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メルマガ 9月号




伊藤隆敏教授(コロンビア大学)と星岳雄教授(経済学研究科、東京カレッジ特任教授)が語る日本経済の今The Japanese Economy(MIT Press 第2版)をテキストに、最新情報を交えて日本経済の動向を徹底分析します。

第1回 アベノミクスの成果
第2回 コロナ危機と 日本の経済成長・景気循環
第3回 コロナ危機と 金融資本市場
第4回 日本経済の ニューノーマルにむけて

このコーナーでは東京カレッジの新任メンバーを紹介します。今回は4月に着任したMichael ROELLINGHOFFさんとお話しました。

海外における日本研究の現在と将来について、FACIUS Michael特任助教が、東京カレッジブログで記事を連載しています。




1 翻訳メインの特任専門職員を再募集しています。
2 ポスドク研究員若干名募集しています。











  • 《侧看成峰——葛兆光海外学术论著评论集》(北京:中华书局,2020年8月)


  • Imagining a Universal Empire: a Study of the  Illustrations of the Tributary States of the Myriad Regions Attributed to Li Gonglin,  Journal of Chinese Humanities. Volume 5: Issue 2, Brill. July. 2020. Link
  • The evolution of a world consciousness in traditional Chinese historiography,  Global Intellectual HistoryRoutledge. 2020. Link


  • 《王权与神佛:日本思想史的两极》(《读书》2020年第5期,3-14页)Link
  • 《从古琉球史说到疆域内外与海洋亚洲——读村井章介<古琉球:海洋アジアの辉ける王国>》(台北中研院史语所《古今论衡》34期,2020年7月,155-168页)Link
  • 《何为暗默知?从根底里反思——读羽田正<全球化与世界史>》(《世界历史评论》夏季号,2020年第2期,3-20页)Link
 English Version
September 18, 2020
Dear readers,

The summer heat has finally subsided and the autumn term is about to start. In a usual year the campus would be bustling with activity, with faculty returning from fieldwork and preparing for classes and students reacquainting themselves with the campus. This year, the campus is eerily quiet due to the ongoing impact of the corona pandemic. To counter its impacts, the university is doubling up its efforts online. Tokyo College is no different, and we look forward to introducing a wide range of online events in upcoming months. For now, please enjoy this edition of our newsletter with a special section on our visiting professor, GE Zhaoguang.

-- The Tokyo College Team

Upcoming Events
Online Discussion
“The Japanese Economy” 

Prof. Ito and Prof. Hoshi discuss the current state of the Japanese economy. Following the content of their textbook "The Japanese Economy, 2nd edition" (MIT Press), they offer a detailed analysis of recent trends and developments.

Ep. 1 The fruits of Abenomics, Part 1 & 2
Ep. 2 The Corona crisis, economic growth, and the business cycle in Japan
Ep. 3 The Corona crisis and the market for financial capital
Ep. 4 The Japanese economy - towards a 'new normal'

You can watch the first three episodes on Tokyo College's YouTube Channel now. The fourth episode is coming soon!
Member Interview
In the upcoming newsletters, we would like to introduce some of our new members to you through short interviews. This time we spoke with Michael ROELLINGHOFF , postdoctoral fellow at Tokyo College since April.
How has your experience been so far at Tokyo College?
I've had a fantastic time so far. The group here at Tokyo College is highly diverse, both in terms of academic disciplines and nationality. It's been a rare opportunity in the often insular world of academia to share my research with people with different perspectives, interests, and specializations. I’ve also been excited to participate in events such as the Corona Forum and share my work with the general public.

Could you summarize your current research project for our readers?
My research focuses on the 19th century Japanese colonization of Hokkaido. I analyze Hokkaido as "transnational" colonial space. I look at how methods and institutions which the Meiji state employed in Hokkaido were not only “inspired by” Euro-American precedents, but, in fact, were established with the active participation of foreign experts. In this regard, I also research the colonization of Hokkaido in the context of wider Euro-American imperial expansion in Asia, and see it as an integral part of a global history of empire.

