The Deschutes is a favorite destination for steelhead in the fall and early winter. As steelhead move upriver, the crowds thin, and winter begins to descend on the canyon. When this happens, trout fishing can be an excellent diversion for those cabin fever days.
Euro nymphing or fishing under an indicator can bring some great trout fishing in the winter. Keep an eye out around noon for that Blue Winged Olive hatch and you can also have some pretty good dry fly fishing in the early afternoon.
Be prepared for some chilly temps, but the dry weather on the east side is a nice break to those dreary wet days on the west side.
My favorite fly set up is a heavier stonefly or October caddis nymph on the bottom and a smaller fly in the 16-20 size range about 18-24 inches above. Using tippet rings makes this rigging super easy to change flies.
On the Deschutes, don't use the dropper weight at the bottom of your indicator or euro rigging. When steelhead are present, it's not legal to use a weight at the bottom of your presentation. Use a heavier fly pattern instead.