March 1, 2012
Greetings from True Hope!
We heard from our readers that they like the "face lift" we gave to the True Hope Times so this is the "official" new look!
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If you are - or have been - going through what seems like an onslaught of discouragement recently I want to share with you something that may help you WIN!
Recently, for a period of a couple of weeks it seems as though the devil had produced a mountain of discouragement - the kind that is really hard to deal with, that being - discouragement for no apparent reason!  It seemed as though the shadows from this huge pile of discouragement were getting darker and closer and I just couldn't get away from it!  I knew that the devil was trying to bury me in this load of discouragement and I knew why (more on that in a moment).

No matter how hard I pushed myself or reasoned with myself or even tried to ignore it, there was just this ominous shadow of a huge pile of discouragement that was threatening to overwhelm me . . . and of course I was praying for God's help, but it seemed as if no help was coming - - except that I got this mental picture of a dump truck!  And just as soon as I got this mental picture of a dump truck, the realization came to me that "Hey!  I don't have to accept delivery!!!"

Now that alone didn't stop the battle, the enemy was intent on forcing me to accept what he was trying to dump into my life - - and so I called on some saints that I trust to pray for us.

In just a few days we had a tremendous breakthrough and things really turned around - - as I shared with one couple who had prayed, I got more important things done in one afternoon than in the last couple of weeks combined! 
Just at the time of the breakthrough happening, I received a call from a minister in the Philippines who needed some ministry advice on confronting occult/witchcraft situations and as I was sharing with him, the light of day broke through in my heart as if it was noon day!

Now, I had also been helping a minister in a northern state who is also dealing with satanism and witchcraft in his community which is having a deadly effect on the youth with really high suicide rates. 

As I was praising God for the breakthrough of His deliverance I was reminded once again of what is often behind an onslaught of discouragement and that is this:  The devil cannot bring about defeat in our lives unless we are first, thoroughly discouraged!  And it may not even be defeat that he is trying to effect, it may just be that he is wanting to derail our present progress!  Slow us down just long enough so that he can accomplish something in someone else's life that our ministry is preventing!

So please remember, whenever you are being hit with severe discouragement, refuse to take delivery and call on others to pray with you for the triumph in Christ Jesus in Whom we are made more than conquerors!

Many Blessings!
In Christ,
From Dr. Timothy
Last Days Revival

Does the Bible specifically state that in the last days there will be a great revival just preceding the advent of the Second Coming of Christ?

And if there is to be such a revival, what will it look like, what will be the results?

Many are expecting a great world wide evangelization movement like happened in the "Great Awakening" or on the level of Billy Sunday or Billy Graham crusades sweeping the globe.  But is that what the Scriptures say?  I have not found such a happening described in the Bible.

Some point to Matthew 13 wherein Jesus speaks of the "harvest" at the end of the world ... but read this closely and you will find that this is an exercise of divine execution of judgment -- separating the true Church from those who make up the false churches (tares) and these are cast into the fire! So this doesn't describe a great soul winning event.

So, is there going to be an "end time revival"?  I believe the answer to this is a resounding YES!  Just that - - A REVIVAL!  A revival of righteousness within and throughout the Body of Christ!

To understand this, simply ask yourself:  Is the Church of today the Church for which Jesus is returning? 
  •  Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
    That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word;
    That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.  Ephesians 5:25-27
In recent issues we have published the statistics of the sexual and immoral condition of the church community, and only God knows the number of genuine (truly born again) saints who are living compromised lifestyles (backslidden in their desires for the things of this world) but in the overall condition, there are very apparent spots, wrinkles and blemishes on the Church - - to the point that the world does not see a GLORIOUS CHURCH!

So then, what kind of revival should we expect and for what kind of revival should we be preparing ourselves (2 Chronicles 7) for? 

A REVIVAL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS!  Not a movement of acting righteous or a movement of adopting a bunch of rules and regulations and calling that righteousness - - that is nothing more than what the Pharisees of Jesus' day were all about!  In fact, Jesus declared that our righteousness must exceed the Pharisee kind of righteousness!

