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メルマガ 2月



















対談3: 中国のグローバルヒストリー



対談4: ヨーロッパ中心主義とその克服




東京カレッジ長羽田正がフランス教育功労章Palmes Academiques)オフィシエ級を受章しました。教育功労章は1808年に創設された褒章で、教育全般に携わる人に与えられます
羽田カレッジ長は、フランスで博士号取得後、歴史学と地域研究の分野で日仏の学術交流に尽力してきました。 また、東京大学副学長として、日仏の大学や研究機関の間での学生交流や共同研究などの様々な連携強化活動を支援してきました。今回の受章はこれらの貢献が認められたものだと言えるでしょう。

このコーナーでは東京カレッジの新任メンバーを紹介します。今回は去年10月より着任した小島 武仁特任教授にお話を伺いました。


東大では新しいことがいろいろ起きているということを肌で感じていて、とてもエキサイティングです。私のいる経済学部では(私も含めて)ここ数年で新しい教員が増えてきたり、新たにGlobal Fellowという海外の大学とのジョイントアポイントメントの仕組みも始まりました。学生さんもとてもやる気があり優秀で楽しい時間を過ごさせていただいています。ただ会議の時間はスタンフォードにいた時よりだいぶ長いのは少し気になります。

最近のご研究では、マーケットデザインを扱っておられます。 経済学に詳しくない人でも理解できるように、噛み砕いてご研究の内容をお話ししていただけるでしょうか。













葛兆光(東京カレッジ連携教員)著、 橋本昭典訳  




この、日本が、世界が、更には中国自身が理解し難い、「中国イメージ」について、膨大な資料より掘り起こした歴史的叙述及び周辺地域(日本・朝鮮・欧州など)の視点とその交流史から多角的に描き出し、多面的な「中国」理解に対する一つの方向性を提示したのが『宅玆中国』である。本書は、名著『宅茲中国 重建有関「中国」的歴史論述』(中華書局、2011年)の全訳である。







現在公開中のシリーズ「グローバルヒストリーの対話」 に登壇されるセバスチャン・コンラート教授(ベルリン自由大学)による What is global history?の日本語訳『グローバル・ヒストリー:批判的歴史叙述のために』。2016年に刊行された同書は、刊行以来世界中で大きな反響を呼び、現在ではグローバル・ヒストリー研究分野の必読書の一冊となっています。





流体力学の理論と実験の立場から、英語のスピーチによるウイルス伝播メカニズムについて、研究結果を発表されたHoward Stone教授(プリンストン大学)とスーパーコピュータ富岳を用いた計算機シミュレーションにより、マスクの効果、会食等における飛沫の伝播について研究成果を発表された坪倉誠教授(理研、神戸大学)のお二人に一般向けにご講演頂きます。




 English Version
February 10, 2021
Dear readers,

It's still cold, the days are gradually getting longer and give us a glimpse of the upcoming spring. Spring has also brought us the wonderful news that our director, HANEDA Masashi, received the Palmes Academique from the French government! 


At Tokyo College, we are looking forward to introducing the third and the last session of the “Series of Dialogues on Global History” on our YouTube Channel. We also published a new volume of our booklet series, based on the symposium “I want to know!” In this edition, we also introduce our new Project Professor and new publications by our members. Happy reading!


-- The Tokyo College Team


Series of Dialogues on Global History


For this series of dialogues, we invited ten distinguished researchers to lead a conversation with junior researchers at Tokyo College. They reflect on past developments of the field and discuss key issues in contemporary global historical research.

Session 3
Global History and Positionality

February 9, 2021 (Tuesday)

Dialogue 1: Africa and Global History

Andreas Eckert (Humboldt University Berlin)


February 12, 2021 (Friday)

Dialogue 2: From USSR to Russia

Marc Elie (CNRS, Paris)


February 16, 2021 (Tuesday)

Dialogue 3: Global History in China

GE Zhaoguang (Fudan University)


February 19, 2021 (Friday)

Dialogue 4: Eurocentrism and Ways to Go Beyond It  

Sebastian Conrad (Freie Universität Berlin)


Check out or event page for further details on this series.

