Thank You!
    I know it is not Thanksgiving yet, but I wanted to express my thanks to you for supporting me, Vocation Ministry, and more importantly, promoting vocations when it may not seem the popular thing to do right now.

    Immediately following the breaking news of the recent scandals, many priests said that people will either leave or lead the Church at this time, and I am grateful for you who lead the Church to bring about more vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, and sacramental marriage.

    You are making a difference! You may not see the fruits of your labor yet, and truth be told, you may never see them first hand. Instead, by cooperating with the Holy Spirit, you could be inspiring a young man to be married in the Church and to raise a future priest or sister. You are the gardener, tilling the soil, making the ground fertile!

    Keep your head down praying and gardening for more vocations!

    Reasons to Hope

      If you did not see the news, 40 seminarians from all over the country, who attend the North America College in Rome were ordained Deacons on September 27th. Let us pray for these and all seminarians, especially at this time, that they be bold and rise to the challenges that confront the Church. May they rely on the help of our Blessed Mother and the Divine Mercy of Jesus!


      I came away with a clear hopefulness about vocations amid this scandal after attending a conference with 200+ Vocation Directors from around the country and 10 other countries last month. A variety of Vocation Directors told me that their seminarians and discerners feel called by God at this time for a reason—to be a part of the healing of the Church. Keep your Vocation Director covered in prayer this year!

      November 4-10, 2018
      Last month I discussed Priesthood Sunday, which is October 28, 2018! Now, let’s look forward to National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW), which is on the heals of Priesthood Sunday! Remember to start small and try to do more this year than you did last year. Keep in mind that I completely revamped Priesthood Sunday and NVAW at where I host most the materials below. You can subscribe anytime to

      Purpose: Bring Awareness to priesthood, consecrated religious life, and sacramental marriage

      ____Blurb for bulletin (see activity online)
      ____Make announcement at Masses about activities (see activity online)
      ____Order/Print out Church Book Rack Materials (Phase I online)
      ____ Free copies of Vision Magazine  (Need 8-10 weeks to ship, but they may be able to rush your order.
      ____Ask priest to speak about vocations
      ____Ask priest/sister to visit education classes and parish school classrooms (Phase II online)
      ____Give out Table Tents at Masses/Youth group/religious classes (Phase II online)
      ____Invite married couples to speak to youth group
      ____Suggest to teachers to play games and show vocation videos to kids (Phase II online)

      ____Buy/print out prayer card for vocations (Phase I online)

      Purchase from Vianney Vocations:

      High-Quality Bulletin inserts
      Consecration Poster for classrooms
      Resource Page for your Priest

      Bulletin Insert for Vocation Awareness Week

      Coming to a Diocese Near You?

        God continues to give me plenty of opportunities to speak to priests and parishioners around the United States! If you live nearby, I would love to see you at one of these workshops! Please continue to pray for Vocation Ministry that God’s will be done with every aspect of this ministry!

        October 23, 2018

        Diocese of Beaumont

        Priest Convocation

        October 27, 2018

        Diocese of Manchester, NH

        Diaconate Convocation

        October 29-30, 2018

        Diocese of Manchester, NH

        Priest Convocation

        November 3, 2018

        Diocese of Belleville, Illinois

        Parishioner Workshop

        November 5-6, 2018

        Diocese of Davenport, IA

        Priest Convocation

        December 1, 2018

        Diocese of Davenport, IA

        Parishioner Workshop (English and Spanish)

        January 12, 2019

        Diocese of Beaumont

        Parishioner Workshop (English and Spanish)

        January 26, 2019

        Galveston-Houston EXPO

        Parishioner Follow-up

        February 11. 2019

        Diocese of Stockton, CA

        Priest Convocation

        February 25, 2019

        Diocese of San Diego

        Priest convocation

        March 2, 2019

        Diocese of Manchester, NH

        Parishioner Workshop

        March 23, 2019

        Diocese of Stockton, CA

        Parishioner Workshop (English and Spanish)

        April 6, 2019

        Archdiocese of Omaha

        Parishioner Workshop

        April 7, 2019

        Diocese of Grand Island

        Parishioner Workshop (English and Spanish)

        August 10, 2019

        Diocese of Sacramento

        Parishioner Workshop

        September 4-5, 2019

        Diocese of Youngstown (2nd Time)

        Priest Workshop

        Keep in Touch!

          Don’t forget to email me back with your stories of triumph or struggle. If you have questions, know that I am here to support you in this mission of Building a Culture of Vocations One Parish at a Time! Email me!

          As always, know that you are in my prayers. If you think of it, please pray for me, too.

          God bless you!

          Rhonda Gruenewald
          Vocation Ministry
          Cell: 281-352-4005

          St. Alphonsus Liguori, Pray For Us!

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