How was your summer?
I had a busy summer! While, because of coronavirus, I wasn't able to make it to Hokkaido, I was able to utilize resources here at the University of Tokyo and many others available online to conduct a second phase of archival research. With my findings, I revised and expanded upon a chapter from my dissertation and aim to publish it in an academic journal. Concurrently, I am part-way through a second article based on entirely new research.
Blog Articles
Future Tasks for Japanese Studies. A Personal Reflection

Our project assistant professor Michael FACIUS has written a three-part blog series on the present and future of Japanese Studies.

Part I: The Global Entaglements of Japanese Culture
Fifteen years onwards, I cannot say for sure what first piqued my interest in Japanese studies. I know I enjoyed learning languages, and that a language as foreign and complex as Japanese seemed like a challenging and exciting addition to linguistics, which I had already decided on...

Part II: Japan as Method
What I found exciting as a German studying Japanese history was the change of perspective it entailed. For good reason, schooling in German history and public debates centered on National Socialism, the Second World War and the Holocaust...

Part III: The Classroom as a Site of Renewal
In the previous parts I stressed a desire for more conversation: between area studies and the disciplines, between Japanese and non-Japanese scholars of Japan, between academics and the wider public. Crucially, we also need to listen to our students...

Open Positions
1 One project specialist (translation).
Sep 25, 2020
2 Several postdoctoral fellows (3 years).
Deadline: Sep 30, 2020
 Special Section: Professor GE Zhaoguang
Professor GE Zhaozhang stayed at Tokyo College as a Visiting Researcher from January to August. Due to the impact of the Corona pandemic, his options for travel and exchange were severely limited. Nonetheless he contributed greatly to the College's research activities: he recorded two online lectures, wrote several articles for our blog, and participated in almost every internal research meeting.

In this special section, we are sharing an interview he gave us shortly before his departure, his latest online lecture, and a list of publications (non-exhaustive) he wrote during his stay.

Thank you for the last eight months. Did you achieve everything you wanted to achieve during your stay?

It was a great privilege being a Project Professor at Tokyo College from January to August. It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic that suddenly swept over the globe brought chaos to everyone's plans, and I am no exception. I could not carry out my research trips to Kagoshima, Okinawa or the Shingon temples at Koyasan as planned. However, perhaps one has to say 'thanks' to Corona, I gained a lot of quiet time that allowed me to read. During these eight months, I concentrated on publications on Japanese history, and I gained some insight into the question how to understand Japanese history from the perspective of Chinese history - an unexpected reward!

What was work at Tokyo College like for you?

Tokyo College is an international and interdisciplinary institution, and I believe its five research foci are of great relevance, so I am certain they will be duly noted by the global academic community. Scholars working in different disciplines have different ways of thinking, which means that good communication is extremely important if we want to understand each other. During my stay I also experienced how the ways of approaching a problem differ from country to country. This was one of the biggest rewards for me: I had to engage with perspectives and methods from other countries, nationalities and disciplines. There are many energetic young researchers at Tokyo College and I was impressed by their spirited efforts. There were also times when I felt language barriers, so I regret I could not interact sufficiently with everyone.

What are your plans for after your return to China?

Apart from teaching obligations, I will prepare a three-part manuscript on the structural differences in traditional political culture between China and Japan for an upcoming lecture series. I also want to further promote historical research across borders in China. During the last eighteen months, I have been organizing a podcast on "Global History from China" in order to help a general audience understand the history of global connections. The podcast has already 100 episodes and several thousand listeners.

Latest Lecture by Professor Ge (Chinese w. Japanese subt.)


  • 《侧看成峰——葛兆光海外学术论著评论集》(北京:中华书局,2020年8月)

Journal Articles

  • Imagining a Universal Empire: a Study of the  Illustrations of the Tributary States of the Myriad Regions Attributed to Li Gonglin,  Journal of Chinese Humanities. Volume 5: Issue 2, Brill. July. 2020. Link
  • The evolution of a world consciousness in traditional Chinese historiography,  Global Intellectual HistoryRoutledge. 2020. Link

Book Reviews

  • 《王权与神佛:日本思想史的两极》(《读书》2020年第5期,3-14页)Link
  • 《从古琉球史说到疆域内外与海洋亚洲——读村井章介<古琉球:海洋アジアの辉ける王国>》(台北中研院史语所《古今论衡》34期,2020年7月,155-168页)Link
  • 《何为暗默知?从根底里反思——读羽田正<全球化与世界史>》(《世界历史评论》夏季号,2020年第2期,3-20页)Link
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