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メルマガ 1月


No One Left Behindのための科学技術のありかた
  • 浅川 智恵子(米国 IBM T.J. ワトソン研究所フェロー、 カーネギーメロン大学特別功労教授)
  • 神崎 亮平 (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター所長、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター教授)
  • 熊谷 晋一郎 (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター准教授)
日時: 2021年1月22日(金)09:00以降視聴可能
東京大学では、先端科学技術研究センターの障害教員が中心となり、バリアフリー支援室、環境安全センター、大学総合教育研究センターなどの学内組織とも連携しながら、誰ひとり取り残さないインクルーシブなキャンパスの実現を目指し、2020年度から「インクルーシブ アカデミア プロジェクト」を始動している。
ブログ「The Familiar Strange」が企画した対談に東京カレッジの赤藤詩織特任助教が参加しました。テーマはフェミニズムからみたオーストラリア人類学の現状と課題です。
このコーナーでは東京カレッジの新任メンバーを紹介します。今回は今年1月よりポストドクトラル・フェローに着任したEureka FOONG さんにお話を伺いました。
私はシカゴのノースウェスタン大学で科学技術と社会的行動を専攻し、博士号を取得しました。リズ・ガーバー博士の指導の下、デルタラボでヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI)とコンピュータ支援協調作業(CSCW)を研究しました。数年間にわたり、世界最大のオンライン労働市場の1つであるUpworkの価格設定行動の性差について調査しました。例えば、Upworkにおいて米国の女性は男性の86%に満たない時給を設定しており、それには社会の広い賃金格差が反映されていると分かりました。(Foong et al., 2018)
また、Adobe Researchと共同で、CrowdFolioというプラットフォームを設計しました。一人で作業することが多いフリーランスのデザイナーがフィードバックを得られるクラウドソーシングのプラットフォームです。デザインベースの研究、ビッグデータ分析、調査、実験、インタビューなど、さまざまな方法を取り入れた研究を楽しんでいます。私のバックグラウンドは心理学で、FacebookやPiktochartといったユーザーエクスペリエンス(UX)の調査を行う業界でも経験を積みました。

東京カレッジでの私の研究目標は、これらの形態の仕事をサポートする公平なツールとシステムを理解し、その設計を続けることです。Cyber Interface Labの葛岡英明博士と一緒に、COVID-19パンデミックの後に人々がハイブリッドなリモートワークを開始するときに、認識を高めあいリモートで働く同僚たちを包括できるようなツールを設計する予定です。また、バーチャルにおける交渉の際に女性をサポートするプログラムを設計したいと思っています。先週東京に到着したばかりなので、これから詳細を固めていくところですが、今のところそれを目指して頑張っています!
過去から学べるのか? 地球の限界に向かい、地球の限界を超える、長期的な社会生態学的軌道
Felix RIEDE(デンマーク・オーフス大学教授)






応募締切:2月10日(水)必着 ※適任者が決定し次第、締め切る場合があります。

Euroka FOONG他著
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction所載


 English Version
January 20, 2021
Dear readers,

We hope you had a good and healthy start to the New Year. For Tokyo College,  the kick-off of 2021 was eventful as well. A new postdoctoral fellow has joined us this month and we have published a promotional clip to concisely introduce our institute, mission and activities. This week we will also publish a symposium on how science & technology can contribute to an inclusive society. Please do not forget to subscribe to the Tokyo College YouTube channel to get notified about new content.

