TRUE HOPE TIMES                          September 8, 2012

In this week's issue of True Hope Times, there was an incorrect statement made that must be corrected and we felt that this was of such importance that we could not wait until the next issue to deal with this, so you are receiving this special addendum to this week's True Hope Times.
In "Beware, False Prophets on the Prowl" article, I included the following report:
This nationally renown, celebrity prophet went on to declare that Iran is becoming a Christian nation, that the Christians are going to overthrow the current regime!

In responding to this I did not complete my response which makes it appear that I was connecting Babylon with Iran which of course is not correct.

So please allow me to prevent or clear up any confusion that this may have or could cause.

While Babylon is in the modern day nation of Iraq, and while the Bible does refer directly to Babylon in end time prophecies, Iran is also prophetically mentioned in Daniel, being the kingdom of Persia with the "prince of Persia" being Biblically recognized as an evil force that opposes the works of God.

Persia has been, still is and until the completion of the Great Tribulation will be a demonic stronghold that comes into play against Israel with it's ties to Russia could make it the most evident corridor by which Russia will be able to come against Israel.

The Bible does not ever state that Persia (today's Iran) shall ever turn to God, that it ever has turned to God or that it will ever have the role of an ally to God's people, especially Israel.

Now while the people of Iran may indeed have a desire to be rid of the present political regime, Biblically speaking Persia is never identified as coming out from under the "Prince of Persia" that withstood the mighty angel of God who was dispatched to minister to Daniel!

So, we must remember that any prophecy made must be in alignment with the facts of the Bible.

Again, I apologize for not completing the connecting comments in the article and thank you for allowing this additional mailing to deal with the matter!

Many Blessings!
Dr. Timothy

This nationally renown, celebrity prophet went on to declare that Iran is becoming a Christian nation, that the Christians are going to overthrow the current regime!
True Hope Churches & Ministries
P.O. Box 2474
Springfield, MO  65801