SKY Newsletter 31
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

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Information on a New Article

 SKY Project members Dr. Otchia and Dr. Yamada's paper “Interactions between vocational and attitudinal skills in laboratory market outcomes: findings from the skills' assessment of garment factory workers in Ethiopia” was published in the Journal of Vocational Education & Training. This paper analyzes the effects of an attitude and vocational skills test on the wages of garment factory workers in Ethiopia. Please see the website for details of the paper.

 SKYプロジェクトメンバーであるクリスチャンオチア博士と山田博士の共著論文 "Interactions between vocational and attitudinal skills in labour market outcomes: findings from the skills’ assessment of garment factory workers in Ethiopia" がJournal of Vocational Education & Trainingで掲載されました。本論文はエチオピアにおける縫製工場労働者の自己評価された態度スキルと職業スキルテストのパフォーマンスが彼らの賃金に及ぼす影響を分析しています。論文の詳細についてはWebサイトをご覧ください。

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World
The Importance of Skills Development in Partnerships between Japanese Companies and African Development Partners



Yujiro Yamazaki

 From August 28 to 30, the 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VII) was held in Yokohama. While Japanese companies are frequently expanding into Africa, TICAD VII is expected to further establish partnerships between Japanese companies and African countries. Africa is currently attracting attention from Japanese companies due to its abundant workforce and large market.
 Ethiopia is expanding industrial parks focused on attracting foreign companies, and has spurred overseas companies to venture into Ethiopia as a result of its abundant labor force and low labor costs. The ITOCHU Corporation has set out to support labor management and production management at textile factories in Africa. ITOCHU plans to set up a production base in Ethiopia from 2020, and will dispatch its employees and five Japanese experts to two factories in Tigre Province in northern Ethiopia. The company plans to export products to Japan as an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (Ohira, 2019).
 Furthermore, Africa is attracting attention as an automobile market, and Toyota Tsusho is working with Denso and other car parts manufacturers in the Toyota Group to expand auto repair services in Africa. In the next three years, the company plans to expand its number of repair stores to approximately 60. By doing so, Toyota Tsusho is aiming to expand the market share in Africa by providing repair services for both new and used cars with the repair parts supplied by their partner companies (Nikkei Shimbun, 2019).
 As Japanese companies expand into Africa, concerns have been raised regarding how they develop sustainable businesses. In Ethiopia's garment industry, if productivity cannot be improved and quality cannot be guaranteed, it may become difficult to export to Japan, which has strict quality standards. In addition, regarding the expansion of auto repair services, it is important not only to expand the availability of auto parts but also to train local mechanics in order to expand repair services and put them into actual operation. Therefore, it is even more important to develop the skills of local people in order to continuously develop business in anticipation of business expansion in Africa.


 エチオピアは、海外企業の誘致に注力した工業団地を拡大させ、豊富な労働人口・低コストの人件費の観点から海外企業のエチオピア進出に拍車をかけています。伊藤忠商事は、アフリカの繊維工場の労務、生産管理の支援に乗り出しました。2020年からエチオピアを生産拠点に置くことを予定しており、今後、伊藤忠はエチオピア北部のティグレ州にある2カ所の工場に、自社の社員と5人の社外の日本人専門家を派遣し、Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM: 相手先ブランドによる生産)の形で日本に製品を輸出する予定です (Ohira, 2019)。
 また、自動車市場としてもアフリカは注目されており、豊田通商はデンソーなどトヨタ自動車グループの車部品メーカーと組み、アフリカでの自動車修理サービスの拡大を狙っています。今後3年で、トヨタ車を修理する店舗を約60カ所に広げることを予定しています。各社の補修部品をそろえて新車・中古車ともに修理サービスを受けるようにし、アフリカにおいてのシェアの拡大を狙っています (Nikkei Shimbun, 2019)。



Nikkei Shimbun (2019, August, 22). Toyota Tsusho and Denso develop Toyota repair shops in Africa. Nikkei Shimbun. Retrieved August 31, 2019, from
Ohira Y., (2019, August 19). Garment wars: Japan backs Ethiopia's effort to build up exports. Nikkei Asian Review. Retrieved August 31, 2019, from



SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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