SKY Newsletter 36
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

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Activity Report: JASID&JAHSS Joint International Conference



 11月16・17日に開催された、国際開発学会・人間の安全保障学会の2019共催大会において、企画セッション「途上国の産業人材に求められる技能の実証研究―Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) プロジェクトの成果報告―」の発表を行いました。SKYプロジェクトリーダーの山田教授をはじめ、プロジェクトメンバーのオチア助教授、谷口研究員、島津助教授、近藤助教授が研究成果をそれぞれ発表しました。企画セッションの詳細は下記リンクより、ホームページをご覧ください。

 At the 2019 joint meeting of the International Development Society and the Human Security Society held on November 16 and 17, SKY Project held a session entitled “Empirical study of skills required for industrial human resources in developing countries: Skills and Knowledge for Youth (SKY) Project results report”. In this session, SKY Project Leader Dr. Yamada and project members Dr. Othia, Dr. Taniguchi, Dr. Shimazu, and Dr. Kondo presented their research results. For details of the session, please visit the homepage via the link below.
Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World


Africa Industrialization Week

 Yujiro Yamazaki


 November 20 was established as “African Industrial Day” in 1989 by Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and the United Nations. Since last year, the African Union hosted an event related to industrial development in Africa with the anniversary as “Africa Industrialization Week”. This year, from November 18th to 22nd, 2019, the theme was “Positioning African Industry to Supply the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCTA) Market” (African Union, 2019).
 The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is an agreement that forms a free trade zone that eliminates tariffs and other obstacles in the member states of the African Union (AU), and is scheduled to run from July 2020 (DW, 2019). This economic zone is expected to be the world's largest with a population of 1.3 billion (Balima, 2019). African Union committees held forums on topics such as special economic zones and global value chains for the successful implementation of this free trade zone, and formed partnerships among African countries, international organizations, aid agencies and aid partners. In addition, the fourth annual meeting was held by Africa Free Zones Organization (AFZO), a regional organization in Africa established in 2015. In this conference, participants and experts from 60 economic zones in 43 African countries attended and discussed the topics of governance, FDI in African economic zones, job creation, and skills building under the title of “Economic Zones – Accelerator for Industrialization in Africa” (Dzokpo, 2019).
 During this week, China and South Korea also hosted forums and conferences, respectively, and worked to strengthen partnerships with African industries. South Korea held the 2019 Africa-Korea Business Forum on the 22nd to share the knowledge based on Korea's industrialization experience. In addition, the 2019 Africa-Korea Start Up / SMEs Fair was held from 19th to 21st (African Union, 2019). The fair introduced Korean youth startup businesses in Africa, and shared strategies for successful start-ups between Africa and Korea. China held The China-Ethiopia Investment Meeting on the 20th, and public and private sector representatives discussed the creation of employment, strategies for industrial development, and upcoming investments (Xinhua, 2019).
 Given these situations, it is certain that not only international organizations and Western European countries but also China and South Korea have become more involved in African industry and are energetically creating relationships with Africa. While large economies are forming on the African continent and China and Korea are strengthening partnerships, Japan's industrial relations with Africa will also be a subject of attention in the future.

 11月20日は「アフリカ工業化の日」として1989年、アフリカ統一機構および国連により制定され、アフリカ連合は昨年度より、当記念日を含んだ週を「Africa Industrialization Week」として、アフリカにおける産業発展に関わるイベントを開催しております。今年度は2019年11月18日から22日において、アフリカ産業に対するアフリカ大陸自由貿易協定(AfCFTA)の明確な位置づけをテーマで掲げておりました (African Union, 2019)

 アフリカ大陸自由貿易協定(AfCFTA)とは、アフリカ連合(AU)の加盟国内で関税などの障害を取り除いた自由貿易圏を形成する協定であり、2020年7月に開始を予定しています (DW, 2019)。この経済圏は13億人の人口を抱えた世界最大規模と見込まれております (Balima, 2019)。アフリカ連合の委員会はこの自由貿易圏の実現に向けた、経済特区やグローバルバリューチェーンなどのトピックについてのフォーラムを開催し、各アフリカ諸国、国際機関、援助機関や援助パートナー間でのパートナーシップの形成に努めました。また、2015年に設立したアフリカ諸国独自の地域組織であるAfrica Free Zones Organizatio (AFZO)による第4回年度会議も開催されました。本会議は、 “Economic Zones – Accelerator for Industrialization in Africa” の表題の下、43か国、アフリカにおける60のEconomic Zoneの関係者および専門家が参加し、アフリカの経済区域における、ガバナンス、FDIへの貢献、雇用創出、技能形成について議論しました (Dzokpo, 2019)。
 本イベントにおいて中国と韓国も各々フォーラム、会議を主催し、アフリカ産業とのパートナーシップを強める取り組みをしています。韓国は、22日に2019 Africa-Korea Business Forumを催し、韓国の産業化の経験を下に、知識の共有を行いまし、19日から21日の間に2019 Africa-Korea Start Up/SMEs Fairを催し、韓国の若者のアフリカにおけるスタートアップ事業を紹介し、アフリカと韓国の間でスタとアップにおける知識共有をおこないました(African Union, 2019)。中国は、20日、The China-Ethiopia Investment Meetingsを開催し、中国の投資による雇用創出、産業発展についての戦略、今度の投資について官民が共に議論しました (Xinhua, 2019)。


African Union (2019) “Africa Industrialization Week 2019 #AIW2019.” African Union. Retrieved from
Balima, B. (2019, 07, 08) “Economic 'game changer'? African leaders launch free-trade zone.” Reuters. Retrieved from
DW (2019, 07, 07) “African leaders launch landmark 55-nation trade zone.” DW. Retrieved from
Dzokpo, I. (2019, 11, 21) “4th Annual Meeting of African Economic Zones held in Addis Ababa.” News Ghana. Retrieved from
Xinhua (2019, 11, 23) “Chinese engagement helps Africa’s industrialization: ITC executive director.” Xinhua Net. Retrieved from




SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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