SKY Newsletter 28
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New
A Notice of New Book
新刊紹介:『知識論 情報クラウド時代の“知る”という営み』

 インターネットの普及により情報があふれる現代において、無批判に受け取る情報と個人の価値判断により再構成された知識を区別し、本書では知識の生成を学問分野、国を越えて再考し、知るという営みを捉え直していきます。SKYプロジェクトの「“知識”や“技能”の意味を エビデンスに基づいて再構築する」という目的にも通底する考え方を示しています。


 Professor Shoko Yamada has published a book as the first volume of the Transboundary Booklet Series, which calls for the reconsideration of the concept of "knowledge" across disciplines and countries.
 In the information-filled age that has arisen with the spread of the Internet, this book distinguishes "knowledge" constructed through the judgment from mere accumulation of "information" without critical consideration. It provides the perspective which is shared with SKY project, which aims to reconstruct the meaning of “knowledge” and “skills” with evidence.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World

Globalization and Skills Development
Yujiro Yamazaki

 Globalization has urged economies, politics and societies to become fluid across countries. As technological innovation progresses, human resource development is also emphasized and more advanced skills are required (Johanson, 2004). In particular, industrial human resource development is said to be susceptible to a globalized society, as the results of education and training depend on actual activities in the society (Carnoy, 1999).

 The impact of globalization is different in each country. It has been pointed out that the impact of globalization on skills formation should not only emphasize international competition with developed countries but also research in developing countries. Ethiopia contributes to domestic economic development by attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) at industrial parks, thereby entering the overseas apparel industry, and by working to improve productivity (Zhang et al., 2018). In particular, improvement of women's sewing skills has been found to be important for expanding employment in the sewing industry.
 Globalization also affects individuals in their career choices and training. According to Langevang and Gough’s (2012) research on women's career selection and entrepreneurship in Ghana’s beauty and garment industries, the beauty industry can easily acquire information on materials such as wigs, equipment and fashion from other countries through the tendency of globalization, and this contributes to the expansion of the industry. On the other hand, in the garment industry, the demand for traditional tailors in Ghana has been decreasing due to the influx of second-hand clothes from other countries and the increase in demand for cheap western clothes (Langevang and Gough, 2012).
 Given this situation, as industry changes with the progress of globalization, the required skills in order to adapt to society, and the skills that people seek, are also changing. Therefore, when considering skills that are required by companies and individuals, it is useful to think about the background of the skills required in the context of globalization, in order to deepen the understanding of human resource development in each country.

 グローバリゼーションにより、経済、社会、文化が国を越えて流動的になり、技術革新が進むにつれ、人材育成も一層重要視されています(Johanson, 2004)。より高度なスキルが求められています。特に産業人材育成は教育および訓練の成果が実社会での活躍に依るため、グローバル化した社会の影響を受けやすいといわれています (Carnoy, 1999)。

 グローバル化による影響は各国様々であります。グローバル化による技能形成への影響は、先進国における国際競争のみならず、途上国における研究も重要視するべきと指摘されております。エチオピアはインダストリアルパークにおいてForeign Direct Investment (FDI)の誘致により海外アパレル産業が参入し、生産性の向上へ取り組むことで、国内の経済発展に寄与しています(Zhang et al., 2018)。そのなかで縫製産業の雇用を拡大において女性の縫製技術の向上は一層重要視されています。
 また、グローバリゼーションは個人の職業選択、訓練においても影響を及ぼしているLangevang & Gough(2012)のガーナの女性の職業選択および起業について美容業と縫製業を対象にした研究によると、グローバル化の影響により、美容業はウィッグをはじめとする材料と機材、ファッションの情報が他国から手に入れられるようになることが、業界の規模拡大に寄与しています。一方で縫製業は他国からの古着の流入により安価で入手可能な古着と西洋的な服の需要拡大により、国内の伝統的な仕立て屋の需要が減少していると報告しています。


Carnoy, M. (1999) Fundamentals of Educational Planning Globalization and educational reform: what planners need to know.United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: Paris.
Johanson, R. K. (2004)"Implications of globalization and economic restructuring for skills development in sub-Saharan Africa" ILO Working Paper No. 29. International Labour Organization: Geneva. 
Langevang and Gough (2012) "Diverging pathways: young female employment and entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa."  The Geographical Journal, Vol. 178, No. 3. pp. 242–252.

 Zhang, X., Tezera, D., Zou C., Wang, Z., Zhao, J., Gebremenfas, E. A., and Dhavle, J. (2018) "Industrial park development in Ethiopia Case study report". Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development Working Paper Series WP 21. United Nations Industrial Development Organization: Vienna.


Professor. Hiroyuki Ito gave a special lecture entitled "Chinese economy with yellow light flashing"


 On July 2, 2019, the special lecture "Chinese economy with yellow light flashing" was held at Nagoya University, by Professor Hiroyuki Ito, Dean of Economics, Portland State University.
 Considering the risks associated with the China's economy, which has become the world's second largest economy, Professor Ito carefully explained trends in US-China trade friction and China's industrial structure. Additionally, from the perspective of international finance and macroeconomics that Professor Ito specializes in, he talked about global financial trends and the outlook of the Chinese economy in terms of global financial cycle theory.
 This lecture was attended by faculty members from Nagoya University and nearby universities, as well as local students and numerous exchange students from China. In the question and answer session, Chinese students, in particular, actively exchanged questions and opinions.






SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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