SKY Newsletter 14 2018.12.17
About SKY project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)
SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.
★SKY project     What's new★
Activity report in Ghana (by Natsuki Kondo)2018.11.29
SKY project team has visited Ghana in this autum. The purpose of the trip was to conduct a trial test of our module at general schools. Also, we conducted skill assessment with students in TVET schools. It was the first time to use all 3 tools of our module (Questionnaire, Examination, and Practical Skill Test) in Ghana.
★Hot issue of skills development in the world★
Labour market information and Investment environment in Africa
Africa Investment Forum
07-09 November, 2018,
Johannesburg, South Africa ( African Development Bank Group)

 インフラ、エネルギー、交通、工業、農業、ICT、通信、水衛生、ファンド・金融、保健、教育、サービス・観光、住宅、航空等様々なセクターに係る投資プロジェクトにおいて、計169の商談が行われました。( アフリカ開発銀行グループ ウェブサイト

 The three-day Africa Investment Forum ended November 9thin the South African capital, Johannesburg. President Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa; President Sahle-Work Zewde of Ethiopia, President Alpha Conde of the Republic of Guinea; President Macky Sall of Senegal; President Nana Dankwa Akufo-Addo of Ghana attended the Forum. 
 The projects ranged in diversity from infrastructure, Energy, Transport and Utilities, Industry, agriculture, ICT and Telecoms, Water and Sanitation, Funds/financial Services, Health, Education, Hospitality and Tourism, Housing, and Aviation. A total of 169 bilateral meetings took place in the Marketplace boardrooms.  ( African Development Bank Group Website)

  ナイジェリアでは、女性の社会進出による購買力向上に加 え、モバイルマネーやeコマースの普及を背景に農村女性の取 り込みが可能になったことで市場の拡大が進んでいる。さら に、出生率も世界平均を大きく上回り、ベビー・子ども用品 市場の広がりにも期待がかかる
 ジェトロでは、こうした動きを背景に拡大するナイジェリ アの女性市場における新たな商機を捉えることを目的に、ナ イジェリア最大の商業都市ラゴスで2018年9月に調査を実施し た。現地業界関係者のほか、市場や小売関係者などを訪問し、 最新動向と現状の課題や展望について意見を聴取した。(ジェトロ,2018)


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SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.
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