
Greetings from True Hope!
First of all, we have given a "face lift" to the True Hope Times and we hope you enjoy the change!
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Well now!  The messages of recent have apparently caused some folks to get upset
and what did they do about it?  Did they contact me with their issues?  No, they decided to report us for abuse!

THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT but is a good example of the very thing Jesus warns us of as we progress into the last days of the Church Age - - we will be "betrayed".  Ok, this is a very minor, almost insignificant form of betrayal, but still, readers who voluntarily subscribe to this free newsletter would not be the ones expected to report our messages and teachings or their delivery as abuse!  Just goes to show ya that when trying to speak God's Truth, there is always someone in the crowd that is in darkness and hates the light!

I have always appreciated the readers who, if they disagree with our articles, write us directly and present their concerns!  I may not enjoy what is said, but I appreciate the fact that the person has the integrity and character to address us openly!  So, if any reader is ever feels negatively impacted by anything in the True Hope Times, please contact us directly and let us know!  After all, isn't' that the instruction of our Lord?  Take a look at Matthew 18:15-20.

When I was made aware of this "abuse report" it didn't upset me, but it sure did seem like a good object lesson!

And for good or, not so much - - we do enjoy and appreciate getting feedback from our subscribers about what is presented in the True Hope Times! 

Many Blessings!
In Christ,
From Dr. Timothy
One of the signs Jesus foetold that humanity will face in the days of the end of the Church Age are:  "upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity" (Luke 21).

As I watch this election period in the U.S. it is inescapable that we - - and so many other nations - - are in a state of distress ... coupled with perplexity!
We are in distress, but no matter what "fix" is tried, the distress remains and in many cases distress is compounded with new areas of distress that arise from the attempted "fixes"!  Now if that is not being perplexed, I don't know what is!

God is letting humanity come to the "end of itself"!  God is showing humanity that all their wisdom combined is actually foolishness!  But more than this, we are witnessing the staging of the world coming together to cry out for an answer that will end their distress!

Have you ever wondered what conditions will exist in the world in order for the entire system of world governments to WILLINGLY accept who the Bible calls the "Antichrist"?  Why would the peoples and governments of the world readily accept a single leader who wants to bring the entire world under his own authority?

Because the world's governmental leaders and politicians have run out of answers and everything that they come up with to relieve the distress of their particular nation - - fails! 

You see, the traditional religious church teachings about the Antichrist have been so singly focused on concern for Israel and the desire for peace in the Middle East that the people of God have been kept, in large part, ignorant about everthing else that Jesus foretold! 

What's the danger in that?  Hmmm, well didn't Jesus tell us to "take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares"?  Why, yes He did!  (Also in Luke 21!)

In fact, if you would read Luke 21 (also Matthew 24 and Mark 13) you would see that the time of the end (of the present age) is not only close - - it is impending!

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Jesus  (Luke 21)

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy
Israel - America - Isaiah & Judgement
By Ray Gano - Prophezine

Over the past week or so I have been reading Isaiah.

To be honest I am blown away at the similarities mentioned about Israel and then looking at modern day America.

I am not promoting some replacement theology idea or anything like that; but I do believe that when people or nations turn their backs on God, the laws of nature, God's Law, comes into play.

I am one who firmly believes that our nation was brought about by divine providence. King James, the very same king who put his name to the only Authorized version of the bible, also sent people to "the new world" to spread the Gospel and claim the land for God in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the basic tenants of the James Town Charter claiming America for His Glory.

We are not God's chosen people and in no way replace Israel, but I believe we have a special place in God's plan and because we have remained a Christian nation up until about 40 years ago, God has blessed us immensely.

Our nation has done more to further the gospel, protect the innocent, stood for what was right, and against what was wrong than any other nation. We have defended the weak, opposed tyranny and tyrants.

On July 4th 1776 we declared our freedom beginning with these words…

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

At the base of the Statue of Liberty it states,

"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

We are a nation built upon the principals of God and His Word.

But somewhere on this journey, our great republic strayed and instead of being good, we have chosen the path of evil.

I look around at what is taking place here in the US as well as globally and I see man working towards his own demise through the pleasures of the world and of the flesh.

Instead of exporting the Gospel, we export pornography.

Instead of saving the innocent, we kill millions of our children through abortion.

Instead of standing for God, we work to eradicate His existence from our lives, our monuments and our schools.

Instead of the holy matrimony between husband and wife we have sodomites, pedophiles, hedonism, practitioners of bestiality and necrophilia, all becoming the norm.

Instead of caring for our fellow man, greed and selfishness are what has taken its place. The natural affection of man is gone, brutality is its replacement.

Many people ask is America in Bible Prophecy? I do not see her directly there, but recently I have been studying Isaiah 5 again and as I mentioned I have noticed some very interesting correlations in God judging Judah and where we are in America today.

This complete article can be read by clicking on  more details >>

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Ministry News & Notes:
Lamb of God Ministries, (our True Hope church - Central Islip, NY) has expanded it's ministry to offer "Community Chaplaincy"!
This includes:  Home bound and Hospital visitation; Prison visitation and Christian Counseling!
Pray for Rev. Eric Cook the True Hope Ministry Leader in Central Islip for tremendous success in this new expansion of ministry!

True Hope Churches & Ministries is soon to announce missionary work in the Philippines!  Be watching for details - - soon!
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Jesus Christ the Lord - - mankind's ONLY True Hope!

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Jesus warns against false prophets - Paul tells us not to despise prophesyings ... Proving the Prophets will help in real life!
Are you having problems forgiving others?  "Can't Forgive?" will help in real life! 

More than120 pages compiled from studies and articles by Dr. Timothy's works for over 3 years!

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Messages from Leaders in Ministry
This issue - - more great quotes from various leaders! 

From Martin Luther - -

  • "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends

  • "Peace if possible, truth at all costs"

  • "You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for whatyou do not say"
  = = = = = = = = = = = =
"The Devil's methods of opposition are those of alliance and antagonism, and the only serious one is the first.
Let us beware of it. Do not let us imagine that we can take into our fellowship and enlist under one banner men who simply affirm truth about Jesus, unless in their own lives there is an absolute loyalty to the Lord Christ. Antagonism is the creation of force for the kingdom of God.
Put a man in prison for Christ's sake, and the earthquake will surely follow, and the work will spread." - G. Campbell Morgan


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