SKY Newsletter 45
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

What's New 新着情報

Information about New Publication


 SKYプロジェクトメンバーの山田教授とオチア准教授の共著論文 “Perception gaps on employable skills between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers and students: the case of the garment sector in Ethiopia”がJournal of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learningにて掲載されます。詳細は、下記ボタンよりWebサイトにてご覧ください。

The paper “Perception gaps on employable skills between technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teachers and students: the case of the garment sector in Ethiopia” by Sky Project members Dr.Otchia and Dr. Yamada was published in the Journal of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. Please refer the below button to see the detail.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World

Contribution of knowledge-intensive sectors to the COVID-19 in African countries


 Yujiro Yamazaki


 タイラー・コ―ウェンは2013年に Average is Overという著作の中で、テクノロジーによる労働の機械化が、今までその役割を担う中間層の賃金減少に影響を及ぼしていることから、テクノロジー技術を駆使する者と技術に追いつかない者が二分され、中間層が消失し、格差を生み出しているといいます。

 新型コロナウイルスの上陸が他の地域に比べて遅かったアフリカ各国においても、甚大な被害をもたらしています。感染規模は急速に拡大しており、5月現在、アフリカ全体での累計症例数は6万件にのぼり、死者も2000名を超えました(WHO 2020)。経済打撃も深刻化しており、特にアフリカでは多くの企業がインフォーマルな零細業であるため、廃業に追い込まれる割合が高いと報告されています(World Bank 2020)。学校閉鎖によるオンライン学習が世界各国ではみられ、インドなどでは、アプリケーションによるオンライン学習が進められている一方、アフリカ各国はインターネットインフラが概して未発達である為、オンライン学習の普及は難しいといわれています(World Bank 2020)。
 このような状況の中で、アフリカ各国はどのように対応するべきかが現在問われています。世界銀行は2020年4月のAfrica’s Pulseにおいてアフリカ各国の新型コロナウイルスによる経済打撃を分析し、政策提言を短期、中期、長期ごとに提示しています。このレポートの中で、零細業を営む人の多くが貧困層に属し、銀行口座を持たないことから、資金援助に際しモバイルマネーの効率的な活用を指摘しています。また、ルワンダとガーナにおいてはドローンを活用し、新型コロナウイルスのテストサンプルを提供しています。ウガンダではマケレレ大学が新型コロナウイルス対策専用サイトを設け、人々に日々の情報を提供しています。このように、テクノロジーや知識を活用した知識集約型産業の取り組みが、迅速で包括的な回復に向けて要となっております。コ―ウェンの指摘した二分化が課題とはなりますが、技術革新はただ格差を生み出すのではなく、テクノロジー・知識を用いて国内を包括的に支える社会基盤を提供している面もあります。


 Tyler Cowen wrote a book in 2013 entitled Average is Over, in which he said that the mechanization of labor in production through technology is causing declining wages for the middle class who have been put in that role. As a result, this situation created a disparity between those who use technology and those who cannot catch up and made the middle class disappear. Cowen's point is suggestive of the way we confront labor and technology and is evident in the context of the current pandemic of COVID-19. With the world economy taking an unprecedented hit due to the spread of the infection, the impact of the shock on the supply side is visible in varying degrees, depending on the level of adoption of digital technology by companies. While companies which have well organized operations, skilled workers, and infrastructure, can seek out new forms of work such as remote work, other companies which do not have the ability to adapt are forced to close their business.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has caused tremendous damage to African countries. As of May, the total number of cases in Africa has reached 60,000, and more than 2,000 people have died(WHO 2020. The economic impact is also worsening, especially in Africa, where many businesses are informal, and micro-enterprises and are reported as having a high rate of bankruptcy (World Bank 2020). Although online learning due to school closures has been promoted in many countries around the world, it is difficult to spread in African countries since the internet infrastructure is generally underdeveloped in the continent(World Bank 2020).
 In this context, the question is now being asked how African countries should respond to the pandemic of COVID-19. In April 2020, via “Africa's Pulse,” the World Bank analyzed the economic impact of the COVID-19 on African countries and presented policy recommendations for the short, medium, and long term. The report emphazises and recommends the efficient use of mobile money when providing financial assistance since many of the people running micro-businesses do not have bank accounts. There are also reports of the use of drones to provide COVID-19 test samples in Rwanda and Ghana. Moreover, in Uganda, Makerere University has set up a coronavirus resource center, and the website provides information about the COVID-19 on a daily basis. As such, a knowledge-intensive sector that leverages technology has become a key factor for a rapid and comprehensive recovery of African economies. While the dichotomies that Cowen indicated will still be a challenge, innovation does not just create disparities, but in some aspects, technology and knowledge provide a comprehensive social infrastructure for a given country.



Cowen T. (2013) Average Is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation. New York: Dutton.
Kretchmer H. (2020) "How drones are helping to battle COVID-19 in Africa – and beyond" World Economic Forum. (Accessed on May 12th 2020)
Makerere University Coronavirus Resource Center Website (Accessed on May 12th 2020)
World Bank (2020) Africa's Pulse AN ANALYSIS OF ISSUES SHAPING AFRICA’S ECONOMIC FUTURE March 2020 Volume 21. Washington D. C. World Bank Group.

World Bank (2020) “Assessing the Impact and Policy Responses in Support of Private-Sector Firms in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Washington, DC: World Bank, Finance, Competitiveness, & Innovation Global Practice.

World Health Organization Regional Office fot Africa Website. (Accessed on May 12th 2020)



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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