Presenting The Lord Jesus Christ
September 8, 2009
Timothy's Thoughts
Christ In You, The Hope of Glory

When we read this in God's Word, of course it is an encouraging thought of our present state of being the child of God, and of our future in Heaven.

But have you ever considered, that this is also speaks to the hope of the "Lost World" surrounding us?

The only hope that is ever given to the lost souls you encounter, is the Christ that you show to them!  The "Christ in YOU ..." is their hope of glory! 

So we must ask ourselves, what of Christ does anyone see in me?  Does the Christ that I show to others, give them reason to hope that their lives can be different, that their eternity can be different?

You see, we can tell others of Jesus til we are blue in the face, but until they SEE Christ in us, what HOPE will they ever have that what we are telling them is true?

The next question is, do we show Christ where ever we go?  Do you share His love with the check out girl or guy, the store associate that is working the shelves, the cashier at the gas station?

The evidence shows that we are living in the last days of the Church Age ... two great signs of this are:  1)  A great falling away from God's Truth; 2)  The Gospel being delivered into all the world!

I don't know about you, but I choose to be part of the second great evidence ... delivering the Gospel!  How about you?

I am committed to SHOW Christ in me, so that others will have a genuine hope or confident expectation that should they call upon the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation, their lives will be eternally changed!

Be Blessed!
Rev. Timothy Hoflund D.D.

There is More!
By: Rick L. King
January 23, 2009

As I was praying for the church in intercessory prayer I saw this in the Spirit. I saw first a stream of muddy water. Then I saw a spring of crystal clear sparkling water.

The Holy Spirit impressed on me that the church has been drinking muddy water. To many unfortunately it seems clean and pure because they have not known anything else. You could be in a room in a house and not be aware of a door that leads to another room. Yet, once you find and open the door, many things are visible that you had no idea were there and available. God has a stream of water of the Holy Spirit that is crystal clear and very pure. Just because we have never seen it does not mean that it does not exist. It is only our mindsets of limiting God that keep us from it. As long as we believe that what we have is all that there is, we never will see the pure water that God has available.

I then found myself reminding God of His word that states in Ac 2:17  "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh." I then saw a mighty river and then dams that have tried to hold back the water. Religion and tradition of man have placed the dams. Our unbelief and our limiting the Holy Spirit have allowed them. This river was washing away these dams and entering places that have been wrongly protected. I then saw the river with houses floating down them. God's outpouring is going to wash away some houses that have not been built on the correct foundations. These houses are churches and people.

I would encourage whoever reads this to take all limits off of God. Allow yourself to be open to new things that you maybe have disallowed in the past. God wants to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. To some, this will be a time of rejoicing as their hearts have cried for this. Yet to many, it will be a time of struggle as they have never seen how awesome God is and when His Spirit is poured out, many "Norms" will be removed as people and churches are changed.

I would encourage everyone to press in and be open to what God desires to do. I remember the scripture that talked of when the master of the house came and found them sleeping. Read Mark 13:33-37.

Also, Luke 6:48 pretty much verifies this article. Thanks for reading.

There is more, so I pray you are awake when the Master comes.

I am a 60 year old Born-Again spirit filled Christian, that has been saved for 30 years. Jesus found me when I was suicidal. I learned real quickly that I was powerless to be in control of my life, so I let Jesus take over. He has chosen me to be a warrior for Him. WE win, if we fight His way.

Article Source:

Mission or Money Driven
By Kelvin Gilmore

A Godly man's major concern in life is to discover his mission.
He desires to know his part in Jesus' Great commission.

 The natural man concern is how to obtain material gain.
He labors for things like a criminal labors on the chain gang.

For truly it should be a crime if a man fails to fulfill his God given purpose.
He shouldn't wander around in life aimlessly like a clown in the circus.

He should set out with a determination to be set free from greed.
He must recognize there is nothing worth having, if in his life's purpose he doesn't succeed.

A man should discover what drives him before he begins any task,
Is it money or mission is the question that every man must ask.

For the love of money is the root of all evil that God's word declared.
While it brings a temporary happiness to the flesh, the soul is ensnared.

Men let the mission of God drive you to being all that you were created to be.
You'll feel more complete and satisfied with your life, be patient  with God you'll see.

Kelvin Gilmore

Kelvin Gilmore, a devout man of God, sold out for Jesus Christ. Gifted and chosen by God to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching and poetic persuasion.  Persuasion because the gift that God has imparted to him is of the upmost uniqueness that it persuades you of your need for Jesus.

Article Source:

Closing Comment
Thank you for helping us grow and serve in Christ's ministry!
May God bless you richly as you are faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ!
In This Issue
Timothy's Thoughts
Prophetic Update
Mission or Money Driven?
Annual Business Meeting
September 5, 2009 - -
 True Hope Churches & Ministries membership voted to start a new Bible Study Institute, which shall be called, True Hope Bible Institute.
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