SKY Newsletter 32
About SKY Project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)


SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.

SKY Project     What's New

 During a visit to the UNESCO/IIEP-Pôle de Dakar office, Dr. Yamada, SKY project leader, discussed a plan of collaboration with SKY project in assisting the national government to make an informed decision regarding improving skill assessments of workers and students.

 UNESCO-IIEP-Pôle de Dakar and SKY project agreed to collaborate in creating handbooks and training program content to accurately measure workers' capabilities while increasing the effectiveness of policy making to address the issue of skill gaps. The collaboration is expected to contribute to supporting policy makers. They will explore the possibility of cooperating in regard to skills assessment in countries where UNESCO-IIEP-Pôle de Dakar supports such policy.

 SKYプロジェクトリーダーである山田教授は、UNESCO/IIEP Pôle de Dakarへ訪問し、労働者と学生のスキル評価の改善に関する情報に基づく決定を政府が行うのを支援するSKYプロジェクトとの共同計画について話し合いました。

 UNESCO-IIEP-Pole de DakarとSKYプロジェクトは、スキルギャップの問題を対処するための政策決定の有効性を高めながら、労働者の能力を正確に測定するためのハンドブックおよびトレーニングプログラムコンテンツの作成で協力することに合意しました。 このコラボレーションは、政策立案者の支援に貢献することが期待されています。 両者は今後、UNESCO/IIEP Pôle de Dakarが支援している国々における技能評価において、協力していく可能性を探していきます。

Hot Issues of Skills Development in the World
Platform for Expertise of Vocational Training(PEFOP)


Yujiro Yamazaki

  The Platform for Expertise of Vocational Training (PEFOP: Plateforme d’ expertise en formation professionnelle) refers to a platform established by the Institute for International Education Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) Pôle de Dakar. This platform aims to contribute to the mobilization and strengthening of public institutions (e.g., governments, local governments, public vocational training institutions) and private institutions (e.g., players and organizations in the official and informal sectors, unions, NGOs, private vocational training institutions). In addition, the platform addresses how to provide effective tools to support the implementation of the revised vocational training policy.
  The main activities of PEFOP are the creation of analysis and working papers related to vocational training, support for innovation in vocational training programs, collaboration among actors related to vocational training and networking, and sharing of vocational training resources among African countries. In the first phase, it was conducted in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania, and Senegal. In the second phase, it was conducted in Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Togo; and the coverage area is expected to expand.
  In the report “Actors and Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training [TVET]” published under PEFOP, there are five types of actors in TVET: 1. Public actors such as government and public TVET facilities; 2. Private actors such as companies and private TVET facilities; 3. NGOs and other civil organizations; 4. Learners; and 5. Development partners. The report furthermore introduces the role of each actor with the examples from various countries. As for the form of partnership, the report classified four types of partnerships: 1. Communication-based partnerships that share information; 2. Advisory-based partnerships that receive expert opinions; 3. Cooperation-based partnerships that share information among actors to address to same goal; and 4. Collaboration-based partnerships that share resources to implement collaborative activities. The report explains the role of each actor in each form of partnership by using actual examples, and describes current challenges.


 Platform for Expertise of Vocational Training(PEFOP: Plateforme d’expertise en formation professionnelle)は、国際教育計画研究所(IIEP-UNESCO)Pôle de Dakarによって打ち立てられたプラットフォームを指します。公的機関(政府、地方自治体、公的職業訓練機関)および私的機関(公式および非公式部門のプレーヤーおよび組織、組合、NGO、民間職業訓練機関)の動員と強化に貢献し、改訂された職業訓練政策の実施を支援・効果的なツールを提供することを目指しています。
 PEFOPのもとで刊行されたレポート “Actors and Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training” では、TVETにおけるアクターを5種(政府、公的TVET施設などの公的アクター、企業などの私的アクター、私立TVET施設、NGO等の市民組織、学習者、開発パートナー)に分類し、各アクターの役割を各国の事例をもちいて紹介しております。そして、パートナーシップの形態についても、情報を共有しあう関係の対話型パートナーシップ、専門家からの意見をもらう助言型パートナーシップ、同目標に対しアクター間で情報共有しあう協力型パートナーシップ、そしてある目標に対し各アクターがリソースを共有して実走していく協同型パートナーシップといった4種類に分類しております。本レポートは、各パートナーシップの形態における各アクターの役割について実例をもちいながら説明し、現在における課題を詳細に記述しています。





SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.

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