City Kids Fishing
How a group of anglers worked to help Portland Youth. |
Mike Schmierer of City Kids Fishing will talk about his organization and the work they have done to direct youth energy in a positive direction.
Mike is also an accomplished salt water angler and will share some experiences on the East Coast for a number of salt water species.
Boys and girls in Portland’s inner city and other urban areas need positive experiences. Many of these youths face the disadvantage of growing up with only one or no parent at all.
City Kids Fishing Club provides sportsmanship, ethics, sharing, excitement and camaraderie at local lakes and ponds. Through sponsored and chaperoned fishing trips, we know a positive experience is the best gift we can give.
Future Chapter Meetings:
Oct 10, City Kids Fishing
Nov 14, Morgan Parks, Creating Certified Wildlife Habitat.
Dec 12, Adrian Touhy, Wild Fish Conservancy |
Projects and Volunteer Opportunities |
TU Annual Meeting Completed in Roanoke Virginia
Our annual meeting of TU just completed last weekend in Roanoke Virginia. Critical workgroup sessions on Climate Change, responsible energy development, Native Western Trout, Access and many others were completed.
TU Volunteer Operations continues to assist chapters and councils with tools and support to keep chapters active and viable.
Chris Wood, our dynamic CEO delivers another summary of the great work that TU chapters are doing across the country, helping streams and habitat become more resiliant in the face of climate change.
Oregon Council Meeting November 4th |
The Oregon Council Fall Meeting will be held in Eugene on November 4th. There is an opening for National Leadership Council Representative from Oregon to TU National. The annual budget will also be reviewed and approved.
Stay tuned for meeting details. |
Issue Watch:
Key Happenings on the Fish Conservation Front |
Bristol Bay: The Fight is Not Over yet!
Secretary Pruitt has reopened the gate for mining applications in Bristol Bay. TU feels strongly that this is the wrong mine in the wrong place. Public comments on this action are still open until October 17th. Please send in your comments from the TU action center today!
Salvage Logging Bill
HR 3715 has been introduced to fast track salvage logging and additional clear cutting in the gorge scenic area after the Eagle Creek Fire.
While TU is not anti-logging, there is scientific evidence that salvage logging after a fire can do more harm than good. This bill has been introduced to committee in the US Congress and we are watching its progress. TU is opposed to this bill. |