Volume 2 December 30, 2011

2012 is certain to be a year of decision and change for the nation and especially the body of Christ!
What awesome opportunities we have to make a difference in the world!

What awesome opportunities we have to make a difference in the lives of others!

What awesome opportunities we have to show to the world, not only the love but the majestic power of God to change lives and circumstances!

Whatever your new years resolutions may be, let us commit anew to open the door of God's light into the darkness with which the lost world is bound and ensnared!




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A Presentation of ...
True Hope Churches & Ministries

Dr. Timothy Hoflund

Maintaining Our Focus
in the Coming Year

2012 looks like it will be a year full of challenges for America, primarily or especially on the political front!

But as much as politics and political agendas are in play for either the control or direction of our nation, what is really happening is that the stage is now set for what I believe to be the final opportunity for God's people to make a dynamic difference in the health of our nation and most likely the very future of the world!

God tells us ... "For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another."  Psalm 75:6-7

So if the political outcomes for our nation are in God's hands, what moves Him to put install one person over another as leader?  Two things I believe:  First, His Prophecy and second His People!

One thing is absolutely certain:  God's prophetic word will be fulfilled!  There is no stopping it.  However, I do believe that we who are God's people can influence the timing of it all - - at least to a point; then beyond that point it is irreversible. 

I believe that we are at that point right now!  In the last presidential election Americans (including God's own people) were so desirous of change that we got just what we agreed to:  CHANGE! 

While we wanted change for the better we received change for the worse!  Gasoline costs us over $1.50 more for each gallon we consume.  This causes the price of everything else to not just rise but to escalate!  Now the cost of living is out of control and while there are remedies within our grasp that would remedy the economy quite rapidly, the elected powers that are in office just will not allow these remedies to be implemented - - instead they want to take more and more of what you and I earn in order to be in control of more and more of what used to be our freedoms!

But in order for the "right" people to be elected into office, GOD'S people need to repent of our wicked ways of materialism, greed, self-serving religious rejection of TRUTH and restore the paths of righteousness that will lead the lost of our nation to the altar of God's love and salvation!

In other words, "If MY people which are called by MY name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways ..." 

What wicked ways you ask?  Let's see now:  Turning away from the Truth; looking to materialism and seeking wealth above all else; persecuting those who prophesy in Truth and embrace those who prophesy soothing words of comfort; seeking that which satisfies self instead of crucifying self; desiring spectacular experiences rather than living in the presence of God our Father ... need I go on?

Of course, you who are reading this are quite likely already submitting yourselves to God and don't need this sermon - - but we who are in this category do need one thing:  Boldness to proclaim God's Truth to (of all people) God's own house!

If we are successful then we may well see God yet again stay His execution of judgment that begins at the House of God!  If we are not, then be prepared for our earthly life to become more challenging than ever before in the history of the Church!  If the latter is the case then we will enter into new realms of living by faith and that is alright because God will always supply all our needs according to his riches in glory!

2012 - A Year of Determination!

Many Blessings!

Again, Happy New Year!
Things are changing with True Hope Churches & Ministries that will soon be announced!

God is moving us in His direction and we are endeavoring to be faithful in all He wants us to do. 

Be watching for some news of changes that are in process right now and will certainly make things a lot smoother in our operations and serving you who are both students and ministry members!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy Hoflund

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