SKY Newsletter 35
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New
SKY Project co-authored paper was cited in The Digital Roadmap



 The report entitled The Digital Roadmap by Pathways for Prosperity Commission has cited the paper "Explaining differing perceptions of employees' skill needs: the case of garment workers in Ethiopia" by SKY Project members Dr. Yamada, Dr. Otchia and Dr. Taniguchi.
 The Digital Roadmap suggests how developing countries should respond in the world of digital technological innovation. From the viewpoint of human resource development in developing countries, the skill gap in TVET has been pointed out as an issue, and a co-authored paper by a SKY project member is cited as an analysis of the skill gap in the case of Ethiopia. Please check the website for details  of the report.

 Pathways for Prosperity Commissionによるレポート「The Digital Roadmap」において、SKYプロジェクトメンバーである山田教授、オチア准教授、谷口研究員による共著論文「Explaining differing perceptions of employees’ skill needs: the case of garment workers in Ethiopia」が、引用されました。
Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World


Technological innovation in developing countries

 Yujiro Yamazaki

 Technology innovations are happening around the world and are changing rapidly. MacDonald and Weisbach (2004) pointed out that these fluid innovations will transform the values of human capital. If skills are not updated for new technologies, existing skills will lose value, and becomes "has been skills."

 Technological innovation carries the challenge of how to catch up with advanced technologies in developed countries, especially for developing countries. Bhagavan (1990) points out that technological innovation is difficult for developing countries because the development of technological change has created a gap in product production and usage capabilities. As the development of products with modern technology progresses, products becomes easy for anyone to use and becomes versatile, while the production of the product is difficult because it requires advanced technology. Therefore, it is divided into countries that have the technology to produce products and the countries that are limited to importing and using the manufactured products. Countries that can provide products can be scaled up for product development in the future, while countries that rely on other countries for production will continue to rely on the technology of other countries. Given these situations, it is sure that technical products produced in developed countries will flow into developing countries and bring certain benefits associated with the use of those technologies. Still, if technology development in developing countries cannot catch up, the gap between developed and developing countries will be widened.
 Smartphones are an example of such technical disparity, but Rwanda, for example, has been acting to rectify the disparity. Up to now, smartphone production was subject to the gap in production technology as mentioned above, but this October, Rwanda's Mara Company succeeded in producing the first smartphone in the African continent (Monks, 2019). Rwanda is aiming to become a leading IT country in Africa by developing technological infrastructure such as internet access, creating a framework for facilitating the entry of new companies, and actively making IT-related agreements with other countries (Davis, 2019; Soo, 2018). From the perspective of Rwanda's smartphone development, to catch up with technological innovation in developing countries, it can be said that it is crucial to form a foundation for technological innovation through governmental intervention.

 テクノロジーの技術革新は世界各国で起き、現在目まぐるしく変化しています。MacDonald and Weisbach (2004)は、このような流動的な技術革新は人的資本の内容を変容させていくと指摘し、新しい技術のためにスキルをアップデートしていかなければ、既存のスキルが価値をなくし、Has-beenのスキルとなってしまうと指摘しています。
 技術革新は、とりわけ開発途上国において、いかに先進国の高度な技術をキャッチアップしていくかという課題に直面しています。Bhagavan (1990)は、技術革新の発展により、製品の生産能力と使用能力における難易に差が生じていることから、途上国の技術革新が困難であると指摘しています。近代技術による製品は、開発が進むにつれ、誰でも使用しやすくなるため、汎用的になる一方、その製品の生産は高度な技術を要するので難しくなります。そのことから製品を生産する技術を有する国と、製造された製品を輸入して使用することに留まる国に分断されます。生産できる国は今後製品開発により規模を拡大できる一方、使用のみで生産は他国に頼る国は、他国の技術に依存し続けることになります。このように、先進国で生産された技術製品は、途上国に流入し、その技術を使用し恩恵を受けることもありますが、技術に追いつかなければ、先進国と途上国の格差を広げてしまいます。
 このような技術格差の例として、スマートフォンが挙げられますが、ルワンダがその格差を埋めてきています。現在まで、スマートフォン生産は先述の生産技術の格差が生じていましたが、今年10月、ルワンダのマラ社がアフリカ大陸において初のスマートフォンの製造に成功しました (Monks, 2019)。この開発の背景には、国家の積極的な技術革新への取り組みが存在します。ルワンダはアフリカのIT大国になることを目指し、インターネット回線などの技術インフラ整備や、新規企業の参入を容易にするための枠組み作り、他国とのITに関わる協定を積極的に結んでいます(Davis, 2019; Soo, 2018)。ルワンダのスマホ開発からみえるように、途上国において技術革新を追いつくためには、政府の積極的な取り組みにより、技術革新を促す基盤を形成していくことが重要であるといえます。

Bhagavan, M. R. (1990) Technological Advance in the Third World: Strategies and Prospects. Zed book: London.
Davis, M. (2019. 10. 19) Is Rwanda in line to become one of Africa's major tech hubs? Big Think Retrived from
MacDonald, G. and Weisbach, M. S. (2004) "The Economics of Has-beens."  The Journal of Political Economy. 112. 1. pp. 289 - 310.

Monks, K. (2019. 10. 08) Rwanda opens 'first entirely homemade' smartphone factory in Africa. CNN. Retrived from
Soo, Z. (2018. 11. 01) Rwanda joins Alibaba-led electronic world trade platform amid US-China trade war. South China Morning Post. Retrived from



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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