SKY Newsletter 10 2018.10.15
About SKY project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)
SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.
★SKY project     What's new★
Interim Report
Bridging the Supply-Demand Gaps of the Industrial Workforce: Findings from a Skills Assessment of Garment Workers in Ethiopia 2018.9
Shoko Yamada・Christian Otchia・Yuki Shimazu・Kyoko Taniguchi・Fekadu Nigussie



 SKY published the Interim Report of our research in Ethiopia.

 We conducted a large-scale assessment of garment sector workers in which assessors from the employer side and the TVET trainer side concurrently graded the garment manufacturing vocational skills of the same workers to measure the perception gaps between the supply and demand side of worker skills.
 The findings show that there are several layers of mismatch not only between TVET and employers but also between TVET trainers and students. The report also points out that noncognitive or “soft” skills are as important as production skills and it was revealed that TVET graduates demonstrate higher levels of noncognitive skills than do workers trained only in the factories.

★Hot issue of skills development in the world★
What is "Soft skills"?       How to measure "Soft skills"?

Soft Skills to Pay the Bills: Evidence from Female Garment Workers
Achyuta Adhvaryu
University of Michigan & NBER Namrata Kala Harvard University Anant Nyshadham Boston College August 2016

 このレポートで調査しているのは、発展途上国の縫製業の女性労働者に向けに構築されたソフトスキル向上プログラムThe Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E.) programです。プログラムは、タイムマネジメント、コミュニケーション、問題解決、財務経理能力向上を目的として構成されています。


 This report introduces “The Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E.) program” that was designed and first implemented for female garment workers in developing countries. The goal of this program is to improve life skills such as time management, effective communication, problem-solving, and financial literacy for its trainees.

The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment
Lindqvist and Roine Vestman, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (2011.11): 101-128


Viewpoint by Chisaki Miwa 




 This report investigated the effect of cognitive and noncognitive ability on labor market outcomes using data from the Swedish military enlistment. The research found that noncognitive skills have a much stronger effect on earnings.

 Uniqueness of the study is that it uses a personal interview conducted by a psychologist to measure noncognitive abilities. It offers a more precise measure by a personal encounter than measures based on self-reported questionnaires which have been used in most studies in psychology and economics.

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SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.
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