-- The Tokyo College Team

Promotional Clip
What is Tokyo College? We produced a promotional video to introduce our research activities. The video also features our director and assistant professors. Please do not miss the chance to get to know us a bit better! 
Technology for a Society of “No One Left Behind”
  • ASAKAWA Chieko (IBM Fellow at T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM Distinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon University)
  • KANZAKI Ryohei (Director of RCAST, Professor at Intelligent Cooperative Systems, RCAST)
  • KUMAGAYA Shinichiro (Associate Professor, Tojisha Kenkyu, RCAST)
Date and Time: Friday, 22 January 2021, avlb. on YouTube from 9:00am
Language: Japanese language only, sign language interpretation
Click here for further event details.
The concept of social inclusion has been developed to remedy various social problems including poverty, disability, aging, gender inequality, and unstable employment.
In 2020, the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) at the University of Tokyo started the “Inclusive Academia Project”. RCAST faculty members with disabilities work on the project and collaborate with other research centers within UTokyo, aiming towards an inclusive society.
In this symposium, the speakers talk about the "Inclusive Academia Project" and discuss how to achieve an inclusive society with the aid of technology.
Podcast Roundtable
Theory as Reproduction: Reflections on the History of Doing Feminist Anthropology in Australia
The blog website "The Familiar Strange" recently published the podcast of a roundtable in which Tokyo College Project Assistant Professor SHAKUTO Shiori participated.
This roundtable invited reflection and engagement with the history of what might be called a “feminist” tradition in Australian anthropology as a vantage point on broader Australian anthropological and scholarly traditions. In doing so we sought to gather insights into the work of producing theory and the labour involved in its reproduction through the maternal line. The roundtable looked to history in the way of memories of our participants in order to reflect on how knowledge is produced in anthropology.
Member Interview
In this section, we continue the interview series with our new members. This time we spoke with Dr. Eureka FOONG, a postdoctoral fellow at Tokyo College who just joined us in January this year.
Welcome to Tokyo College! Can you tell us a bit about your activities before starting this postdoc?
I recently graduated with my PhD in Technology and Social Behavior from Northwestern University in Chicago, where I conducted research on human-computer interaction (HCI) and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) in the Delta Lab under Dr. Liz Gerber. Over the last few years, I studied gender differences in pricing behavior on Upwork, one of the world's largest online labor marketplaces. For example, I learned that women online on Upwork in the US set hourly rates on their profile that were only about 86% of men's rates, reflecting broader pay gaps in society.
In collaboration with Adobe Research, I also designed a platform called CrowdFolio to crowdsource feedback for freelance designers who often work alone. I enjoy doing mixed-methods research, including design-based research, big data analyses, surveys, experiments, and interviews. My background is in psychology and I spent some time in industry doing user experience (UX) research at Facebook and Piktochart.
Could you summarize your current research project for our readers?
My vision is to help create a more equitable future of work through the design of technologies. The world is going through immense changes in how people find and do paid work that involves neither 1) working physically around other coworkers (remote work), nor 2) working long-term for the same employer (online gig work and freelancing). These rapid changes have the potential to reduce inequities in the workplace by providing flexible and remote work opportunities. For example, in many countries such as Japan and the US, women continue to earn less than men, in part due to norms that favor inflexible, face-to-face work.
At Tokyo College, my research goal is to continue to understand and design equitable tools and systems that can support these forms of work. For example, with Dr. Hideaki Kuzuoka in the Cyber-Interface Lab, I plan to design a tool that will increase awareness and inclusion of remote coworkers as people begin hybrid-remote work after the COVID-19 pandemic. I am also hoping to design programs that support women during virtual negotiations. Since I arrived in Tokyo last week, I am still working out the details, but that is what I am hoping to work on for now!
What are your expectations for your tenure at Tokyo College?
As a Malaysian, I'm excited to be back in Asia and to learn more about workplace inequities in an Asian context. I am hoping to increase the impact of my research and imagine having conversations beyond academia, for example with policymakers, non-profit organizations, and intergovernmental institutions, such as the United Nations (UN). On a side note, I'm looking forward to learning Japanese, being curious about Japanese culture, and resuming dance classes (eventually!).
Learning from the past? Long-term socio-ecological trajectories towards and beyond planetary boundaries
Felix RIEDE (Aarhus University)
January 5, 2021
Already long before the emergence of our own species Homo sapiens did humans modify their environment. As significant as they were for those early humans, such modifications were initially of a strictly local and ephemeral character. With the advent of fire control and ever-more sophisticated technologies, however, ...
Journal Article
Women (Still) Ask For Less: Gender Differences in Hourly Rate in an Online Labor Marketplace
Author: Eureka FOONG
Published in: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction November 2018


In many traditional labor markets, women earn less on average compared to men. However, it is unclear whether this discrepancy persists in the online gig economy, which bears important differences from the traditional labor market (e.g., more flexible work arrangements, shorter-term engagements, reputation systems). In this study, we collected self-determined hourly bill rates from the public profiles of 48,019 workers in the United States (48.8% women) on Upwork, a popular gig work platform. The median female worker set hourly bill rates that were 74% of the median man's hourly bill rates, a gap than cannot be entirely explained by online and offline work experience, education level, and job category. However, in some job categories, we found evidence of a more complex relationship between gender and earnings: women earned more overall than men by working more hours, outpacing the effect of lower hourly bill rates. To better support equality in the rapidly growing gig economy, we encourage continual evaluation of the complex gender dynamics on these platforms and discuss whose responsibility it is to address inequalities.

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