True Hope Churches & Ministries

Volume 2
August 6, 2011


Our move is accomplished and our new Missouri office is now operational!
Thank you all for your patience and understanding while we were making this major transition and I am so grateful to report that we are now able to resume our normal routine!

A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to our staff in Arkansas for maintaining our basic operations during our expansion into Missouri and for the commitment to insure that the work flow continues to be handled professionally and smoothly!

As more developments result from our expansion (such as our Missouri telephone number, P.O. Box, etc.) we will be certain to keep you informed!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy


From Dr. Timothy
Dr. Timothy Hoflund
During the last couple of months, it seems the Lord has renewed the challenges in my life from lessons learned long ago!

In June, I received my first speeding ticket in nearly 30 years and upon being handed the ticket and getting back on our way I said to my wife "I bet I can get out of this one!"
Instantly I was hit with that all too familiar sense of Holy Spirit conviction and so I repented and then wondered why I couldn't fight the ticket.  But, in obedience to the Lord, I simply paid the fine.  I asked, what is the lesson here?  (OK, slow down is the obvious one)

Then this week, our U Haul truck apparently clipped a car's fender while I was making a left turn - - and I didn't even realize it happened until the police officer interrupted our family's lunch with his investigation!  Again, I wondered why did this happen.  I have not been at fault in an auto accident since I was 16 years old!

In returning from the accident investigation, I realized a couple of things.  First, the spiritual opposition to our move has been monumental and we have been moving forward in God's will with a great amount of spiritual warfare.  But that was realizing the obvious and living by Romans 8:28 I had to wonder what else was at play.

Then, looking around the lunch table at my daughter and her three children - two of them teenagers - it hit me!  These were lessons for them on how to handle adversity, even when we appear to be at fault!  I could have argued with the police officer insisting on my innocence and things could have gotten really been bad.  I could have "fought" that speeding ticket in June and maybe even won, but what lesson would that have taught my grandchildren?

No, what my grandchildren need to see - and what I too must reaffirm in my own life - is that we must trust our Heavenly Father with the consequences when we accept responsibility for our faults and failures!
  Using the system to cheat the consequences cannot give God glory and to do so and then to "praise God" for those kinds of rewards is a lie and an insult to our Father in Heaven! 

BUT ... to trust God and give Him glory for the deliverances that ONLY HE can produce is both a lesson to learn well and to live by!

Many Blessings!

Dr. Timothy

Woe To Those Who Call Evil Good And Good Evil -
100 Christian Ministers Sign Proclamation That Homosexuality Is Not A Sin

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness - Isaiah 5:20

A group of Omaha pastors has issued a proclamation that states homosexuality is not a sin.

More than 100 ordained Christian ministers have signed the proclamation, including leaders from Lutheran, Episcopalian, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, and Presbyterian churches.

David Bydalek is executive director of Family First, the family policy council for the state of Nebraska. He deems this effort troubling for many Nebraskans and contends the ministers involved are from liberal denominations that do not respect the orthodox biblical teaching on homosexuality.

"When they come out with this sort of statement, I think they really do not reflect the mainstream feeling in the state of Nebraska," Bydalek suggests. "When we passed our marriage amendment years ago, we had about 70 percent of those in Nebraska who opposed 'gay marriage.'"

But when Christians take a stand to support traditional biblical teaching on the issue, the Family First executive director laments that they are often perceived as "bigots" or "homophobes." He suggests, however, that the loving response to those trapped in homosexuality teaches that the lifestyle is indeed sinful, but that freedom can be found through Christ.

"It's going to be more difficult, the more these activists gain inroads into our culture and the more common it becomes," Bydalek warns. "So we have a very difficult task ahead of us as those who stand for truth."

The Bible says,

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:28-30

Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:
That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah 5:18-21

How A Jar Changes
by Steve Countryman  
8/02/2011 / Christian Living

When you think of the amount of time that you have here on earth compared to eternity it is just a spec in time. Now consider your size and space that you occupy here on earth, just a spec. Compare that to the size of our planet. Now compare that to the size of our solar system. Now compare your tiniest size of a spec to the size of our galaxy. Compare that to the size of the universe. Both specs are the tiniest of size in both space and time. You are a spec in both time and space and have your limits, but God isn't limited to or governed by time or space. God can be any size He chooses and can be everywhere all at the same time. Now I am amazed that God knows all about this tiny spec, me, and that He cares and loves this spec in spite of me!

Recently in prayer I had a vision of what a regular jar of clay looked like. The jar was an average looking type of jar of clay, but what a difference after God was through with it. It now looks more like an alabaster type of container with a silver collar around the shoulders at the top of the container and the bottom also had a silver base on it. In between there were these thin silver rods that were connected at the top collar area down to the bottom plate where they were connected. The rods were evenly spaced apart so they didn't hide the jar beneath.

The new vessel represents several different things. The average jar now clothed in silver was decorated and prepared for royal service. It now has a divine design and purpose. The collar around the top adds protection while the base adds a solid foundation that won't crack, crumble or faulter under the bottom of the jar. The tie rods that connect the top collar to the solid base represents stability. The silver also supports and protects the container from damage and abuse. The new jar was not overly ornate but easily spotted as a special type of jar. Decoratively engraved in the metal top collar piece were the different names of God. The new jar conveys to others who owns this jar and that it has a royal purpose.

Your clay jar starts off like everybody else's. You try hard to keep the outside clean for that is what everyone easily sees. Regardless how clean you try to keep the outside it's what's inside that counts. The inside is full of worldly influence and a sinful lifestyle. It is full of fear, doubt and selfishness. What is inside will surely spill out and dirty the outside. You make the choice if you want the master potter to take over your life and change you. He clothes you in His righteousness as He decorates His jar. At the time of salvation the Holy Spirit starts His work in you by removing all the dirt and filth to prepare the jar for usage and to hold the Glory of the Lord's presence, Jesus. The more junk, old bad habits and addictions that are removed the more room for Jesus. God delights and takes pleasure in His new reclaimed jars. The problem is by staying a slave to sin of your past mistakes, flaws, failures and faults you allow them to determine your future and define who you are.

That is what is so awesome about God the Father; He washes you inside and out. Your past no longer defines you because God now does! You no longer are tied to the past nor do you live in the past. You now receive God's present and His future that you rely on and trust in. God has a plan and a future for you. "To prosper you and not harm you." The decorated jar that you now represent is His covering over you. It represents ownership, purpose and a divine appointment. The jar is still visible beneath only to show what the jar used to be like but now shines with an inner beauty of Jesus and an outer purpose.

Part of God's divine appointment for you is that you, as a jar of distinction, are required to spill God's goodness, blessings, favor, presence, love and Shekinah glory everywhere you go. For God will overflow you with His daily provisions, benefits and blessings. You are God's representative to the world and a witness to His love. Are you ready?!?

My name is Steve and I was born and raised in a good Christian home in Phoenix Arizona. In 2004 God spoke to me to let me know that He would start sharing things with me that I would share with others. Little did I know how powerful and meaningful those things would be! Thank you Lord!!

Article Source: WRITERS



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