SKY Newsletter 30
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

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 7月29日から31日に開催された第2回TVET国際会議で、「Managing TVET Systems to Meet the Demand for Changing Skills and Trends」および「Financing TVET: Options and Challenges」の題目でのパネルディスカッションにディスカッサントとして登壇しました。
 TVETシステムのマネジメントについてのパネルディスカッションでは、スキルギャップを橋渡しするためのTVET運営について意見を交わしました。エチオピアのTVETにおける課題として、教員の実地経験不足および生徒の工場実地研修へのフォロー体制が未熟である点が挙げられます。この2点を改善させていくことでスキルのミスマッチを防ぐTVET運営に寄与すると指摘しました。また、Occupational standardをエチオピアでは政府がデザインしており、トップダウンの構図になっている点についても議論しました。どのようなスキルがある人材を求めているのかを需要としている側から、ボトムアップとして基準を作成することの重要性を指摘し、そのためにプライベートセクターのキャパシティディベロプメントを行うことを主張しました。

 At the 2nd TVET International Conference held from July 29th to 31st, Dr. Christian Otchia participated as a panelist in the discussions entitled “Managing TVET Systems to Meet the Demand for Changing Skills and Trends” and “Financing TVET: Options and Challenges”.
 In the panel discussion on TVET system management, opinions were exchanged on TVET management to bridge the skill gap. Challenges to Ethiopia's TVET include a lack of teachers’ hands-on experience and an inadequate follow-up system for students’ factory training. It was pointed out that improving these two points will contribute to efficient TVET management that alleviates skill mismatches. Participants also discussed the fact that the occupational standard was designed by the government of Ethiopia and thus has a top-down composition. It was argued that it is important to create standards from the bottom-up demand side to clarify what kind of skills are required by the private sector. Therefore, the importance of private sector capacity development was emphasized.
 In the panel discussion on TVET finance, participants mainly discussed the expansion and efficiency of contributions. Government contributions dominate Ethiopia's TVET finances, but TVET accounts for only 6% of total education contributions even though the government attaches great importance to the TVET sector as it contributes to economic development and is key to national development. In that sense, increasing contributions to the TVET sector will promote further national development. Additionally, regarding the efficiency of the expenditures, some points cause inefficient expenses such as the existence of unused machines. Given these situations, it is crucial to consider how to spend expenditures efficiently.
 Ethiopian TVET experts, aid agencies, government officials and TVET experts from other countries also attended the above panel discussions, and it was a valuable opportunity to exchange opinions on the future development of Ethiopian TVET.

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World

Learning by the Apprenticeship System



Yujiro Yamazaki

 Apprenticeship is a form of acquiring skills in the relationship between masters and apprentices. It is common in developing countries, especially in the informal sector. The apprenticeship system is often regarded as a feudal system because it sometimes involves chores such as daily housework under the hierarchical relationship with the master. On the other hand, it has been argued that since the apprenticeship system unifies working and learning at the same time, the acquired skills are directly linked to skills necessary for labor and contribute to closing the skill gap (ILO, 2019). As this form of education is different from schooling, learning theories based on apprenticeship are controversial.
 Legitimated peripheral participation as advocated by Lave and Wenger formalizes learning as a practice occuring in a community (Lave et al., 1991). This is an explanation of a learning process in which newcomers firstly participate in peripheral activities and gradually proceed to engage in core activities. Unlike school education, this theory shows that because of the space where you participate involves peripheral activities, it is not necessary to take an introductory class. Likewise, since the participants have already decided to participate in the apprenticeship because they spontaneously want to learn, there is no need to consider the motivation for learning. There is also a debate about cognitive apprenticeship which tries to incorporate the essence of apprenticeship into school education as a teaching method (Brown et al., 1989).
 On the other hand, it has been argued that it is difficult to deal with trends in required skills that occur as a result of changes in social structure because the apprenticeship system is centered on the skills of masters  (Becker, 1972). In other words, the above-mentioned learning theory about apprenticeship is a theory about a community that only aims to acquire the skills from masters, and it can be said to occur in a closed community that does not fully consider changes in social structure. As such, it is certain that it contributes to filling a skill gap within a particular community centered on a master’s skill, but it remains ambiguous as to whether apprenticeship properly accords to the skills required from society.


 徒弟制とは、親方と弟子の関係の中でスキルを習得していく形態であり、途上国ではとりわけインフォーマルセクターにおいてよくみられます。徒弟制は親方との上下関係の下、日常的な家事などの雑用も行うことがある点からしばしば封建的な制度としてみなされていますが、労働と学習が渾然一体である為、獲得したスキルが労働に必要なスキルと直結し、スキルギャップを埋めることに寄与すると指摘されています (ILO, 2019)。学校教育と形式が異なることもあり、徒弟制を切り口にした学習理論は議論に富んでいます。
 レイヴとウェンガーの提唱する正統的周辺参加は、学習を実践共同体への参加と定式化し、新参者がまず周辺的な猶予をもちながら、中核的な活動まで十全参加をしていくという学習過程を説明したものです (Lave et al., 1991)。ここでは周辺的な参加ができる空間により、入門的な授業をしなくてもよい点、自発的に学習したいから参加を決めた学習者であるため、学習への動機を考慮しなくてもよい点が学校教育と異なる点として挙げられます。また、徒弟制のエッセンスを教授法として学校教育でも取り入れようとした認知的徒弟制の議論もあります (Brown et al., 1989)。
 一方で、徒弟制による学習は、親方の技能を中心とするため、社会構造が変化し、求められるスキルも変化した時、対応が困難である点が指摘されています (Becker, 1972)。徒弟制に関する上述の学習理論は、親方が持つスキル習得を目的とする共同体における理論であり、社会構造の変化には十分に考察されていない閉じた共同体の議論であるといえます。そのため、親方を中心とした特定の共同体内でのスキルギャップを埋めることに寄与しますが、それが社会に求められているスキルとマッチしているかについては依然として曖昧さが残ります。


Becker, H., S. (1972). School is a lousy place to learn anything in. In Learning to work, ed. B. Geer. 86-110. London: Sage.
Brown. J. S., Collins, A., and Duguid, P. (1989). Situated cognition abd culture of learning. 
Educational Researcher 18: 32-42.
ILO. (2019).
Quality Apprenticeships: Addressing skills mismatch and youth unemployment.  SKILLS for Employment.  Policy Brief. Geneva. ILO SKILLS and Employability Branch.
Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991).  Situated Learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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