3 Part Clinical & Sports Psychology Update
*Can Team Grief Improve Performance?
*Why is A-Rod Doing So Well?
*Financial Stress Busters
Courtesy of JohnFMurray.com
Here are three updates today
I chatted with Brian Costa in The Star Ledger about how the Angels' loss of a teammate could actually help team dedication and focus.
Mike Silva of New York Baseball Digest continues to be a big supporter of sports psychology as he echoed my recent comments about A-Rod's improved play in the New York Post and generated a nice discussion.
Finally, I hope you saw the article with tons of links about how to use psychology to cope just a little better with the financial stress
Onward .. and thanks for your continuing comments, support, and suggestions!
John F Murray
Tel: 561-596-9898
Clinical Psychology and Sports Psychology covers the range of serious issues as well as serious mental skills improvement even if you are completely healthy. Whatever your mental needs are, if you would like to do better in sports, business or life, please call Dr. John F. Murray today at: 561-596-9898
Don't forget to hear the mental audio tips
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