SKY Newsletter 12 2018.11.15
About SKY project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)
SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.
★SKY project     What's new★
We updated SKY project brochure
Why industrial skills development in Africa now? It summarises the issues around industrial skills development behind the rapid economic growth in Africa, and introduces the objectives and features of the project.
★Hot issue of skills development in the world★
How to assess skills?
Assessment Criteria for Competency-based Education: A study in nursing education
Instructional Science, 42, pp.971-994 Fastre, Greet M.J., Marcel R. van der Klink, Pauline Amsing-Smit, and Jeroen J.G. van Merrienboer (2014)

  この記事は、学生の職業技術を実際の現場で適切に評価する方法を探ることを目的とし、アセスメントの評価基準の種類(performance-based vs. competency-based)が学生のパフォーマンスにどんな影響を及ぼすか、看護学校の学生を対象として研究を行ったものです。


This study examined the effects of type of assessment criteria (performance-based vs. competency-based) on nursing students’ performance aiming to explore the appropriate means to assess the skills of vocational students in the actual work context.

Viewpoint by Chisaki Miwa 



The results show that novice students who are given performance-based criteria show higher task performance, make better assessments and invest less mental effort in the assessment than students who are given competency-based criteria. Performance-based assessment criteria are expected to be more beneficial to novice students because they are directly observable, clearly specify what is to be assessed, and require less mental effort. It can be said that a gradual transition from performance-based to competence-based assessment is needed for vocational training programme.

Personnel Assessment and Decisionsis the official journal of the International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC). The journal welcomes any studies or reviews related to staffing organizations and assessing its members. This might include (but is not limited to) research on:

·  applicant recruitment and assessment

·  selection tools (e.g., interviews, tests, work samples)

·  selection decisions

·  on-boarding and training

·  job search and choice

·  performance assessment and employee development

·  job analysis and competency modeling (Journal of Personnel Assessment and Decisions Website 2018)

Investigating Three Approaches of Using Personality to Predict Competency-Based Performance (from Journal of Personnel Assessment and Decisions)
Blaine Gaddis, Brandon Ferrell. Personnel Assessment and Decisions, Volume 4 Issue 1 Article 3, 2018

近年、"Competency"が雇用、昇進、訓練やその他の目的で利用されることが多くなってきています。そこで、パーソナルアセスメントを取り入れた様々なCompetency-basedの研究が行われています。この記事では、“scale-based profiles”、“subscale-based algorithms”そして“scale-based algorithms”という三つのメソッドを比較し、competency-basedパフォーマンスを測るために効果的な方法を調査しています。

 Competencies are increasingly used to evaluate personnel for hiring, promotion, training, and other purposes. Recently, various competency-based research solutions incorporating personality assessments are offered. This paper compares scale-based profiles, subscale-based algorithms, and scale-based algorithms to investigate how effective each method is in predicting competency-based performance.

Other research articles from Journal of perconality to Predict

Creating Test Score Bands for Assessments Involving Ratings using a Generalizability Theory Approach to Reliability Estimation
Charles Scherbaum, Marcus Dickson, Elliott Larson, Brian Bellenger, Kenneth Yusko, and Harold Goldstein

Critical Analytic Thinking Skills: Do They Predict Job-Related Task Performance Above and Beyond General Intelligence?
Sara Beth Elson, Robert Hartman, Adam Beatty, Matthew Trippe, Kerry Buckley, John Bornmann, Elaine Bochniewicz, Mark Lehner, Liliya Korenovska, Jessica Lee, Les Servi, Alison Dingwall, Paul E. Lehner, Maurita Soltis, Mark Brown, Brandon Beltz, and Amber Sprenger

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SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.
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