
オススメ TED動画:
Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care | Cleo Wade



例えば、まず最初の "オチ" (punchline)へと至る箇所 (0:54頃):

I wanted him to know that the way we find our strength is through our challenges. I wanted him to know that we can all do something big when we start  small. I wanted him to know that each of us is more resilient than we could ever imagine. So here I am holding little Thelonious. I look down at him, and it hits me: he's a baby.

"I wanted him to know that ~"という弱・強リズムの繰り返しで、確かに大人が子どもに伝えたいと想うメッセージが提示され…

Thelonious君を腕に抱きながら気がついた (it hits me):赤ちゃんやないか!と。

また、ガリレオが個人的に「ここは!」と思ったのが以下 (8:47頃):

We forget that the power to change someone's life is always in our hands. Change-making does not belong to one group of people; it belongs to all of us. You don't have to wait on anyone to tell you that you are in this. Begin. Start by doing what you can with what you've got, where you are and in your own way.


他にも、 "We can transform insecurity into security." (6:31頃) のように、「おぉ(゚∀゚)!」と感じる英語に乗って、愛情あふれたメッセージが届けられています。


しかし、本物の outputの力を涵養するのは美しい英文の手本。ぜひ、まずは耳から、楽しんでみてください♪

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