SKY Newsletter 24 2019.05.22
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New
活動報告:ウガンダ   山田肖子


Activity Report: Uganda  Shoko Yamada
 In Uganda, I visited Nakawa Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) which has been supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for many years and is known as the top TVET institution in Uganda. While I had a dialogue with the staff members of NVTI, thanks to the arrangement of Ms. Saeri Muto, the JICA Chief Advisor, the TVET-LEAD project, and an NVTI instructor who is currently pursuing her master’s degree at Nagoya University, I was able to visit several TVET institutions, the Uganda Manufacturers’ Association (UMA), the Uganda Small Scale Industry Association (USSIA), and overseas subsidiaries of Japanese cooperations including Toyota Uganda Ltd. Being also able to visit local private sector enterprises from large scale exporters to SMEs, I could update our understanding of the rapidly changing economic and labor market environment in Uganda and neighboring countries such as Rwanda. Through this trip, I gained much inspiration for the next steps of SKY project.
Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World
Mobile Money in Africa  Yujiro Yamazaki
 Recently, Fin-Tech (Finance and Technology) has revolutionized financial access in Africa. Currently, about 60% of adults in Sub-Saharan Africa are reported to have mobile money accounts (Pasti, 2019). Mobile money does not require the Internet; it is a service that allows money transfer and payment via a mobile phone line, and if you have a mobile phone, you can use it without registering with a bank account. Considering this easy access, World Bank (2012) is paying attention. A service that can provide financial access opportunities to people who do not have a bank account (called the “Unbanked”), could be of great significance.
 According to Suri and Jack (2016), the introduction of M-PESA (M stands for Mobile M and PESA means money in Swahili), which is the mobile money service that originated from the Kenyan company Safaricom, contributes to job creation and poverty reduction especially for women. In addition to M-PESA, State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money 2018 reported by Global System for Mobile communications Association (GSMA) predicts that Malawi's mobile money, Mowali (from mobile wallet interoperability) will also attract attention in the near future.
 On the other hand, Iwata and Hoskin (2017) pointed out the importance of fostering technology knowledge by reducing the lack of understanding of technology among women, by creating employment opportunities through the introduction of mobile money in Tanzania. Given this situation, it will likely be important to develop technological knowledge to maximize the benefits of Fin-Tech through scaling up the presence of mobile money.

 近年Fin-Tech (Finance and Technology)がアフリカにおける金融アクセスを大きく変革させています。現在サブサハラアフリカにおける成人の約60%がモバイルマネーのアカウントを所持していると報告されております(Pasti, 2019)。モバイルマネーはインターネットを必要とせず、携帯電話の回線のみで送金、決済が可能なサービスのことで、携帯電話を持っていれば銀行への登録なく使用することができます。アクセスが容易な点から、World Bank (2012) は、“Unbanked”と呼ばれる銀行口座を持たない層にも金融アクセスの機会を提供できるサービスとして注目しています。

 Suri&Jack(2016)によると、ケニアの会社Safaricom発祥のモバイルマネーM-PESA(MはMobileのMで、Pesaはスワヒリ語でお金を意味します)の導入が、女性の雇用の創出と貧困削減に貢献していることを明らかにしました。M-PESA以外にもPasti (2019)によるGSMA(Global System for Mobile communications Association) State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money 2018では、M-PESAの他に、マラウィのモバイルマネー、Mowali (mobile wallet interoperabilityから) も今後注目されると報告しております。
 一方で、Iwata & Hoskin(2017) は、タンザニアにおけるモバイルマネーの導入により雇用の機会を得た女性のテクノロジーへの理解不足を課題として挙げ、テクノロジーの知識の育成の重要性を指摘しております。このようなことから、モバイルマネーによるFin-Techの恩恵を最大化するには、テクノロジーに対する知識をいかに育成していくかが今後重要になりそうです。



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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