Ordre des Palmes Académiques
College Director HANEDA Masashi
January 2021
HANEDA Masashi, the Director of Tokyo College, has been bestowed the insignia of an Officer of the Order of Palmes Académiques. Established in 1808, Palmes Académiques is a French national order which recognizes major contributions to the field of education.
With the award of the order, the French government recognizes Professor Haneda's long-standing engagement for the academic exchange between France and Japan. Prof. Haneda has worked closely with French researchers in the field of historical and area studies since he obtained his PhD degree at the University of Paris III. As a vice president of the University of Tokyo, he has has continuously dedicated himself to the strengthen ing of ties between French and Japanese universities and has supported various collaborative research projects and student exchanges.
Member Interview

In this section, we continue our interview series with researchers who recently joined the College. This time we spoke with Professor KOJIMA Fuhito, a Project Professor at Tokyo College who joined us in October last year.

You recently joined the University of Tokyo after many years at Stanford University. How has it been so far?

It’s very exciting to feel that new things are happening at the University of Tokyo. In the Faculty of Economics, with which am affiliated, the number of new faculty members has increased in the last few years, and a new joint appointment system with overseas universities called "Global Fellow" has started. The students are also very motivated, and the time I spend with them is delightful. I am a little concerned though that the meeting time is much longer than what I was used to at Stanford.

Your recent research projects focus on market design. Can you explain your research for non-economists?

In the Adam Smithian style of traditional economic scholarship, research has focused on external observations of an existing system, such as the behavior of participants (e.g. seller and buyer) in the market system. But in more recent years, we flipped around this idea to investigate “how to design a system to achieve desirable social outcomes.” This is what we call “market design”  because it designs a market in a broad sense.

You are leading the new Market Design Center at the University of Tokyo. Do you have plans for future collaborations with Tokyo College? 

Getting the new center going has required much more effort than expected, and I haven’t had a chance to nail down concrete plans for collaborations with the College. However, I would like to collaborate in various ways in the future. Interdisciplinary knowledge is indispensable for the design of social systems, which is the theme of the new center. It is also important to reach out to the society beyond academia, a concern I share with the College. I would love to deepen our cooperation in the future. 

Research Activities
The University of Tokyo Market Design Center 

The keyword of market design is “the right person in the right place.” To allocate the right resources in the right place, it is indispensable to create a system that can withstand the actual practice. For example, it is necessary to solve the mathematical problem of “what and who to combine” within a realistic timeframe, and this requires the knowledge of computer science. Thus, this center will carry out interdisciplinary collaboration between traditional economics and computer science and other related disciplines to realize a truly organic fusion between these fields  at a high level. 

Tokyo College Booklet
"I Want to Know!" Aspiring to Create a Better Relationship between Society and Experts

The booklet is based on the symposium held online on October 14, 2020. Focusing on issues such as Covid-19, which is the most significant event at present, and the earthquake that Japan experienced ten years before, experts gave their opinions and views on how to effectively disseminate information. The challenges and difficulties faced by experts and society in the event of an emergency are tackled in this booklet to seek a better relationship between them. 

You can also watch the recorded video of the symposium on our YouTube channel ( Japanese only).

Japanese Translation

Here in 'China' I Dwell: Reconstructing Historical Discourses of China for Our Time


Author: GE Zhaoguang (Tokyo College affiliated member), translated by HASHIMOTO Akinori


Japanese translation of Professor Ge Zhaoguang's 《宅兹中国:重建有关“中国”的历史论述》 published in 2011. Following its Korean version in 2011 and English version in 2017 ( Here in 'China' I Dwell: Reconstructing Historical Discourses of China for Our Time. trans. by Jesse Field and Qin Fang, Brill 2017), we are glad to see that this important book is now available to Japanese audiences.

Japanese Translation

What is Global History?


Author: Sebastian Conrad, translated by ODAWARA Rin


Japanese translation of Professor Sebastian Conrad (Freie Universität Berlin)'s What is Global History? Published in 2016 with Princeton University Press, it has attracted much attention and has become a must read for those interested in global history. Professor Conrad is one of the interlocutors in our Series of Dialogues on Global History.
Video Archive
In this section we introduce newly published video clips based on previous Tokyo College events.

Understanding the Physics of Virus Transmission


Prof. Howard Stone and Prof. TSUBOKURA Makoto discuss their recent studies on the transmission of COVID-19 via air currents during conversation. Non-pharmaceutical measures such as wearing masks and social distancing are as important as medical treatments.

This clip is an edited version of a zoom webinar held on December 8, 2020.

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