SKY Newsletter 27 2019.07.01
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New
The 55th Annual Conference of Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES):Assistant Professor Shimazu presented at the roundtable " Japan's International Cooperation in Education Sector: History & Prospect”.


 Assistant Professor Shimazu, SKY Project Member, presented "TVET Cooperation in Japan" at the roundtable "Japan's International Cooperation in Education Sector: History & Prospect" at the 55th Comparative Education Conference held from June 7 to 9. At this round table, the authors who wrote in "Japan's International Cooperation in Education Sector: History & Prospect" scheduled to be published this year, exchanged opinions based on their own chapters.
 Assistant Professor Shimazu made a presentation on Japan's educational cooperation in TVET with Mr. Tsujimoto of JICA Research Institute. In this presentation, it was pointed out that industrial human resource development requires both the improvement of local technical capabilities and the development of immediate strength capable of responding to the needs of the market.
 As a whole roundtable discussion, it was emphasized that it is important to consider Japan's own educational cooperation, and based on common understanding, presenters discussed prospects for future Japanese educational cooperation.



Announcement about an Open Lecture

 7月2日(火)、ポートランド州立大学の伊藤宏之教授をお招きし、「黄色信号の中国経済」"Chinese economy with yellow light flashing"の題目で講演を開催します。中国経済についてご関心のある学生、企業の方、どなたでもご参加をお待ちしております。


 On July 2nd (Tue), Professor Hiroyuki Ito of Portland State University will give a lecture entitled "Chinese economy with yellow light flashing." We are looking forward to participation from anyone interested in China's economy.

The details of the lecture are announced on the following website.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World
Industrial clusters and skills development  

Yujiro Yamazaki

  An industrial cluster is a geographically proximate group of interconnected firms and institutions in a particular industrial sector (Porter, 1990: Schmitz, 1992). The purpose of industrial clusters is to increase industrial growth and competitive advantage by efficiently promoting knowledge, technology dissemination and product specialization. There are two broad categories of clusters: clusters that occur as a collection of companies and related actors that participate on a voluntary basis, and clusters that are induced or built by public policy. Industrial clusters vary depending on the geographical conditions of each country and national policies, and each cluster has its own development trajectory.

 The concentration and coexistence of similar industries via clustering triggers spillover of knowledge and technology, and this is expected to improve overall productivity (Zeng, 2008). In addition, the dissemination of overseas knowledge and technology to research institutions such as domestic higher education is also improved. In this way, the cluster structure effectively strengthens vertical and horizontal connections, and contributes to promoting the spread of knowledge and technology.
 On the other hand, skills and knowledge transfer in the industrial cluster has the structure of a double-edged sword. Some degradation of quality within one cluster may also spread to others. Since the structure of industrial cluster induces internal spillovers, for better or worse, improvement of internal quality is essential. Under such circumstances, improving the skills of workers is considered essential (Otsuka and Sonobe, 2018).
 Zeng (2008) points out that in addition to building workers’ knowledge and skills for improving productivity, enhancing managerial skills in the cluster is required in order to efficiently develop industrial clusters in Africa in the future.
 An industrial cluster contributes to improvements in productivity and the efficient transfer of knowledge and skills by its intensive industrial operation. In Africa, it is crucial to develop the quality of labor, such as by making improvements in productivity and training, rather than simply to promote a quantitative expansion of labor. In that sense, industrial human resource development is important for efficient growth of industrial clusters.


  産業クラスターとは同じ産業分野の企業が地理的に近接し、集約することを指しています(Porter, 1990: Schmitz, 1992)産業クラスターは①自発的な企業の集まりや他の関連するアクターとして発生するクラスター、②公共政策によって誘導または構築されたクラスターの2つのおおよそのカテゴリが存在します。産業クラスターは各国の地理的条件や国家の政策によってさまざまであり、それぞれが独自の開発方式と組織原則を持っており、アフリカにおいても多く存在します。

 産業クラスターは同じ産業分野の人々を集約させることで、スキル、知識伝達に対してインパクトを与えます。同じ産業が集約して存在することで、知識、技術のスピルオーバーが起きやすく、クラスター内全体の生産性の向上することが見込まれ、また、海外の技術や知識の普及及び国内の高等教育などの研究機関による伝達も効率的に行うことができます(Zeng, 2008)。このようにクラスター構造は垂直的および水平的な繋がりを効率的に強め、知識、技術の普及を促進することに貢献します。

 一方、クラスター構造は諸刃の剣でもあり、クラスター内の一部の質の低下が、他の労働者にも波及していく恐れもあります。そのため、産業クラスター内では内部の質の向上が必須であり、労働者の技能形成は一層重要視されています (Otsuka and Sonobe, 2018)。

 Zeng (2008)は、アフリカの産業クラスターを今後発展させていくには、労働者の生産における知識、技能の構築のみでなく、クラスター内の管理職労働者の運営管理能力を構築していく必要があるとも指摘しています。



Otsuka, K. and Sonobe, T. 2018. "
The Role of Human Capital in Cluster-based Industrial Development."  The Developing Economies 56, no. 2: pp. 104–116
Porter, M. 1990. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Basic Books.
Schmitz, H. 1992. “On the Clustering of Small Firms.” IDS Bulletin, 23(3): pp. 64–69.

Zeng, D., Z. 2008. "Knowledge, Technology, and Cluster-Based Growth in Africa: Findings from 11 Case Studies  of Enterprise Clusters in Africa." Zeng, D., Z. (Eds.) Knowledge, Technology, and Cluster-Based Growth in Africa. Washington D. C. : World Bank.



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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