A revival of TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS!  Where the WORLD around us - both individually, locally and universally - sees, rather witnesses that we are made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus our Lord!  (2 Cor. 5:21)

A revival of righteousness that takes place throughout THE CHURCH!  That we who are His become such illustrations of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus our Lord that the whole world sees us to be truly righteous not only in our successes but that we deal with our own failures righteously and all to the point that when the Church is united with Christ, when we are caught up to be with Him in the air that there is nothing quiet about it!

By that I mean:  When Jesus comes for us that the world will know that the Church is missing - - no guess work, no bewilderment, no perplexity!  It won't be like the old "Thief in the Night" movies - - People will know that the True Church has been taken from the earth and they will notice a definite absence of this Body of righteousness!

End time revival?  I believe so and do believe that we are at it's beginning point!  Why?  Because the Church is undergoing increasing judgment from God and there are always only two results from God's judgment among & upon His people:  Revival or further rebellion!  We see this repeated throughout the history of God's people! 

The question is not, will revival come - - the question is will you acknowledge that YOU (ALL of God's people) need revival?  Judgment has already begun - - first with the House of God!  Will you be among those who repent or remain among those in rebellion against what God says is right and wrong?

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy

Genetic Armageddon

(Transhuman: As The Days of Noah Were)

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. (27) They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.  (30) Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

By John P. McTernan, Ph.D.

This is the fourth in my science series. See the others: Singularity and The Image of the Beast; Calling Fire From Heaven; and Prophecy and the Television.

When the Lord Jesus was describing the “end of days,” the time just prior to His Second Coming, He drew a direct connection back to the days of Noah: the time just before the Great Flood. He mentioned that the people were involved with eating, drinking and marrying right up until the flood came. They were totally unaware of the coming judgment.

At first glance, there does not seem to be anything unusual about eating and drinking until all the Scriptures are studied about the time of Noah. The big picture shows this time period was full of violence and rebellion against God. It is also a time of intense sexual immorality as women were having sexual relations with spiritual beings identified as the “sons of God.”

This combination of violence and immorality grieved the heart of God. The wickedness of man filled the earth. Man’s thoughts and imaginations were continually evil, and this triggered God’s judgment on mankind. Mankind was so corrupted that God deemed it necessary to destroy man and start over again with Noah and his family.

Genesis 6:5-7 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.  And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth …

The effect of man’s sexual immorality was staggering since it altered the race. The offspring of this union between human females and the fallen angelic beings were physical giants. These children were not fully human. They grew enormous in stature with great intellects and were called “men of renown.”

This cohabitation between humans and the spiritual beings was not isolated to a few individuals but became widespread throughout the earth.

Genesis 6:1,2,4 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

This cohabitation was part of the reason God’s heart was grieved with mankind and triggered the flood as judgment to wipe out this corrupted race of humans. In modern science, the biologists would identify what happened to mankind as altering the human DNA. The DNA of man was changed by this union and some men were no longer fully men. They were a hybrid.

The Bible describes God’s selection of Noah in order to preserve mankind. Noah qualified because he was “perfect” in his generation. This does not mean he was a morally perfect human, but that he was genetically perfect in his lineage. He had perfect human DNA and was not corrupted by the sons of God.

Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

In the 1970s when I first began to study Bible prophecy, I viewed “As the days of Noah” as a time of great violence and immorality. I never imagined that a time would come when mankind’s DNA would once again be altered. The modern altering would not be done through sexual contact with the sons of God, but rather through man’s knowledge of science and breaking the DNA code. We are now living in a time when man’s DNA is being tampered with just as it was in Noah’s day.

Man’s increase in scientific knowledge reached a point that starting in 1990 a concerted effort was made to map the human genome. The United States led this project with assistance from other nations. This was an enormous task as the genome has 25,000 genes with 3.1 billion DNA pairs. The project was 99 percent finished in 2003.

Immediately while this mapping was taking place, the manipulation of the DNA began. This manipulation included splicing DNA together from two females to create a multiple parent egg, and splicing human DNA into other animals such as mice and pigs. Animals such as sheep were cloned, but to this day there is no known case of a human being cloned. Since 2003 there has been a tremendous acceleration in tampering with man’s DNA. It seems that scientists are now on a regular basis making discoveries about DNA.

