SKY Newsletter 23 2019.05.10
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New
活動報告:カメルーン   山田肖子
Activity Report: Cameroon  Shoko Yamada
 Between February 23 and 27, 2019, I visited Cameroon. In Cameroon, I was hosted by members of the IC-Net Corporation, which implemented the “Project on Integrated SME Promotion with the Enhancement of KAIZEN” funded by JICA.
 In addition to visiting some small and micro enterprises that have engaged in productivity improvement activities under the KAIZEN project, I attended the Joint Coordination Committee held at the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises. I was also able to have productive discussions with staff of the Central Africa Regional Offices of UNESCO and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa regarding future collaboration. In closing, I would like to thank staff members of the Japanese Embassy and JICA Office, including Ambassador Osawa and JICA representative Ms. Masuda.
Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World
Skills Mismatch

 In this paper, the following two situations are highlighted.

1. Workers have certain skills and education but not enough skills required for work. This is called “over-education” or “downgrading” of workers.

2. When A worker does not have enough skills required to engage in work, this is called “under-qualification” or “under-education.”

 Over-educated people have problems with skill mismatches in Sub-Saharan Africa, and an analysis reveals that their incomes are lower and their satisfaction with work is lower than those who have the same education level and no mismatch.
 本稿は初めにサブサハラアフリカにおける労働者雇用でのスキルミスマッチは労働者のスキルと実際仕事に必要なスキルの間に生じるもので、以下の2つの状況が指摘されています。1、仕事で求められるスキル以上に労働者がスキルや教育をしている時のこと。労働者のOver-educationDowngradingと呼ばれています。2、労働者が仕事に従事するために必要とされるスキルを十分に持ち合わせていない時のことUnder-qualificationUnder-education と呼ばれています。

 This article is intended for graduates of vocational training schools in Kenya to compare both the skills required for work and the skills obtained at vocational training schools.

 The analysis revealed that numerical processing ability and interpersonal skills are more required for work, while training is more focused on developing management skills and creativity.

 This article shows that skill mismatches occur not only in technical skills but also in soft skills, and employers seek not only human resources with professional/occupational skills, but also human resources with soft skills such as interpersonal skills.



Viewpoint of Yujiro Yamazaki

 Collaboration between companies and training facilities is proposed as a solution in order to minimize skill mismatches, and it is said that it is important to use success cases of such collaboration.
 On the other hand, while globalization and technological advancement progress, the skills required are said to change from time to time, and under such circumstances, there will be skill mismatches that cannot be captured by simply following “good practice.” Therefore, in addition to looking at existing successful cases, it is important to think on an individual, case-by-case basis which skills workers actually have and what kind of skills are required.


 一方で、グローバル化や技術革新が進む中、求められるスキルもその時々で変化していくといわれ、Good Practiceを模倣していくのみでは捉えきれないスキルミスマッチが生じる可能性があります。そのため、既存の成功事例のみでなく、どのようなスキルが求められ、労働者はどのようなスキルを実際に持っているのかをその都度個人ベースで考えていくことも重要であるといえます。



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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