Meri Kirihimete from HFNZ
The latest from the Haemophilia Foundation of New Zealand - December 2019
As we move into the holiday season, it's a good time to reflect on the year behind us.

2019 has been another big year for HFNZ. We've had our 60th anniversary celebrations, a National Family Camp, a treatment change for haemophilia A and B, a brand new treatment for inhinitor patients, the Youth group have forged ahead with their twinniing with Nepal, and much more besides. We still have a fantastic member-base, and we're still committed to providing the best support and advocacy we can. 

For many Kiwis, this time of year's a chance to have a well-earned break, and to connect with friends and family. However, it's important to remember that there are a number of other celebrations and religious festivals that go on across New Zealand and around the world. From the Buddhist Bohdi day, to the Jewish Hanukkah, the Islamic Milad un Nabi, the Hindu Pancha Ganapati, and the Christian Christmas, not to mention the good old secular summer holiday, there's plenty to love at this time of year.

At HFNZ we love this time of year as much as you do, and we'll be taking some time off to enjoy it too. That means Outreach and admin services will be closed from 2pm on December 20, and will reopen at 9am on January 6. During this time you'll still be able to get hold of the duty Outreach Worker if you need to. Just call 0508 FACTOR (322867).

Whatever your reason for celebrating, all the staff here at HFNZ wish you all a happy, fun, and relaxing time this holiday season. 
Do you want to attend the WFH Congress in 2020?
HFNZ National Council are now accepting member applications to be delegates to the 2020 World Congress in Kuala Lumpur.

The purpose of HFNZ delegates attending Congress is:
  • To enhance their individual knowledge
  • To make the knowledge available on their return by writing a full report on sessions attended
  • To speak to gatherings of other members or colleagues
  • To participate in governance, regional activities of HFNZ, or clinical care of people with bleeding disorders.
Here's what WFH say about their congress:

The WFH World Congress is a key event for the WFH and for the global inherited bleeding disorders community. Every second year, doctors, scientists, healthcare workers, people with bleeding disorders and hemophilia organizations gather to learn about the latest developments in bleeding disorders treatment and care. It is during this important meeting that the discussions and debates that will shape our global organization and community take place.

The WFH 2020 World Congress will feature a very rich multidisciplinary program geared towards the needs of patients. Experts will be covering topics such as how technology will revolutionize care, the role caregivers play in the treatment process, health economics, and the voice of women with bleeding disorders.

You can find out more about the 2020 World Congress here.

If you're interested being an HFNZ delegate to this fantastic event you need to put together a written application outlining how you will fulfill the purposes listed above, and send it to CEO Sue Ellis at
Upcoming events
Here's what HFNZ have lined up for members in the coming months:

Inhibitors Weekend
March 13 - 15, 2020 in Auckland at the Quality Inn Parnell

WFH World Congress
June 14 - 17, 2020 in Kuala Lumpur

Youth Camp
July 10 - 12, 2020 in Auckland. Venue to be advised

Adult Weekened
November 6 - 8, 2020 in Christchurch. Venue to be advised

National Family Camp
April 29 - May 2, 2021 in Kaiapoi at Blue Skies

As mentioned above, we're also planning a series of workshops in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, where we'll explore issues related to changing treatment. These will only happen if there's a demand for them, so please let us know if that's something that you'd be interested in.

If you have any questions about any of these events, please don't hesitate to drop us a line at

PO Box 7647, Sydenham, Christchurch
