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How to Read People Like Sherlock Holmes
今回のメルマガでは、最近ガリレオが興味を持って読んだ TIME.comの記事の冒頭部分を紹介し、その中に出てくる英語表現やことばの仕組みを探求していきます。

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This Is How To Read People: 5 Secrets Backed By Research

Body language is key

We’d all like to learn how to read people like Sherlock Holmes. And research shows understanding things like body language is even more powerful than you might think.

MIT found that the outcome of negotiations could be predicted by body language alone 87% of the time.


(1) How to Read People Like Sherlock Holmes

実は、 'read people like Sherlock Holmes' という表現はあいまいで、2通りの解釈を持ちうる。

1. 記事が意図する解釈:read [people] (like Sherlock Holmes)
→ like ~を副詞句と分析し、動詞の readにかける解釈。
「Sherlock Holmesのよう人の心を読む」=Sherlockと同じように、鮮やかかつ正確にに人の心を読み取る方法とは?

2. もう1つの解釈:read [people ]
→ like~を形容詞句と分析し、名詞の peopleにかける解釈。
「Sherlock Holmesのよう人の心を読む」=Sherlockのような天才・奇才の心を逆に読み取ってしまう(頭脳対決に勝つ)方法とは?



(2) 5 Secrets Backed By Research

backedという単語は、文字数やスペースの制限されている headlineでは頻出。

→ (英文英言い換え)
To read people's mind, there are five secrets that are supported by research.

(3) And research shows understanding things like body language is even more powerful than you might think.

'reseach shows...'という文の組み立て方に注目。


understanding ~ 以下は、reserchが showする内容を示す that節 ( thatは省略)。
S: [ understanding [things ]
understandingは動名詞「理解すること」→(何を?)= things (←どんな?) like body language「body languageのような」>>> (1)-2参照

V: is (even) (more) C: (than you might think)

→ (英文英言い換え)
You might think that understanding things such as body language is not so powerful.
But reserch shows that you can actually learn a lot from people's body language.

(4) MIT found that the outcome of negotiations could be predicted by body language alone 87% of the time.

MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology「マサチューセッツ工科大学」
outcome = result
negotiation = 交渉
[名] + alone = 「〜だけで」

また、 'could be predicted' couldに注目。ここでは、主節のVが foundと過去形になっているところの that節内で時制の一致が起こり、 'can be predicted'「予測されうる」の canが 「過去形」の couldになっている例。

→ (英文英言い換え)
According to MIT, you can tell whether negotiations will be successful of not.
How can you do that? Just by analysing people's body language!
And you can still be 87% correct. It's amazing, isn't it?

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