Never before in history did man have the knowledge to break the genetic code. Man now has such knowledge and is developing the technology to alter his DNA. This is once again setting the stage for corrupting the human race. We are now living in “As the days of Noah were”!

Finish reading this article - click here!

Ministry News & Notes:
Congratulations to Bro. Scott Petznick!  Scott has met the qualifications and now will be granted credentials of being ordained as a True Hope Minister of Christ's Gospel!

Rev. Scott ministers in Wisconsin and has been licensed with True Hope for about a year and a half, is a student with True Hope Bible Institute and has exhibited a profound call to be Christ's gift of Pastor to the Body of Christ!

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Jesus warns against false prophets - Paul tells us not to despise prophesyings ... Proving the Prophets will help in real life!
Are you having problems forgiving others?  "Can't Forgive?" will help in real life! 

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Messages from: Leaders in Ministry
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Vain expectations
Exodus 20:7  You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Psalm 62:5-6  My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.  He only               is my rock and my salvation.
At first glance the above verses may seem to have no common thread whatsoever.  The verse in Exodus is most commonly used in reference to someone cursing or using God’s name in a disrespectful manner.  I believe it means something far more significant than an unbeliever ignorantly using His name in a mocking, disrespectful manner.

Consider this:  The word VAIN means, ‘having no real value; worthless; useless; marked by futility or ineffectualness; unsuccessful’.  Now think about the millions of professing Christians who continually use His name without any expectation of any heavenly intervention.  They speak His Name, but do so without any real expectation it will change anything.

Ultimately the absence of expectation in their hearts and minds renders Him worthless, useless, ineffectual, unsuccessful, as One having no real value.  Do you understand this lack of expectation is a potent sign of unbelief?  As I was considering this I was reminded of a time as a young boy when I saw Paul Anderson lift a grand piano above his head.  At that time Mr. Anderson was touted as the strongest man in the world.  Moments later he walked over to the piano and lifted it once again, but this time with a person on top of the piano.  In that moment there was absolutely no doubt in the minds of everyone present this was in fact the strongest man in the world.  Had any of our lives depended upon believing in the strength of this one man, then we would have all been saved that night because we all were eye witnesses and believers. 
Now consider God, the Almighty Creator of the world and everything in it including Mr. Anderson.  He longs for us to know and believe there is no greater strength or power than Him in all creation.  He alone is our Strength, our Savior, our Rock and our Salvation.  His handiwork and power are continuously on display in our lives protecting, healing, delivering, keeping, covering, providing, leading and supplying everything we need for life and godliness.  Yet, millions of those who claim to ‘know’ Him speak and live with little or no expectation He is alive and ever ready to accomplish the impossible in and through them.

What is wrong with this picture?  EVERYTHING!  The answer is FAITH.  FAITH IS THE KEY without which it is impossible to please Him.  Do you understand that without FAITH every time anyone speaks His name they do so in vain, having no expectation He will actually perform His promises on their behalf.  I saw Mr. Anderson just the one time as a little boy, but the memory still lingers with me to this day.  On the other hand I have lived for more than forty years seeing the power of God daily working and lifting things out of my life that are far greater than a grand piano. 

Every time trouble comes roaring in like a lion trying to bull rush me with worry and fear I simply call upon the NAME of the only One I believe is far and away the strongest and most powerful Person in the world.  When I call out His NAME, the NAME of JESUS, the NAME ABOVE ALL OTHER NAMES, I know He is not only able to save me, but will protect me and eventually lift me high above the outstretched arms of any calamity passing my way.

Mr. Anderson has come and gone, but my God is still ever with me.  I may not be a kid anymore, but I am still overwhelmed by the strength of the One Who holds me captive on the center stage of my heart.  No one is stronger than Him!  Anyone want to come over to my house and meet Him?  He’s my Father.  If you ask Him real nice I’ll bet you He will show you how strong He really is.
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