prevalence of these supply-demand gaps, SKY Project’s activities have been appreciated for identifying the actual content and degree of skills gaps while proposing realistic policy measures.

For example, in Ethiopia, we have established close working relationships with various government bodies, including the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Industry. We co-hosted an international symposium with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in 2018, and our proposals are cited as a background of the policy document named the Education Roadmap. Also, starting from this year, SKY Project will start to develop a training program for Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs), in collaboration with the Ethiopia KAIZEN Institute and Federal TVET Agency, with the financial support of JICA.

 In Ghana, we planned to host a symposium to share the findings from the skills assessment conducted in 2019 with TVET students and workers in SMEs and the informal sector.

 Just in the middle of these activities and favourable partnerships with governments and other stakeholders, the COVID-19 pandemic has occurred. Of course, the planned activities will be resumed as the situation calms down. At the same time, it would be important for us to make this an opportunity for improvement, rather than on of simple damage. As a research-based development partner based in a university setting, SKY Project is going to considering how to provide our services while meeting contemporary conditions and demands.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World

Dual VET-Systems in the era of the fourth industrial revolution
第四次産業革命におけるDual VETシステム


 Adefolake Adeniyi


 Dual Vocational and Educational Training (VET) システムは、既存のTVETとは異なり、ユニークなシステムと実施プロセスとして注目されています。Dual VETシステムでは、学校の学習に加え、企業においての職業内訓練をすることで、2つの学びの場を生徒に提供します。たいてい、理論的側面の学習を学校で学び、実践的な側面を企業でのインターンシップにて学びます。ドイツでは、ある週は学校での学習、別の週では企業で行うDual VETシステムを実施しています。労働において必要なスキルを学ぶのみならず、現場において生産的で効率的な作業を行う適合性に重要なのソフトスキルも習得することができます。国や地域によって異なりますが、企業に少額を支払うことで企業内訓練に参加している学生も存在します。
 学習カリキュラムは、企業内のトレイナーとの連携でデザインされます。この連携が既存のTVETにはない、Dual VETシステムの強みとなっています。需要側である企業と連携をしていくことで、卒業生が労働市場に円滑に参加することができ、スキルミスマッチを防ぐことができます。そして、企業内訓練を実施した企業側も、インターンシップで参加した学生の能力を目で見て確かめている為、安心して雇用することに加えて、雇用に投じるコストも削減することができます。若者の雇用率が低い国においてもDual VETシステムが雇用課題の解決に寄与するといわれています。
 Dual VETシステムは良い面のみでなく、Dual VETシステムが故の課題も存在しています。例えば、企業での訓練のコストを効率化にはどうすればよいか、就学の途中で専門性を変えたい学生はどうなるのか、スキルミスマッチを埋める傍ら、その後のキャリアチェンジの余地は卒業生にあるのかという側面に加え、インダストリ―4.0とも呼ばれる第四次産業革命の中、中小企業がそもそも進歩し続ける必要なスキルについていくことができるのかについても重要な課題となっています。いかにDual VETシステムを改善させていくかを考えていくにあたり、これらの問いかけはDual VETシステムの発展にむけて示唆的であるといえます。


 Unlike the traditional Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET), the dual Vocational and Educational Training (VET) systems stand out because of their unique system of design and implementation process. Dual VET-systems have two learning venues, public vocational schools and companies where students receive on-the-job training. Usually, students spend a part of their training period for theoretical education at vocational or training schools and another part for an internship at a trainer company. For instance, in Germany, students spend a part of their week at school and the other part at the company or an extended period at both venues alternately. Apart from equipping students for skills required for the world of work, the students equally acquire soft skills that ensure their adaptability to working conditions, productivity and overall efficiency at work. Depending on the contract, level, and country, some students are paid by their trainer companies.
 Learning curricula are designed in conjunction with trainer companies. This is an added advantage of the dual-VET systems over traditional TVET systems. With the input of the demand side of the labour market in curricula design and implementation, skills mismatch could be resolved, and graduates that would meet employment requirements are produced. The trainer companies usually employ these students after graduation since such companies already know the competencies of their students. More so, it reduces the cost of hiring. Further, it has been found that youth employment is low in countries where dual VET-systems work well.
 As easy and straightforward as the dual-VET system might seem, the system might have its own challenges. For instance, how effective is the cost of training on the part of companies? What happens to a graduate who later desires to change specialization? Could it be that while dual VET-systems are filling the gap of skills mismatch, they might be creating another one - another gap that leaves their graduates with little or no option of a career change? With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0, are the small and medium-size companies involved in dual VET-systems able to meet the training requirements of the ever-evolving set of required skills? How fluid are the training and internships provided to students? These are some questions that might require exploration. They might provide insights into how to keep improving on dual-VET systems, especially in countries that may possibly experience any of these or related challenges.





UNEVOC Website.

The Federal Government. Dual vocational training system. Working in Germany: the official website for qualified professionals

Lifelong Learning Program An introduction to The Dual VET system The secret behind the success of Germany and Austria

Niranjan A. (2018.06.04) What is Germany’s dual education system — and why do other countries want it?  Deutsche Welle




SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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